Jule 2012 ![]() |
Working out and operation of oil deposits |
M.Z. Taziev, N.F. Gumarov, A.R. Rakhmanov, B.G. Ganiev (Oil and Gas Production Department Almetyevneft, RF, Almetyevsk) From primary recovery to mature field – Almetyevneft production track record DOI: Key words: development stages, the Pashiyskian and Kynovskian sediments, stabilized oil production, hydrofrac, dual completion, dump flooding Two stages of nowadays mature production from the Devonian formations of the Romashkinskoye field are recognized. The paper discusses NDGU’s efforts aimed at increased efficiency of residual reserves stimulation, current results of production enhancement projects. References 1. Taziev M.Z., Zakirov A.F., Gumarov N.F., Taipova V.A., Neftepromyslovoe delo, 2007, no. 5, pp. 6-9. 2. Gumarov N.F., Taipova V.A., O perspektivakh stabilizatsii dobychi nefti na pozdney stadii razrabotki na primere Romashkinskogo mestorozhdeniya (Collected papers “On the prospects of stabilization of oil production in the late stage of development as an example Romashkinskoye field”), Scientific-practical conference, Almetyevsk "TatASUneft", 2007, pp. 64-80. 3. Panarin A.T., Khaliullin F.F., Valitov Sh.M., Novye resursosberegayushchie tekhnologii nedropol'zovaniya i povysheniya nefteotdachi (Collected papers “New resource saving technologies of subsoil use and enhanced oil recovery”), V International technology symposium, Moscow: Publ. of Petroleum Business Institute, 2006, pp. 302-308. 4. Gumarov N.F., Povyshenie nefteotdachi plastov (Collected papers “Enhancing oil recovery”), International technology symposium, Moscow: Publ. of Petroleum Business Institute, 2002. 5. Gumarov N.F., Rakhmanov A.R., Ganiev B.G., Regulirovanie protsessov nefteizvlecheniya na pozdney stadii razrabotki Romashkinskogo mestorozhdeniya na ob"ektakh NGDU “Al'met'evneft'” (Regulation of oil recovery processes at a late stage of development at Almetyevneft oil-and-gas production department sites of Romashkinskoye field), Kazan': Tsentr operativnoy pechati Publ., 2010, pp. 33-40. 6. Rakhmanov A.R., Gumarov N.F., Ganiev B.G., et al., O dal'neyshikh perspektivakh sovershenstvovaniya razrabotki 3 bloka Berezovskoy ploshchadi Romashkinskogo mestorozhdeniya na osnove kompleksnoy avtomatizatsii (On the future prospects of improving the development of the third block of area Berezovskaya of Romashkinskoye field on the basis of complex automation), Kazan': Tsentr operativnoy pechati Publ., 2011, pp. 19-22. 7. Gumarov N.F., Ganiev B.G., Karpova O.M., Proshloe, nastoyashchee i budushchee neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy v Respublike Tatarstan (Collected papers “Past, present and future of oil fields in Tatarstan”, Scientific-practical conference devoted to 60th anniversary of Tatneft OAO, Naberezhnye Chelny: OOO «Ofis-Treyd» Publ., 2010, Part 1, pp. 88-91. 8. Gumarov N.F., Ganiev B.G., Karpova O.M., Proshloe, nastoyashchee i budushchee neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy v Respublike Tatarstan (Collected papers “Past, present and future of oil fields in Tatarstan”, Scientific-practical conference devoted to 60th anniversary of Tatneft OAO, Naberezhnye Chelny: OOO «Ofis-Treyd» Publ., 2010, Part 2, pp. 228-230. 9. Gumarov N.F., Ganiev B.G., Karpova O.M., Proshloe, nastoyashchee i budushchee neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy v Respublike Tatarstan (Collected papers “Past, present and future of oil fields in Tatarstan”, Scientific-practical conference devoted to 60th anniversary of Tatneft OAO, Naberezhnye Chelny: OOO «Ofis-Treyd» Publ., 2010, Part 2, pp. 70-73. 10. Gumarov N.F., Rizvanova M.S., Aktual'nye problemy pozdney stadii osvoeniya neftegazodobyvayushchikh regionov (Collected papers “Actual problems of late stage development of oil and gas producing regions”), International scientific and practical conference, Kazan': FEN Publ., 2008, pp. 348-352.Login or register before ordering |
N.F. Gumarov, M.V. Shvydenko, B.G. Ganiev, B.F. Zakiev (Oil and Gas Production Department Almetyevneft, RF, Almetyevsk) On improvement of field development system on Berezovskaya area Block 3 DOI: Key words: automation, dump flooding, artificial lift monitoring system, Lufkin well manager The authors will discuss the issues of residual reserves development, drainage of tight reservoirs and sloughing shales on the Berezovskaya Area Block 3. Case studies of dump flooding and power-efficient artificial lift are presented, as well as NGDU’s experience of application of automation means to specify interference and to monitor production. References 1. Gumarov N.F., Rizvanova M.S., Aktual'nye problemy pozdney stadii osvoeniya neftegazodobyvayushchikh regionov (Collected papers “Actual problems of late stage development of oil and gas producing regions”), International scientific and practical conference, Kazan': FEN Publ., 2008, pp. 348-352. 2. Rakhmanov A.R., Gumarov N.F., Ganiev B.G., O stabilizatsii dobychi nefti na pozdney stadii razrabotki na primere NGDU “Al'met'evneft'” (Collected papers “On the stabilization of oil production in the late stage of development as an example Almetyevneft oil-and-gas production department”), Scientific-practical conference, Kazan': Tsentr Operativnoy pechati, 2011, pp. 19-32. 3. Rizvanova M.S., Gumarov N.F., Taipova V.A., O perspektivakh stabilizatsii dobychi nefti na pozdney stadii razrabotki na primere Romashkinskogo mestorozhdeniya (Collected papers “On the prospects of stabilization of oil production in the late stage of development as an example Romashkinskoye field”), Scientific-practical conference, Almetyevsk "TatASUneft", 2007, pp. 212-218. 4. Rizvanova M.S., Gumarov N.F., Taipova V.A., Tekhnika i tekhnologiya razrabotki neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy (Collected papers Technique and technology of oil field development), Scientific-practical conference devoted to 60th anniversary of Tatneft OAO, Moscow: Neftyanoe khozyaystvo Publ., 2008, pp. 124-127. 5. Shvydenko M.V., Kagarmanova G.I., Gumarov N.F., Ganiev B.G., Proshloe, nastoyashchee i budushchee neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy v Respublike Tatarstan (Collected papers “Past, present and future of oil fields in Tatarstan”, Scientific-practical conference devoted to 60th anniversary of Tatneft OAO, Naberezhnye Chelny: OOO «Ofis-Treyd» Publ., 2010, Part 1, pp. 124-131.Login or register before ordering |
