April 2024

¹04/2024 (âûïóñê 1206)



O.V. Zhdaneev (Yugra University, RF, Khanty-Mansiysk; Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation), A.V. Zaytsev (Technology Development Center for Fuel and Energy Complex under the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, RF, Moscow
Russian seismic exploration: key challenges and opportunities


Annual expenditures on seismic survey equipment in the Russian Federation typically range from 10 to 18 billion rubles/year. This equipment includes the nodes and units used directly in seismic (broadband vibrator, geophones, seismic stations, hydrophones, tractors, etc.) but also auxiliary equipment such as geodesic and navigation tools, communication devices, and maritime vessels, including onboard equipment. The industry's average level of import dependence is estimated to be at least 95 %. Since 2014, foreign countries have systematically imposed restrictions not only on the supply of equipment, components, and technologies but also on the operations of foreign oilfield service companies in providing services of fieldwork and processing of seismic data. Due to the industry’s high level of import dependence, there are risks associated with the continuity of seismic survey operations. Therefore, it is rational to develop and introduce local equipment and technologies, develop proprietary methods for conducting work and interpreting seismic data, based on modern trends and achievements in global practice, including the adoption of modern industry test procedure for newly developed equipment and its metrological support. To determine the possibility of creating domestic equipment and technologies for both conventional and prospective «green» seismic surveys using domestic reserves and technologies, the article defines a list of key import-dependent equipment and components that need to be developed, launched into serial production, and localized. The competencies, production capacities, and technological capabilities of the Russian industry are identified, along with the assessment of the equipment market and the level of annual industry’s expenditures on seismic survey equipment. Existing measures of state support aimed at conducting experimental and design work, organizing serial production of components and equipment, and developing technologies are also considered, with the aim of reducing the proportion of import dependence on foreign products used in seismic surveys at oil and gas fields.


1. Bolotov G.B., Menedzhment v geologii i nedropol’zovanii (Management in geology and subsoil use), URL: http://www.psu.ru/files/docs/science/books/uchebnie-posobiya/bolotov-menedzhment-v-geologii-ch1.pdf

2. Novak A., Russian fuel and energy complex 2022: challenges, results and prospects (In Russ.), Energeticheskaya politika, 2023, no. 2(180), pp. 4-11,

DOI: http://doi.org/10.46920/2409-5516_2023_2180_4

3. Rystad Energy. Seismic industry revenues to nearly evaporate in 2020, URL: https://oilnow.gy/featured/seismic-industry-revenues-to-nearly-evaporate-in-2020-rystad-energy/

4. Ongemakh E.G., Tekhnologicheskie partnerstva i importozameshchenie v razvedke i razrabotke nedr (Technological partnerships and import substitution in exploration and development of subsoil), URL: https://oilandgasforum.ru/data/files/NNF%202018/GEo2018/Ongemah.pdf

5. Zhukov A.P., Gorbunov V.S., On the development of technical means for recording seismic signals and vibration seismic exploration. Part 3. Vibroseis technology (In Russ.), Pribory i sistemy razvedochnoy geofiziki, 2020, no. 4(67), pp. 43-55.

6. Tekhnika i oborudovanie dlya nazemnykh seysmorazvedochnykh rabot (Machinery and equipment for land seismic exploration),

URL: https://nedra.rusgeology.ru/services/intellektualnye-uslugi/mashinostroenie/tekhnika-i-oborudovanie-...

7. Zhdaneev O.V., Zuev S.S., Development of renewable energy and the formation of a new energy policy in Russia (In Russ.), Energeticheskaya politika, 2020, no. 2(144), pp. 84-95. – DOI: http://doi.org/10.46920/2409-5516_2020_2144_84

8. Cherepovskiy A.V., Nazemnaya seysmorazvedka novogo tekhnologicheskogo urovnya (Land seismic exploration at a new technological level), Moscow: EAGE Publ., 2017, 252 p.

