Reserves of oil and gas industry in Russia

Authors: A.P. Shilovsky (Oil and Gas Research Institute of RAS, RF, Moscow)

Key words: Arctic shelf, Eastern Siberia, shale hydrocarbons, hard-to-recover reserves, Moscow sedimentary basin.

The problem of limited hydrocarbon resources trained every year it becomes more obvious. Against the background of known proposals to address this problem are bypassed proposals for study and additional exploration of vast areas for various reasons remained unexplored. Examples of these areas include Moscow sedimentary basin. A special feature of the territory is the presence in the sediment Devonian traps as crystalline solids, in terms of covering a huge area. Thereby generating conditions for the formation of hydrocarbon traps in areas previously recognized unpromising. The author proposes some ways to greatly alleviate the problem of lack of hydrocarbon resources in the shortest possible time and with minimum cost.
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