A.V. Nasybullin, O.G. Antonov, A.A. Shutov (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma), A.R. Rakhmanov, B.G. Ganiev (Oil and Gas Production Department Almetyevneft, RF, Almetyevsk) 3D reservoir modeling and AI-based optimization of waterflooding system DOI: Key words: permanently updated geological and reservoir model, neural network modeling, forecast calculations, water flooding optimization, automation aids. The paper presents results of research a procedure for optimal well performance using 3D reservoir modeling and artificial intelligence elements. The procedure allows waterflooding system optimization for increased or sustained oil production while maintaining minimum watercut. Login or register before ordering |
O.M. Karpova, B.G. Ganiev, N.F. Gumarov (Oil and Gas Production Department Almetyevneft, RF, Almetyevsk) Frac jobs in mature fields by example of devonian formations, Romashkinskoye field DOI: Key words: fracturing, reservoir properties, wellbore zone, re-fracturing, multiple fracturing The paper discusses results of hydro fracturing in mature fields by the example of the Devonian formations of the Romashkinskoye field. Efficiency of fracturing jobs, including re-fracturing and fracturing in newly completed wells, as well as frac jobs in injection wells, is analyzed. References 1. Gumarov N.F., Ganiev B.G., Karpova O.M., Proshloe, nastoyashchee i budushchee neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy v Respublike Tatarstan (Collected papers “Past, present and future of oil fields in Tatarstan”, Scientific-practical conference devoted to 60th anniversary of Tatneft OAO, Naberezhnye Chelny: OOO «Ofis-Treyd» Publ., 2010, Part 1, pp. 88-91. 2. Gumarov N.F., Ganiev B.G., Karpova O.M., Proshloe, nastoyashchee i budushchee neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy v Respublike Tatarstan (Collected papers “Past, present and future of oil fields in Tatarstan”, Scientific-practical conference devoted to 60th anniversary of Tatneft OAO, Naberezhnye Chelny: OOO «Ofis-Treyd» Publ., 2010, Part 2, pp. 228-230. 3. A.R. Rakhmanov, B.G. Ganiev, O.M. Karpova, N.F. Gumarov, O stabilizatsii dobychi nefti na pozdney stadii razrabotki na primere NGDU “Al'met'evneft'” (Collected papers “On the stabilization of oil production in the late stage of development as an example Almetyevneft oil-and-gas production department”), Scientific-practical conference, Kazan': Tsentr Operativnoy pechati, 2011, pp. 4-18.Login or register before ordering |
V.G. Salimov, O.V. Salimov (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma) Calculation of reservoir permeability coefficient based on fracture calibration test data DOI: Key words: fracture calibration test, permeability coefficient, modified Mayerhofer method, fracture closure. This paper discusses the problem of calculating reservoir permeability coefficient based on fracture calibration test (minifrac) in Tatarstan oil fields. In case of long fracture closure time it is reasonable to use modified Mayerhofer method. This method is employed in MathCad package. It has been shown that the results obtained from Mayerhofer method, MinFrac code and empirical equation constitute a good match. References 1. Economides M.J., Nolte K.G., Reservoir stimulation, Schlumberger educational services, 3rd edition, 1998. 2. Mayerhofer M.J., Ehlig-Economides C.A., Economides M.J., Pressure-transient analysis of fracture-calibration, SPE 26527, JPT, 47(3), 1995, pp. Р. 229-234. 3. Valkó P.P., Economides M.J. Fluid-leakoff delineation in high permeability fracturing, SPE 37403, SPE Production & Facilities, 1999, (5), pp. 117-133. Login or register before ordering |
R.M. Rakhmanov, F.Z. Ismagilov, G.N. Farkhutdinov, A.I. Khisamutdinov (Tatneft OAO, RF, Almetyevsk), M.Kh. Musabirov, E.M. Abusalimov (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma) First results of commercial application of KSK-Tatneft acidizing compositions DOI: Key words: acidizing, acidizing compositions, reservoir stimulation, oil reservoir, efficiency and success rate. Tatneft engineers have developed new acidizing compositions referred to as KSK-Tatneft. Various application scenarios have been field tested at Tatneft assets comprising Carboniferous and Devonian carbonate and terrigenous reservoirs. KSK acidizing compositions have been commercially used in 600 wells. Analysis and integration of field data made it possible to define geotechnical conditions for their application. Various approaches to reservoir acidizing have been developed, as well as basic scenarios for specific application of acidizing compositions. This paper presents recommended practices in selecting targets for acidizing jobs and technological scenarios screening. References 1. Rakhmanov R.M., Ismagilov F.Z., Musabirov M.Kh., Orlov G.A., Neftepromyslovoe delo, 2008, no. 2, pp. 18-21. 2. Musabirov M.Kh., Sokhranenie i uvelichenie produktivnosti neftyanykh plastov (Maintaining and increasing the productivity of oil reservoirs), Kazan': Fen Publ., 2007, 424 p. 3. Rakhmanov R.M., Ismagilov F.Z., Khisamutdinov A.I., et al., Trudy in-ta TatNIPIneft' (Transactions of TatNIPIneft), 2010, V. 78, pp. 214-222. 4. Tokunov V.I., Saushin A.Z., Tekhnologicheskie zhidkosti i sostavy dlya povysheniya produktivnosti neftyanykh i gazovykh skvazhin (Process fluids and compositions for increasing the productivity of oil and gas wells), Moscow: OOO “Nedra-Biznestsentr” Publ., 2004, 711 p. 5. Glushchenko V.N., Obratnye emul'sii i suspenzii v neftyanoy promyshlennosti (Inverted emulsions and suspensions in the oil industry), Moscow: Interkontakt Nauka Publ., 2008, 725 p. 6. Glazova V.M., Trakhtman G.I., Neftepromyslovoe delo, 1985, pp. 60. 7. Glushchenko V.N., Pozdeev O.V., Voprosy povysheniya effektivnosti kislotnykh sostavov dlya obrabotki skvazhin (Issues of efficiency of acid compositions for well treatment), Moscow: Publ. of VNIIOENG, 1992, 52 p. 8. Musabirov M.Kh., Denisov D.G., Kriushkin V.A., et al, Trudy in-ta TatNIPIneft' (Transactions of TatNIPIneft), 2008, pp. 378-390.Login or register before ordering |