9. Miaomiao Sun, Zhenchun Li, Yanli Liu et al., Low-frequency expansion approach for seismic data based on compressed sensing in low SNR, Applied Sciences, 2021, V. 11 (11), DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/app11115028

10. Nehaid H., Ourabah A., Cowell J. et al., Acquisition of an ultra high density 3D seismic survey using new nimble nodes, onshore Abu Dhabi, SPE-197289-MS, 2019, DOI: http://doi.org/10.2118/197289-MS

11. Votsalevskiy V.Z., Nazyrov D., Lyubimov E., “Green seismic” – 10 years from idea to widespread application (In Russ.), Pribory i sistemy razvedochnoy geofiziki, 2022, no. 2(73), pp. 6-10.

12. Vyboldin Yu.K., Wireless network technology application in seismic data acquisition systems (In Russ.), Gornyy informatsionno-analiticheskiy byulleten’, 2022,

no. 6–2, pp. 283–304, DOI: http://doi.org/10.25018/0236_1493_2022_62_0_283

13. Zhenning Ma, Rongyi Qian, Yuchen Wang et al., UAV source: A new economical and environmentally friendly source for seismic exploration in complex areas, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 2022, V. 204, DOI: http://doi.org/10.1016/j.jappgeo.2022.104719

14. Zhiyuan Yin, Zhou Yan, Yongxin Li, Seismic exploration wireless sensor system based on Wi-Fi and LTE, Sensors, 2020, V. 20, no. 4,

DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/s20041018

15. Crosby A., Manning T., Ourabah A. et al., In-field quality control of very high channel count autonomous nodal systems, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2020, DOI: http://doi.org/10.1190/segam2020-3425467.1

16. Shevchuk S., Kosarev N., Cheremisina E., Melesk A., Current problems and future trends of geodetic and navigational support of geology and geophysics, Proceedings of Interexpo GEO-Siberia, 2020, V. 1(1), pp. 110-118, DOI: http://doi.org/10.33764/2618-981X-2020-1-2-110-118

17. Groundbreaking seismic technology without breaking the ground, URL: https://explor.net/pinpoint/

18. Zhdaneev O.V., Zaytsev A.V., Lobankov V.M., Metrologicheskoe obespechenie apparatury dlya geofizicheskikh issledovaniy (In Russ.), Zapiski Gornogo instituta, 2020, V. 246, pp. 667-677, DOI: https://doi.org/10.31897/PMI.2020.6.9

19. Zhdaneev O.V., Zaytsev A.V., Lobankov V.M., Frolov K.N., The concept of testing downhole equipment (In Russ.), Nedropol’zovanie XXI vek, 2021, no. 1-2(90), pp. 4-15.

20. Voprosy tekhnicheskoy politiki otrasley TEK Rossiyskoy Federatsii (Technical policy issues of the fuel and energy complex of the Russian Federation): edited by Zhdaneev O.V., Moscow: Nauka Publ., 2020, 304 p., DOI: http://doi.org/10.7868/9785020408241

21. Zhdaneev O., Frolov K., Technological and institutional priorities of the oil and gas complex of the Russian Federation in the term of the world energy transition, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2024, V. 58, pp. 1418-1428, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2024.01.285

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A.V. Ivanchik (Tyumen Branch of SurgutNIPIneft, Surgutneftegas PJSC, RF, Tyumen), S.I. Schulik (Tyumen Branch of SurgutNIPIneft, Surgutneftegas PJSC, RF, Tyumen)
Interpretation processing of seismic data using MCDP 3D


Currently, oil and gas companies are trying to optimize costs by reducing the volume of drilling, well operations and field seismic surveys. At the same time, despite the depletion of recoverable reserves, the task is to increase the resource base, therefore, the identification of new deposits within the developed fields and the involvement of hard-to-recover reserves in the development can become the most strategic vector of development. The solution that will increase profitability and involve hard-to-recover reserves in the development, find new promising objects in the fields already being developed, may be interpretive processing of seismic data, which implies monitoring and analysis of seismic information by an interpreter geologist at each stage of processing. Close interaction and application of modern approaches to processing and interpretation, obtaining new well information, the emergence of new software solutions, can significantly reduce the degree of uncertainty in the prediction of reservoirs based on seismic data, thereby increasing the efficiency of geological exploration. In this article, using the example of several deposits in Western Siberia, an approach to the interpretation processing of seismic data is developed and presented, which is divided into the main stages of control of processing procedures with conclusions and recommendations of the geologist-interpreter for each of the stages of work. The sequence of works presented in the article, implemented and constantly being improved in the Tyumen branch of SurgutNIPIneft PJSC Surgutneftegaz, allows obtaining more complete geological information and a well-founded geological model of productive deposits of the Tyumen formation in already studied fields.

