Thermobaric situ formation treatment: technology and prospects
Authors: K.B. Sarkisyants (Oil and Gas Production Department Surgutneft, RF, Surgut), A.I. Malkin (A.N. Frumkin Insitute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of RAS, RF, Moscow), V.V. Solnyshkin (Oil and Gas Production Department Surgutneft Fedorovskneft, RF, Surgut), M.Yu. Titorov (Perfolink LLC, RF, Moscow.)
Key words: thermobaric situ treatment, hydroactive composition, production stimulation, revivification of permeability.
The article covers the intensification technology of production stimulation of permeable oil-filled formation by means of thermobaric situ treatment. It is based on chemical reaction of aluminium and water shifting the reaction deep down the seam.
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