A.R. Rakhmanov, E.V. Ozheredov, B.F. Zakiev, B.G. Ganiev, M.M. Malikov (Oil and Gas Production Department Almetyevneft, RF, Almetyevsk) Failure risk management in operation of dual completion systems for injection DOI: Key words: injection, dual completion systems for injection, reservoir stimulation, failure rate, risk management The paper summarizes Almetyevneft’s experience of dual completion technology for injection. Key performance indices, well selection criteria, failure risks associated with technological aspects are discussed. Economic estimate of risk management efficiency is given. References 1. Murav'ev B.M., Ekspluatatsiya neftyanykh i gazovykh skvazhin (Exploitation of oil and gas wells), Moscow: Nedra Publ., 1973, 381 p. 2. RD 153-39.1-633-09, Instruktsiya po primeneniyu tekhnologii odnovremenno-razdel'noy zakachki vody i podboru skvazhin dlya ORZ v sisteme PPD OAO “Tatneft'” (Instructions for use of dual water injection technology and the wells selection for reservoir pressure maintenance system in Tatneft OAO), Bugul'ma: Publ. of TatNIPIneft', 2008, 89 p. 3. Zabbarov R.G., Sovershenstvovanie odnovremenno-razdel'noy ekspluatatsii plastov na pozdney stadii razrabotki neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy (Improving the dual operation of late-stage development of oil fields): a thesis of candidate of technical sciences, Bugul'ma, 2009. 4. RD 153-39.1-552-08, Nasosno-kompressornye truby s muftami umen'shennogo diametra (Tubing with the clutches of smaller diameter), Bugul'ma: Publ. of TatNIPIneft', VNNITneft', 2007, 14 p. 5. Akhmetzyanov R.R., Malenova O.V., Razvitie tekhnologii ORZ v NGDU “Al'met'evneft'” (Development of dual injection technology into Almetyevneft oil-and-gas production department), Youth scientific and practical conference devoted to 60th anniversary of the start of development of Romashkinskoye field, Bavly, 2008, V. 1, pp. 69-71. 6. Akhmetzyanov R.R., Soyuz nauki i proizvodstva – put' k uspekhu (Collected papers “Union science and industry - the path to success”), Scientific and practical conference devoted to 50th anniversary of TatNIPIneft, Bugul'ma, 2006, V. 1, pp. 112-113.Login or register before ordering |
Drilling of chinks |
N.F. Gumarov, R.M. Minnulin, R.R. Faskhutdinov (Oil and Gas Production Department Almetyevneft, RF, Almetyevsk) On efficiency of drilling of new wells in Almetyevneft assets DOI: Key words: horizontal and multilateral wells, slim holes, production rates of new wells, cement quality, types of drilling troubles The paper focuses on the main trends of the ongoing drilling operations of Oil and Gas Production Department Almetyevneft. A number of case studies of horizontal wells targeting the Tournaisian and Bobric formations are presented. Estimate of total drilling efficiency for 2000-2011 is given including that for slim holes penetrating the Bobric formations. References 1. Gumarov N.F., Minnullin R.M., Ganiev B.G., Uvelichenie nefteotdachi – prioritetnoe napravlenie vosproizvodstva zapasov uglevodorodnogo syr'ya (Collected papers “Enhanced oil recovery - a priority of hydrocarbon reserves reproduction”), International scientific and practical conference, Kazan': FEN AR RT Publ., 2011, pp. 139-143. 2. Gumarov N.F., Rakhmanov A.R., Ganiev B.G., Garipova E.N., Innovatsii i tekhnologii v razvedke, dobyche i pererabotke nefti i gaza (Collected papers “Innovations and technologies in the exploration, extraction and processing of oil and gas”), International scientific and practical conference, Kazan': FEN AN RT Publ., 2010, pp. 101-103. 3. Gumarov N.F., Faskhutdinov R.R., Minnullin R.M., Collected papers of Scientific-practical conference devoted to 60th anniversary of Tatneft OAO, Kazan': Tsentr operativnoy pechati Publ., 2010, Part 1, pp. 219-221. 4. Teplova L.G., Gumarov N.F., Minnullin R.M., Collected papers of Scientific-practical conference devoted to 60th anniversary of Tatneft OAO, Kazan': Tsentr operativnoy pechati Publ., 2010, Part 1, pp. 132-135. 5. Gumarov N.F., Faskhutdinov R.R., Minnullin R.M., Collected papers of Scientific-practical conference devoted to 60th anniversary of Tatneft OAO, Kazan': Tsentr operativnoy pechati Publ., 2010, Part 1, pp. 94-98. 6. Gumarov N.F., Rakhmanov A.R., Ganiev B.G., Collected papers of Scientific-practical conference devoted to 60th anniversary of Tatneft OAO, Kazan': Tsentr operativnoy pechati Publ., 2010, Part 1, pp. 33-40.Login or register before ordering |
R.A. Tabashnikov (OOO Tatneft-AlmetyevskRemServis, RF, Almetyevsk), R.R. Kadyrov, A.S. Zhirkeev, A.V. Patlai (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma), B.N. Zagrutdinov (Oil and Gas Production Department Almetyevneft, RF, Almetyevsk) Synthetic polymer fiber increases efficiency of remedial cementing DOI: Key words: fiber, fiber-cement slurry, lost circulation, injectivity. TatNIPIneft has developed a remedial cementing technology to fight lost circulation issues. The technology uses cement compositions with reinforcing fiber additives. Reinforcing fiber is made of thermoplastic polymer and has a cylindrical shape. Cement systems are characterized by high mobility, enhanced sedimentation stability, reduced water loss, good mudding off properties, ensuring high set strength. Out of seven remedial jobs performed in TATNEFT wells, six yielded positive results. References 1. Perepelkin K.E., Armiruyushchie volokna i voloknistye polimernye kompozity (Reinforcing fibers and fiber polymer composites), St. Petersburg, Nauchnye osnovy i tekhnologii Publ., 2009, 379 p. 2. Ramachandran, V. S., Concrete Admixtures Handbook: Properties, Science, and Technology, USA, New Jersey, 1984, p. 626. 3. Rabinovich F.N., Kompozity na osnove dispersno-armirovannykh betonov (Composites based on dispersion-reinforced concrete), Moscow: Publ. of Assotsiatsiya stroitel'nykh vuzov, 2004, 560 p.Login or register before ordering |
Information technology |
V.G. Fadeev (Tatneft OAO, RF, Almetyevsk), R.G. Zabbarov, A.A. Kghusnutdinov (Engineering Centre of Tatneft OAO, RF, Almetyevsk) ARMITS – Corporate Information System of Tatneft OAO DOI: Key words: operational control, oil production, business processes, customer- contractor interaction. ARMITS Corporate Information System is the main system of operational control and monitoring of oil production processes in Tatneft OAO. The efficiency of reserves development is attained through providing the user with a wide range of tasks that cover all key business processes in a single database with a complete list of indicators related to oil recovery and operation of production facilities Login or register before ordering |
Technics and technology of oil recovery |