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A.S. Mikhoparkin (IGiRGI JSC, RF, Moscow), I.D. Marchenko (IGiRGI JSC, RF, Moscow), A.V. Khudyakov (IGiRGI JSC, RF, Moscow), D.D. Klychev (IGiRGI JSC, RF, Moscow), V.P. Filimonov (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow)
Multidisciplinary approach to well placement process (geosteering)


Nowadays more complex oil and gas deposits are increasingly involved in development. Horizontal wells are often drilled in hard geological and technological conditions, which expectedly reduces the effective length of penetration through the reservoir, increase risks of accidents and possible overdrilling of a wellbore, which as a result, increase the economic costs. The existing situation in the oil and gas industry requires participants of the horizontal well construction to search for new solutions to the geological support for well drilling. Despite the fact that a geosteering engineer has gained experience in several areas of oil and gas industry (geology, geophysics, drilling, completion, etc.), he does not have expert knowledge in these areas, uses standard methods of geosteering in his work regardless of the drilling complications of these wells. Therefore a solution to the previously increase problem is the use of a multidisciplinary approach to geosteering, when a geosteering expert makes the final decision on further drilling of the well based on recommendations of engineers in geo-mechanics, geological and engineering survey, seismic and geological analysis, petrophysics, and uses the results of inversion construction based on induction logging data in his or her work. The trajectory obtained from the directional drilling contractor must be constantly subjected to quality control by the directional survey engineer.

This paper describes the methods and considers their joint use in drilling of horizontal wells and the effectiveness of such a multidisciplinary approach.


1. Khaziev I.R., Klychev D.D., Rakhimov T.T. et al., Application of independent calculation of stochastic inversion of directional resistivity measurements for horizontal wells geosteering (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2022, no. 11, pp. 20–23, DOI: https://doi.org/10.24887/0028-2448-2022-11-20-23

2. Golovchenko M.A., Miroshnichenko A.V., Kudashov K.V., Filimonov V.P., Method for determining the geosteering difficulty index of wells and their classification (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2019, no. 11, pp. 33–37, DOI: https://doi.org/10.24887/0028-2448-2019-11-33-37

3. Shumikhin A.A., Sukhanov A.E., Primenenie geonavigatsii pri burenii v kollektorakh nebol’shoy moshchnosti (Application of geosteering when drilling in low-thickness reservoirs), Proceedings of All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation “Sovremennye tekhnologii izvlecheniya nefti i gaza. Perspektivy razvitiya mineral’no-syr’evogo kompleksa (rossiyskiy i mirovoy opyt)” (Modern technologies for oil and gas extraction. Prospects for the development of the mineral resource complex (Russian and world experience)), Izhevsk, 2016, pp. 314–325.

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A.S. Sakharov (Gazprom Neft Companó Group, RF, Saint Petersburg), A.V. Yastreb (Gazprom Neft Companó Group, RF, Saint Petersburg)
A method for assessing well sludging as a tool for increasing the efficiency of horizontal well drilling


