Geological substantiation of technology of oil field development within salinized low-permeability reservoirs

Authors: V.G. Zhoglo (BelNIPIneft, the Republic of Belarus, Gomel)

Key words: low-permeable salinizated petroleum reservoirs, Pripyat Trough, prospecting and exploitation of oil deposits, dissolution of catagenetic halite

Low permeability of petroleum reservoirs in subsaliferous and intersaliferous deposits within many oil- and salt-bearing regions of the world is often conditioned by catagenetic filling of voids in rocks with halite and other minerals (anhydrite, calcite, dolomite). The Irkutsk Amphitheatre and Tungus Basin in Russia, the Pripyat Trough in Belarus, the Triassic Province in Algeria, the Michigan Basin in USA could be mentioned among such regions. The intensive dissolution of catagenetic halite and the removal of this process products together with by-product water of producing wells onto the surface take place under oil deposits development using fresh water for oil driving and keeping of reservoir pressure. The mentioned above regularities are recommended to use for creating technologies of oil field development within salinized low-permeability reservoirs. The efficiency of the suggested technology is considered based on a test hydrodynamic model.
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