A.R. Rakhmanov, R.N. Akhmadiev (Oil and Gas Production Department Almetyevneft, RF, Almetyevsk), K.V. Valovsky, G.U. Basos (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma) Double-action ESP pumping system for dump flooding DOI: Key words: water-producing wells, oil production costs, down-hole gravity separation, double-action pumping system, ESP pumping system, intake formation, dump flooding to maintain reservoir pressure. This paper discusses some aspects of improving water-producing wells operation through the use of double-action ESP pumping systems for dump flooding to maintain reservoir pressure. These pumping systems provide for down-hole gravity separation of crude oil and associated water. Then, either low-water-cut oil is produced to the surface while most of the separated water is injected to the intake formation without its lifting to the surface, or oil and water are lifted to the surface separately. In addition, ESP systems ensure low-cost control of oil-water mixture/separated water ratio, as well as the injected water quality control. References 1. Patent no. 2394153 S1, RF, MPK E21B 43/00, Sposob ekspluatatsii vysokoobvodnennoy neftyanoy skvazhiny (Method of operation of highly watered oil well), authors: Basos G.Yu., Valovskiy V.M., Valovskiy K.V., Garifov K.M. 2. Patent no. 2395672 S1, RF, MPK E21B 43/14, Ustanovka dlya ekspluatatsii vysokoobvodnennykh neftyanykh skvazhin (Device for exploitation of highly watered oil wells) authors: Basos G.Yu., Valovskiy V.M., Valovskiy K.V., Garifov K.M. 3. Valovskiy K.V., Basos G.Yu., Valovskiy V.M. et al., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2011, no. 7, pp. 62-65. 4. STO TN 028-2008, Zakachka tekhnologicheskoy zhidkosti dlya podderzhaniya plastovogo davleniya na mestorozhdeniyakh OAO “Tatneft'” (Injection of process fluid to maintain formation pressure on the fields of Tatneft OAO), Bugulma: Publ. of TatNIPIneft', 2008, XXX p. 5. RD 153 39.1 241 02, Rukovodstvo po ekspluatatsii skvazhin ustanovkami elektropogruzhnykh tsentrobezhnykh nasosov v OAO “Tatneft'” (Manual of well operation with electric submersible pump units in Tatneft OAO), Bugulma: Publ. of TatNIPIneft', 2001, XXX p. 6. Andreev I.I., Fadeev V.G., Fattakhov R.B., Fedotov G.A., Mezhskvazhinnaya i vnutriskvazhinnaya perekachka vody v sisteme podderzhaniya plastovogo davleniya (Crosshole and downhole pumping of water to maintain reservoir pressure), Moscow: Publ. of OAO «VNIIOENG», 2006, 232 p. 7. RD 153-39.0-596-08, Reglament po kontrolyu tekhnicheskogo sostoyaniya ekspluatatsionnykh kolonn (Rules to control the technical condition of production strings), Bugul'ma, 2008.Login or register before ordering |
The oil-field equipment |
R.M. Gareev (Tatneft OAO, RF, Almrtyevsk), A.R. Rakhmanov, I.A. Sharipov (Oil and Gas Production Department Almetyevneft, RF, Almetyevsk), F.Sh. Shakirov, A.A. Fatkhullin (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma), V.E. Tkacheva (Kazan National Technical University, RF, Kazan) Performance characteristics of electrically-insulating joints by results of bench testing DOI: Key words: internal corrosion, galvanic anode protection, pipeline, electrically-insulating joints. The paper presents performance characteristics of electrically-insulating joints in the cathodic protection systems of pipelines based on the results of bench testing. It has been offered to use efficiency coefficient of electrically-insulating properties characterizing the amount of protective current that remains once electrically-insulating joints have been installed as the main characteristic of an electrically-insulating joint. It has been shown that the more reliable protection of the pipeline, the more stray current flows through the electrically-insulating joint, i.e. the same electrically-insulating structure would be characterized by different efficiency coefficients (resistance to corrosion) in different cathodic protection systems. References 1. Fatkhullin A.A., Shakirov F.Sh., Shammasov R.M., et al., Trudy in-ta TatNIPIneft' (Transactions of TatNIPIneft), Moscow: Publ. of VNIIOENG, 2009, pp. 458-466. 2. Shakirov F.Sh., Shammasov R.M., Fatkhullin A.A., Antikorrozionnaya zashchita 2010, (Collection of reports of interdisciplinary conference “Corrosion protection in 2010”), Moscow: OOO “Intekheko”, 2010, pp. 54-55. 3. Fatkhullin A.A., Kaydrikov R.A., Zhuravlev B.L., Tkacheva V.E., Elektroizoliruyushchie soedineniya v sistemakh elektrokhimicheskoy zashchity. Konstruktsii. Modelirovanie. Raschety (Electrically insulating compound in cathodic protection systems. Construction. Modeling. Calculations), Kazan': Publ. of Kazan National Research Technological University, 2011, 150 p.Login or register before ordering |
Transport and oil preparation |
A.R. Rakhmanov, R.N. Akhmadiev, D.N. Dautov (Oil and Gas Production Department Almetyevneft, RF, Almetyevsk) Almetyevneft experience of scale precipitation control in the field gathering system DOI: Key words: scale precipitation in oilfield lines, casing head pressure increase, increased oil underproduction, scale precipitation inhibitors, barium sulphate deposition, sulfuric acid slug injection, critical concentration of barium ions and sulphates mixture. The problem of scale precipitation in field gathering lines and process facilities of Oil and Gas Production Department Almetyevneft still persists. Scale precipitation occurs when critical mass of salt present in the wellstream has been exceeded. Salting-up is fraught with serious problems: narrowing of pipe ID with the resulting decreased throughput, underproduction due to increased casing head pressure and idle time while workover jobs, as well as escalation of operating costs associated with remedial actions. Early detection of salting-up drivers and prevention thereof is particularly critical for mature-stage fields, when cut-down of oil production OPEX is among top-priority objectives. References 1. Kashchavtsev V.E., Mishchenko I.T., Soleobrazovanie pri dobyche nefti (Salt formation during oil production), Moscow: Orbita-M Publ., 2004, 432 p. 2. Patent no. 2325515 RF, MPK8 E 21 V 43/20, 37/00, F17 D 3/00, Sposob ekspluatatsii dobyvayushchey skvazhiny i neftepromysovogo truboprovoda (Method of exploitation of production wells and oil pipelines), autors: Ibragimov N.G., Taziev M.Z., A.F. Zakirov, Ozheredov E.V., Rakhmanov A.R., Gilya-Zetdinov A.G.Login or register before ordering |