The success of the horizontal well construction process is determined at the planning stage and depends on the speed of making technological decisions during the drilling process, based on comprehensive information that allows minimizing the risks of accidents and complications. Understanding the condition of the wellbore is extremely important, due to the severity of the consequences of the risks associated with it, however, today the degree of uncertainty in terms of wellbore contamination still forms the main statistics of wasted time and money and is a limiting factor in the use of many promising technologies. The purpose of the work is to describe a method for assessing the mud content of a wellbore, which allows, during well drilling, to quickly obtain information about the presence of mud in the wellbore, and to minimize the risks associated with it. Based on the analysis of drilling a large number of wells and performing technological operations to prepare wellbores for lowering casing strings and liners, patterns were identified that made it possible to step-by-step develop and improve a method for assessing the mud content of a wellbore. The analysis of historical data from 90 wells showed the statistical significance of S-standard deviation or standard deviation of the weight on the hook when lifting the bottom hole assembly without circulation and rotation, lying the basis of the method for assessing the sludge content of a wellbore, on the range of fluctuations in the weight on the hook when lowering casing strings and liners. This also confirms the applicability of the hypothesis for assessing the mud content of the wellbore to significantly reduce the risks of performing technological operations when drilling horizontal wells. This topic is given high significance by the general trend in the industry towards increasing the length of horizontal wellbores, increasing the complexity of the used completion assemblies (for example, increasing the number of behind-the-casing packers) and reducing the permissible estimated residual weight on the hook when running completion assemblies (liners), and especially when constructing multilateral wells using TAML technology.


1. Patent RU 2746953 C1, Method for determining the sludging of the wellbore, Inventor: Sakharov A.S.

2. Luzhnov Yu.M., Aleksandrov V.D., Osnovy tribotekhniki (Fundamentals of tribological engineering), Moscow: Publ. of MADI, 2013, 132 p.

3. Mitchell J., Trouble-free drilling, Vol. 3, Drilbert Engineering Inc., 2014, 350 p.

4. Gabitov S.I., Gotsulyak A.S., Chebyshev I.S., Mukhamadiev R.V., Support of drilling high-technological wells based on the integration of geomechanics and geosteering (In Russ.), Neftegazovoe delo, 2020, V. 18, no. 2, pp. 15–23, https://doi.org/10.17122/ngdelo-2020-2-15-23

5. Mkhitaryan V.S., Troshin L.I., Adamova E.V. et al., Teoriya veroyatnostey i matematicheskaya statistika (Probability theory and mathematical statistics), Moscow: Publ. of Moscow University of Industry and Finance, 2003, 130 p.

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O.V. Akimov (Zarubezhneft JSC, RF, Moscow), K.V. Kempf (Zarubezhneft JSC, RF, Moscow), D.V. Shkarin (Zarubezhneft JSC, RF, Moscow), A.V. Donskoi (Zarubezhneft JSC, RF, Moscow), A.I. Bashirov (Perfobur Service LLC, RF, Moscow), V.A. Makarenko (Perfobur Service LLC, RF, Moscow), D.L. Kasimov (Perfobur Service LLC, RF, Moscow), A.V. Lyagov (Perfobur Service LLC, RF, Moscow), I.A. Lyagov (Perfobur Service LLC, RF, Moscow)
Experience of using radial drilling technology at the Severo-Khosedauskoe field


Currently, enhanced oil recovery methods from the existing well stock are widely used in the oil and gas industry. The production rate of wells decreases in time due to watering, failure of downhole equipment and etc. Regular methods of well workover and enhanced oil recovery do not provide a significant increase in flow rate and its preservation for a long time. Drilling new wells is expensive, while restarting idle wells allows reducing the financial burden on oil and gas producing enterprises. This article is devoted to a new method of enhanced oil recovery – controlled radial penetration of the formation along a given trajectory. This method consists of drilling one, two or more channels up to 14 m long in previously drilled wells. While drilling the intensity of angle gain reaches 8 deg/m. It is possible to drill up to 4 channels from one kickoff point with an unlimited number of such points in well. All work is carried out use a lifting unit for workover with standard tubing, without the using of coiled tubing. Drilled channels can be cased with filters, which ensure their stability. Logging can also be carried out at a distance from the main shaft as well as hydrochloric acid treatment. This type of geological and technical activity can be used for inflow stimulation, initial opening of the formation, for well testing, as an alternative to sidetracking, to bypass failure equipment, to orient cracks during hydraulic fracturing. The article describes the experience of using the technology of radial opening of the formation at the Zapadno-Khosedayuskoe field, which is a part of the group of the Centralno-Khoreyverkoe uplift.


