On the influence of the sideholes profile on the initial production rate of wells (by example of Nizhne-Sortimskoye oilfield)

Authors: A.Yu. Mosunov, O.Yu. Grishkevich, I.A. Nikolskaya, E.E. Lange (Tyumen Branch of SurgutNIPIneft, RF, Tyumen)

Key words: profile of sideholes, cross break zone, horizontal section, liquid rate, dynamic equation.

The article analyses the influence of the profile of sideholes on the initial production rate of wells in order to select the optimal profile for sideholes drilling. Having considered the cases under analysis, we have concluded that the productivity rates of S-shaped sideholes are comparable to the productivity rates of straight-line sideholes. In the case of sideholes with complicated horizontal section the results differ a lot. In order to prove the inexpediency of sideholes having cross breaks zones, it is necessary to undertake the well logging complex and find functioning layer intervals. Sideholes hydrodynamic research is also important.
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