E.S. Buslaev, R.Z. Sahabutdinov, L.V. Kudryashova, O.Yu. Antonov, I.Ya. Khabibullin (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma), I.A. Sharipov (Oil and Gas Production Department Almetyevneft, RF, Almetyevsk) STOK-101 analyzer’s database for oil-field wastewater treatment Process DOI: Key words: wastewater, monitoring of wastewater, STOK-101 impurities analyzer, content of impurities. Tatneft OAO has been effectively employing the system of oilfield waste water quality monitoring in real-time mode. Relying on the database of impurities’ analyzers, the effect of various technical and operational factors on oilfield wastewater treatment (tank innage level, mode of pumping units operation and the volume of water injected in the formation pressure maintenance system, etc.) has been analyzed. The paper presents recommendations for improving the efficiency of wastewater treatment. References 1. Buslaev E.S., Sakhabutdinov R.Z., Kudryashova L.V., Nurutdinov A.S., Modernizatsiya neftegazovoy otrasli v 2011 (Collected papers “Modernization of Oil and Gas Industry in 2011”), IV International conference, Moscow, 2011, pp. 43-45. 2. Kudryashova L.V., Sakhabutdinov R.Z., Buslaev E.S., Antonov O.Yu., Nigmatullina A.I., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2010, no. 7, pp. 58-60. 3. Potochnyy analizator zagryazneniy v stochnykh vodakh “STOK-101” (Stream wastewater pollution analyzer "STOK-101"), URL: http://www.innovexpo.ru/index3.php?RUB=07&YR=10. 4. Patent no. 2313077 RF, MPK G 01 N 15/06, 29/02, Sposob ul'trazvukovogo izmereniya kontsentratsii vzveshennykh veshchestv v zhidkoy srede (The method of ultrasonic measurement of the concentration of suspended solids in a liquid medium), authors: Fadeev V.G., Fedotov G.A., Sakhabutdinov R.Z., Kudryashova L.V., Khusnutdinov Sh.M., Saitkulov V.G., Saitkulov N.O. 5. Kudryashova L.V., et al., Aktual'nye problemy geologii i razrabotki neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy Tatarstana, (Collected papers of TatNIPIneft “Urgent problems of geology and development of oil fields of Tatarstan”), Moscow: “Zakon i poryadok” Publ., 2006, pp. 440-443.Login or register before ordering |
Ecological and industrial safety |
R.M. Gareev (Tatneft OAO, RF, Almetyevneft), A.F. Alchinov (Oil and Gas Production Department Almetyevneft, RF, Almetyevsk), M.N. Mingazov, E.V. Khisamutdinova (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma) Experience and results of ecological monitoring of company’s operations DOI: Key words: oil and gas production department (NGDU), environmental activity, environmental protection, monitoring, information systems. The paper presents comprehensive activities of environmental service of the Oil and Gas Production Department Almetyevneft pertaining to environmental protection. Login or register before ordering |
The oil and gas industry |
A.E. Kontorovich, L.V. Eder, V.Yu. Nemov (A.A. Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, Siberian Branch of RAS) Balance of the work of Russia oil industry in 2011 DOI: Key words: oil industry, recovery, processing, export, petroleum products. The results of the operation of oil and gas industry in Russia in 2011 are considered. Analysis of Russia's role in the global oil supply system is carried out. The data on oil production in Russia with the differentiation by the regions and companies are given. The main parameters characterizing the work of Russia oil refining industry are considered. The evaluation of the structure and dynamics of exports of crude oil and petroleum products is executed. References 1. Itogi proizvodstvennoy deyatel'nosti otrasley TEK Rossii (The results of the production sectors of Russia's FEC), TEK Rossii, 2000–2012, no. 1. 2. Svodnye pokazateli proizvodstva energoresursov v Rossiyskoy Federatsii (Summary statistics of energy production in the Russian Federation), Info TEK, 2000-2012, no. 1. 3. Statistika (Statistics), Razvedka i dobycha, 2005-2012, no. 1. 4. International Energy Annual 2012, Energy Information Administration, Office of Energy Markets and End Use, Washington, 2012 . 5. World Energy Outlook 2011, International Energy Agency, 2012. 6. O sostoyanii vneshney torgovli Rossii (On the state of Russia's foreign trade), Federal'naya sluzhba gosudarstvennoy statistiki, 2000–2012. 7. Tamozhennaya statistika vneshney torgovli (Customs statistics of foreign trade), 2000–2012. Login or register before ordering |
Economy, management, the legal right |
V.V. Kulchitsky (Gubkin Scientific and Technical Society of Oil and Gas Experts, RF, Moscow), L.S. Brilliant (Tyumen Institute of Oil and Gas, RF, Tyumen) On the taxation of operations on side-tracking DOI: Key words: top overhaul, reconstruction of wells, side-tracking, rate of recovery. The article invites to discuss the decision of Highest arbitration court: in which case a side-tracking is top overhaul of wells and in which case a side-tracking is reconstruction of wells. Antagonisms and misunderstandings between federal tax service and the oil-producing enterprises, arbitration courts and experts are lasting more 20 years. References 1. Pravila bezopasnosti v neftyanoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti (Safety regulations in the oil and gas industry), PR 08-624-03. 2. Rekomendatsii po opredeleniyu vidov remontnykh rabot v skvazhinakh, ekspluatiruemykh organizatsiyami neftedobyvayushchey, neftepererabatyvayushchey, gazovoy i neftekhimicheskoy promyshlennosti (Recommendations for the definition of repair work in the wells operated by organizations of upstream, downstream and petrochemical industries): approved by order of the Russian Ministry of Energy of 24.06.2008, no. 5. 3. Pravila okhrany nedr (Rules of the subsoil), approved by the resolution of Gosgortekhnadzor of 06.06.2003, no. 71.Login or register before ordering |
Geology and geologo-prospecting works |
E.B. Topychkanova, M.V. Berbushenko, A.V. Matayev, T.V. Tomilina (Center of Geological maintenance of Surgutneftegaz OAO activity, RF, Surgut) Seismic and geological characteristics of the Jurassic productive complexes at the western periphery of the Surgut arch DOI: Key words: productive complexes, сейсмостратиграфия, ССК, литология, обстановки осадконакопления, нефтегазоносность. A comprehensive study and the dismemberment of the Lower Middle Jurassic deposits of western areas of the West Siberian basin are carried out. A complex structure of rocks of Tyumenskaya and Gorelaya suits, defined by a variety of environments of their formation, is established. Based on the integration of seismic, well logging, core data three productive complexes, characterized by certain conditions of sediment accumulation, specific sets of traps and hydrocarbon deposits, confined to him, are selected in the Jurassic sediments. The problems of structure, formation, material composition features, seismic and geological characteristics of the productive complexes of the Jurassic, hydrocarbon traps typification are considered. Patterns of their distribution on the western periphery of the Surgut arch are shown. References 1. Aktual'nye problemy neftegazonosnykh basseynov (Actual problems of oil and gas basins): edited by Karogodin Yu.N., Novosibirsk: Publ. of NGU, 2003, pp. 103-122. 2. Atlas «Geologiya i neftegazonosnost' Khanty-Mansiyskogo avtonomnogo okruga» NATs RN KhMAO im. V.I. Shpil'mana (Atlas of the "Geology and petroleum potential of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous District" of V.I. Shpilman Scientific and Analytical Centre of Rational Subsurface Management): edited by Akhpatelov E.A. Et al., Ekaterinburg: IzdatNaukaServis Publ., 2004. 3. Karogodin Yu.N., Ershov S.V., Safonov V.S., et al., Priobskaya neftenosnaya zona Zapadnoy Sibiri; Sistemno-litmologicheskiy aspekt (Priobskaya oil-bearing zone of Western Siberia; system-lithological aspect), Novosibirsk: Publ. of SO RAN NITs OiGGM, 1996, 252 p. 4. Muromtsev V.S., Elektrometricheskaya geologiya peschanykh tel, litologicheskikh lovushek nefti i gaza (Electrometric geology of sand bodies, lithologic traps of oil and gas), Leningrad: Nedra Publ., 1984. 5. Nezhdanov A.A., Seysmogeologicheskiy analiz neftegazonosnykh otlozheniy Zapadnoy Sibiri dlya tseley prognoza i kartirovaniya neantiklinal'nykh lovushek i zalezhey UV (Seismological analysis of the oil and gas deposits in West Siberia for the purpose of forecasting and mapping nonanticlinal traps and hydrocarbon deposits):Thesis of doctor of geological-mineralogical sciences, Tyumen', 2004. 6. Reshenie 6-go mezhvedomstvennogo stratigraficheskogo soveshchaniya po rassmotreniyu i prinyatiyu utochnennykh stratigraficheskikh skhem mezozoyskikh otlozheniy Zapadnoy Sibiri (The decision of the 6th Interdepartmental Stratigraphic meeting on the consideration and adoption of revised stratigraphic scheme of Mesozoic deposits of West Siberia), Novosibirsk, 2004. 7. Topychkanova E.B., Ermakova S.A., Chumachenko T.I., Zorina O.A., Seysmogeologicheskaya kharakteristika lovushek sredney yury na zapade Surgutskogo svoda (Seismological characteristics of the traps of the Middle Jurassic in the west of the Surgut arch), Surgut: Publ. of OAO «Surgutneftegaz» SurgutNIPIneft' (), 2004. 8. Shilov G.Ya., Dzhafarov I.S., Geneticheskie modeli osadochnykh i vulkanogennykh porod i tekhnologiya ikh fatsial'noy interpretatsii po geologo-geofizicheskim dannym (Genetic models of sedimentary and volcanic rocks and technology of their facies interpretation of geological and geophysical data ), Moscow, 2001.Login or register before ordering |
S.N. Krivoshchekov, I.A. Kozlov (Perm National Research Polytechnic University, RF, Perm) Geodynamic characteristics of the conditions of French-Famennian strata dispersed organic matter immersion and catagenesis in Perm Region DOI: Key words: geodynamic modeling, oil source strata, French-Famennian sediments, the summary impulse of heat. The article describes the results of geodynamic modeling of the history of diving and the major oil source strata conversion of the Perm region. With the help of probabilistic and statistical methods derived complex geodynamic model prediction criterion of oil and gas. References 1. Galkin V.I., Kozlova I.A., Krivoshchekov S.N., et al., Geologiya, geofizikairazrabotkaneftyanykhigazovykhmestorozhdeniy, 2007, no. 10, pp. 22-27. 2. Galkin V.I., Kozlova I.A., Rastegaev A.V., Nauka – proizvodstvu, 2006, no. 1, pp. 73-77. 3. Galkin V.I., Krivoshchekov S.N., Nauchnye issledovaniya i innovatsii, 2009, V. 3, no. 4, pp. 3-7. 4. Galkin V.I., Krivoshchekov S.N., Nauchnye issledovaniya i innovatsii, 2011, V. 5, no. 2, pp. 5. Galkin V.I., Rastegaev A.V., Galkin S.V., Voevodkin V.L., Nauka – proizvodstvu, 2006, no. 1, pp. 6. Galkin S.V., Kozlova I.A., Galkin V.I., et al., Geologiya, geofizika i razrabotka neftyanykh i gazovykh mestorozhdeniy, 2002, no. 11, pp. 7. Krivoshchekov S.N., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2011, no. 10, pp. 10-14. 8. Krivoshchekov S.N., Galkin V.I., Volkova A.S., Neftepromyslovoe delo, 2010, no. 7, pp. 10-14. 9. Neruchev S.G. Rogozina E.K., Neftegazoobrazovannie v otlozheniyakh domanikovogo tipa (Oil and gas generation in domanic-type sediments), Leningrad: Nedra, Nedra Publ., 1986, p. 10. Shershnev K.S., Blaginykh L.L., Dulepov Yu.A., et al., Geologiya i osvoenie resursov nefti v Kamsko-Kinel'skoy sisteme progibov (Collected papers “ Geology and exploration of oil resources in the Kama-Kinel system of troughs”), Moscow: Nauka Publ., 1991, p. 11. Rodionova K.F., Organicheskoe veshchestvo i neftematerinskie porody devona Volgo-Ural'skoy neftegazonosnoy oblasti (Organic matter and the source rocks of the Devonian of the Volga-Ural oil and gas area), Moscow: Nedra Publ., 1967, 367 p. 12. Sharonov L.B., Formirovanie neftyanykh i gazovykh mestorozhdeniy severnoy chasti Volgo-Ural'skogo basseyna (The formation of oil and gas fields north of the Volga-Urals Basin), Perm', 1971, p.Login or register before ordering |
M.B. Shinkarev, M.V. Semukhin, R.V. Storozhev (TNNC LLC, RF, Tyumen) Estimation of hydrocarbon reserves bound on stochastic 3D models using controlled data reduction method and technology of distributed computing DOI: Key words: estimation of reserves, stochastic modeling, volumetric method of reserves estimation, 3D-modelling, controlled data reduction, distributed computing. The problem of reservoir estimation on stochastic geology models is a pressing challenge, but standard methods are not defined yet. The article describes a method allowing to estimate bounds and most probable values of hydrocarbon reserves by means of multirealzation 3D models and distributed computing. The article provides results of computing experiment performed on the base of suggested method. References 1. Metodicheskie ukazaniya po postroeniyu postoyanno deystvuyushchikh geologo-tekhnologicheskikh modeley neftyanykh i gazoneftyanykh mestorozhdeniy (Guidelines for the construction of permanent geological-technological models of oil and gas deposits), Part 1. Geological models, Moscow, 2003. 2. Isobel S., Practical geostatistics, Applied science publishers, 1979. 3. Stavinskiy P.V., Levin D.N., Prudnikov A.A., Birun E.M., Nauchno-tekhnicheskiy vestnik OAO “NK “Rosneft'”, 2011, no. 23, pp. 6-10. 4. Tsekhovaya T.V., Trush N.N., Vestnik Tomskogo gos. universiteta, 2010, no. 4, pp. 39-44; 5. Metodicheskie rekomendatsii po podschetu geologicheskikh zapasov nefti i gaza ob"emnym metodom (Guidelines for calculation of geological reserves of oil and gas using volumetric method): edited by Petersil'e V.I., Poroskun V.I., Yatsenko G.G., Moscow - Tver': Publ. of VNIGNI, NPTs “Tver'geofizika”, 2003.Login or register before ordering |
A.A. Zlobin (Perm National Research Polytechnic University of Perm, RF, Perm) Peculiarities of paraffin crystallization in the pore channels collectors DOI: Key words: method of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), the phase transition, the crystallization of wax, paraffin oil saturation temperature, activation energy, wettability of the surface. The article has investigated the effect of temperature on the pore space and the character of crystallization of waxes in the light of structural and lithological rock properties and composition of the oil fields as an example of the Perm region. Analysis of experimental data showed that the phase transition of paraffin in a restricted micro volume of reservoir rocks is observed at a temperature of 2-25 °C higher than the free volume. Significant role in the saturation temperature have physics-chemical characteristics of the pore surface. For carbonate reservoirs established a linear increase in the saturation temperature of paraffin oil with an increase in wettability of pore surfaces. References 1. RD 39-9478-80, Metodicheskoe rukovodstvo po vyyavleniyu zalezhey nefti, nasyshchennykh parafinami (Toolkit for Identification of oil deposits saturated with paraffin). 2. Vladimirov I.V., Vladimirova I.I., Titov A.P., et al., Neftepromyslovoe delo, 2010, no. 1, pp. 11-17. 3. Patent RF № 2175764, Sposob opredeleniya nefte- i vodonasyshchennosti obraztsov gornykh porod (The method for determining oil and water saturation of rock samples), author: Zlobin A.A. 4. Syunyaev Z.I., Syunyaev R.Z., Safieva R.Z., Neftyanye dispersnye sistemy (Oil disperse systems), Moscow: Khimiya Publ., 1990, 224 p. 5. Zlobin A.A., Tul'bovich B.I., Borsutskiy Z.R., Radiospektroskopiya, 1993, V. 21, pp. 140-148. 6. Zlobin A.A., Yushkov I.R., Vestnik PGTU, Ser. B: Geologiya, geoinformatsionnye sistemy, gorno-neftyanoe delo, 2010, no. 5, pp. 45-52. 7. Vashman A.A., Pronin I.S., Yadernaya magnitnaya relaksatsiya i ee primenenie v khimicheskoy fizike (Nuclear magnetic relaxation and its application in chemical physics), Moscow: Nauka Publ., 1979, 224 p. 8. Zlobin A.A., Mordvinov V.A., Yushkov I.R., Neft', gaz i biznes, 2011, no. 9, pp. 50-54.Login or register before ordering |
Working out and operation of oil deposits |
K.G. Skachek (LUKOIL - Western Siberia LLC, RF, Kogalym), M.V. Mordvintsev (Verkhnechonskneftegaz OJSC, RF, Irkutsk), V.I. Galkin (Perm National Research Polytechnic University, RF, Perm) On the possibility of oil production rates forecast based on characteristics of Druzhnoye field layers DOI: Key words: oil, layers characteristics, field, oil production rate, probability, forecast The influence of several characteristics of BS101, BS102,3, BS110, BS111, BS112, YuS1 layers of Druzhnoye field on the oil production rates is justified quantitatively at the statistical level. Individual and multidimensional models of oil production rates forecast are constructed. Mathematical models for oil production rates forecast are given and their validity is estimated. References 1. Skachek K.G., Mordvintsev M.V., Galkin V.I., Rastegaev A.V., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2012, no. 4, pp. 120-122. 2. Krivoshchekov S.N., Galkin V.I., Geologiya, geofizika i razrabotka neftyanykh i gazovykh mestorozhdeniy, 2008, no. 8, pp. 20-23. 3. Shaykhutdinov A.N., Galkin V.I., Geologiya, geofizika i razrabotka neftyanykh i gazovykh mestorozhdeniy, 2009, no. 6, pp. 11-14. 4. Galkin V.I., Shaykhutdinov A.N., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2010, no.1, pp. 52-54. 5. Ivanov S.A., Rastegaev A.V., Galkin V.I., Neftepromyslovoe delo, 2010, no. 7, pp. 54-57. 6. Putilov I.S., Galkin V.I., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2007, no 9, pp. 112-114. 7. Mordvintsev M.V., Galkin V.I., Rastegaev A.V., Anoshkin A.N., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2012, no. 3, pp. 62-63. 8. Galkin V.I. Rastegaev A.V., Shikhov S.A., Neftepromyslovoe delo, 2010, no. 7, pp. 54-57.Login or register before ordering |
A.V. Kolmakov, V.A. Marishkin (Gazprom Dobycha Noyabrsk Ltd., RF, Noyabrsk), A.S. Bordzilovsky, V.L. Terentyev, K.M. Fedorov (STC OILTEAM Ltd., RF, Sochi) Monotoring of field development on the basis of integrated reservoir simulatotion DOI: Key words: monitoring, reservoir simulation, integrated asset model, history matching, reservoir pressure field, dynamics of gas-water contact, wells treatment program. Complex work which includes well tests with down hole and permanent sensors, neutron logging and development of integrated reservoir simulator is presented in the paper. It was real case of N gas field. Data of more than 1500 well tests laid in the bases of integrated simulator. Special features of gas reservoir simulation and history matching are outlined. The analysis of calculation run showed that large program of well testing and integrated reservoir simulator is efficient tools for field development improvement. References 1. Feofilaktov S.V., Inzhenernaya praktika – Oilfield Engineering, 2011, no. 10, pp. 86-90. 2. Mirzadzhanzade A.Kh., Kuznetsov O.L., Basniev K.S., Aliev Z.S., Osnovy tekhnologii dobychi gaza (Basics of gas production), Moscow: Nedra Publ., 2003, 881 p. 3. Ahmed M. Shehata, Ahmed H. El-Banbi M., Helmy Sayyouh, Proper selection of upscaling techniques for different production processes, SPE 150863-MS, 2012. 4. Lee J., Well testing, Textbook Series, SPE of AIME, 1982, V. 1. 5. Vertical flow correlation in gas wells, User manual for API 14B, Subsurface controlled safety valve sizing computer program, Appendix B, January 1978, 2nd edition. 6. Bikbulatov S.M., Pashali A.A., Neftegazovoe delo – Oil and Gas Business, 2005, URL: http://www.ogbus.ru/authors/Bikbulatov/Bikbulatov_1.pdfLogin or register before ordering |
Shelf development |
E.A. Poltavtseva (Zarubezhneft JSC, RF, Moscow) Survey of the petroleum reserves classification systems of North sea basin countries (part 1) DOI: Key words: classification systems, reserves, petroleum resources, the North Sea basin. This article is devoted to the comparison of Reserves and Recourses’ classifications of North Sea basin countries. It brings to the attention of the wide range of experts the reserves classification systems of Norway, Denmark and UK, showing their differences and similarities. The survey of reserves estimation standards used in the Arctic neighboring countries is of current importance due to new oilfield discoveries in the Russian sector of the Barents sea.Login or register before ordering |
Designing of arrangement of deposits |
O.A. Makovetsky (Perm National Research Polytechnic University, RF, Perm), S.S. Zuev, A.A. Ponomarev (New Ground JSC, RF, Perm) Engineering preparation of territory for exploration and development of oil fields DOI: Key words: jet elements, jet grouting soil, artificial island, engineering preparation of territory. A new promising area to promote oil exploration is the northern part of Perm region, district Verkhnekamskoye potassium and magnesium salts. But intelligence work related to the rather serious difficulties, as appropriate for the study sites are located in the floodplain of the river Kama, and mastering them is a complex engineering task. In this article, you the experience of proposed engineering preparation of one of these sites. References 1. Makovetskiy O.A., Zuev S.S., Opyt armirovaniya slabykh gruntov v osnovanii fundamentnykh plit s primeneniem struynoy geotekhnologii (The experience of reinforced of weak soils at the base of foundation plates using ink-jet geotechnology), Mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya po geotekhnike (International conference on geotechnical engineering), Moscow, 7-10 June 2010. 2. Bogov S.G., Zuev S.S., Opyt primeneniya struynoy tekhnologii dlya zakrepleniya slabykh gruntov pri rekonstruktsii zdaniya po ul. Pochtamtskaya v g. Sankt-Peterburge (Experience of using inkjet technology to secure the weak soils in the reconstruction of buildings on the Pochtamtskaya street in St. Petersburg), Conference devoted to 100th anniversary of Dalmatov Boris, St. Petersburg, 2010.Login or register before ordering |
The oil-field equipment |
R.G. Veliyeva, N.S. Gamidova, N.A. Azimov, G.B. Ibragimova, A.V. Akhmedova (SOKAR, OGSRPI, the Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku) Microbiological corrosion protection of oil-well tubing of Gunashli field wells DOI: Key words: microbiological corrosion, sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB), bactericide-inhibitor, level of protection, the degree of suppression. The dynamics of microbial contamination of Gunashli field wells production is considered. Neftegaz-2008 reagent, which has both bactericidal and inhibitory properties, is developed. The first is test in field conditions is conducted. A significant reduction of hydrogen sulfide volume, iron ions concentration and mechanical impurities in the reservoir water at reagent application is stated. In addition, the economic benefit is received. References 1. Kamaeva S.S., Lokal'nye korrozionnye yavleniya, sopryazhennye s vozdeystviem mikroorganizmov (Local corrosion phenomena associated with the action of microorganisms), Moscow: IRTs Gazprom Publ, 1999, 39 p. 2. Beech Parluona B., La corrosion microbienne (The corrosion microbienne), Biofutur, 1999, no.6, pp. 36-41. 3. The chemical analysis of formation water of flooded oil-gas producing wells at “Gunashli” field and the study of the ambient corrosion aggression and the creation of data base on the basis of obtained results.” The report of scientific–research work - the Contract N 2216. Baku 2004. p 39, 43, 53-57. 4. Veliev V.M., Safarov N.M., Veliev M.A., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2009, no. 5, pp. 82. 5. Cherkasov N.M., Gladkikh I.F., Zagretdinova N.M., Gumerov K.M., Korroziya (prilozhenie k zhurnalu Territoriya Neftegaz), 2007, no 3 (8), pp. 24-32. 6. Freyman L.I., Makarov V.A., Bryksin I.E., Potentsiostaticheskie metody v korrozionnykh issledovaniyakh i elektrokhimicheskoy zashchite (Potentiostatic methods in corrosion research and electrochemical protection), Moscow: Khimiya Publ., 1972, 152 p. Login or register before ordering |
Unknown pages of history of magazine "Oil-industry" |
Petroleum industry abroad |
N.M. Baykov (Institute of World Economy and International Relations of RAS, RF, Moscow) Investment in oil and gas industry of North America countries DOI: Key words: investment, oil and gas industry, oil-refining industry, petrochemistry. Investment volumes in the oil and gas industry, oil-refining industry and petrochemistry of the U.S., Canada and Mexico for 2010-2012 are given. Large-scale projects of fields development outside the United States: in Angola, Australia, at the Red Sea, in India are considered. References 1. Marilyn Radler. Oil, liquids – rich shales dominate capital spending budgets for 2012//Oil and Gas Journal. – 2012. – March 5. 2. Christopher E. Smith. Near-term pipeline plans grow, longer-term projects sag//Oil and Gas Journal. – 2012. – February 6. Login or register before ordering |
V.I. Spitsyn (Rosneft Oil Company OJSC) Certain aspects of the Chinese petroleum policy DOI: Key words: Government policy, guaranty of energy security, net importer of oil, strategic oil reserves, diversification of oil and gas supply routes, acquisition of foreign technology and companies. The article is dedicated to certain aspects of the policy of the Government of the Peoples’ Republic of China in the sphere of oil. It describes the main achievements of the country in developing its oil and gas fields, analyzes the problems impacting on the growing dependence of China on oil imports and threatening the country’s energy security. Also treated are the key measures directed towards guarantying energy security, such as building up strategic oil reserves, creating an international market for oil futures, conditions for gas liquefaction and transportation. The Article summarizes Chinese experiences in diversifying oil and gas supply routes to improve the security of supply and reduce the dependency on the throughput capacity of the Strait of Malacca, as well as those in attracting private investment to the oil industry and acquiring foreign technology and assets. The Chinese policy “Loans in exchange for resources” is analyzed using concrete examples. References 1. 500 ranking; company annual reports, Fortune Global, 2010. 2. Historical monthly refining margins (New Methodology), URL: http://omrpublic.iea.org. Login or register before ordering |