1. Gibadullin N.Z., Taygin E.V., Saligaskarov R.R. et al., The experience of horizontal well coiled tubing drilling in ANK Bashneft (In Russ.), Vremya koltyubinga. Vremya GRP = Coiled tubing times Journal, 2004, no. 8, pp. 40–45.

2. Shamov N.A., Lyagov A.V., Panteleev D.V. et al., Equipment and technology creation of ultra-deep perforations (In Russ.), Neftegazovoe delo, 2012, no. 2, pp. 131–174.

3. Fursin K.S., Griguletskiy V.G., A flexodrilling perforation bit for deep sparing exposing productive intervals in the cased well (In Russ.), Karotazhnik, 2015, no. 9, pp. 60–72.

4. Mal’tsev A.A., Lyagov I.A., Lyagov A.V., Development of an innovative radial drilling system to enhance oil recovery (In Russ.), Neft’. Gaz. Nofvatsii, 2016, no. 11, pp. 67-71.

5. Kasimov D.L., Lyagov I.A., Lyagov A.V., Tekhnologicheskie osobennosti frezerovaniya obsadnykh kolonn vysokoy gruppy prochnosti tekhnicheskoy sistemoy Perfobur (Technological characteristics of milling of high-group casing columns with technical Perfobur system), Collected papers “Sovremennye problemy neftegazovogo oborudovaniya” (Modern problems of oil and gas equipment), Ufa: Publ. of USPTU, 2019, pp. 88–95.

6. Utility patent RU 195139 U1, Buril’naya komponovka s malogabaritnym gidravlicheskim zaboynym dvigatelem (Drilling assembly with a small-sized hydraulic downhole motor), Inventors: Lyagov A.V., Lyagov I.A.

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A.R. Deryaev (Scientific Research Institute of Natural Gas of the State Concern Turkmengas, Turkmenistan, Ashgabat)
Drilling fluids for drilling wells in complex geological conditions in oil and gas fields of Turkmenistan


One of the main problems in the wells drilling is to ensure the stability of clay rocks. The problem of the study is that the existing flaws in the physicochemical methods for assessing the condition and composition of clay rocks and shale which do not allow effective influence on the fastening, lubricating and anti-gripping properties of drilling fluids during well construction. The purpose of the study is to develop a universal inhibited drilling mud for accident-free drilling of ultra-deep wells in complex mining and geological conditions under abnormally high reservoir pressure. A study was conducted using various methods to select the required formulation of an inhibited drilling mud that needed to be resistant to high downhole temperatures and reservoir pressures. The study of clay rocks of the well section No. XX1 of the Bugdaili area showed that they have a sufficiently high colloidality for deep-lying clays, since they have a high content of montmorillonite. A study of the characteristics of the drilling mud revealed that samples of solutions No. 1, 2, and 3 had a strong inhibitory effect. The most effective sample of solution was No. 3, which was able to ensure a stable state of clay rocks for 90-100 days. A study of the interaction of the ALKAR-3 alumina-calcium drilling mud system with clay rocks conducted in the fields of the southwestern region of Turkmenistan revealed that the inhibitory effect of solution No. 3 can be further enhanced by the addition of 3% potassium chloride. The results of the study can be used in the preparation of inhibited drilling fluids for successful drilling of deep wells in the areas of deposits with complicated conditions associated with instability of the wellbore.


1. Deryaev A.R., Drilling of directional wells in the fields of Western Turkmenistan (In Russ.), SOCAR Proceedings Special Issue, 2023, no. 2, pp. 22–31,

DOI: http://doi.org/10.5510/OGP2023SI200875

2. Deryaev A.R., Forecast of the future prospects of drilling ultra-deep wells in difficult mining and geological conditions of Western Turkmenistan (In Russ.), SOCAR Proceedings Special Issue, 2023, no. 2, pp. 13–21, DOI: http://doi.org/10.5510/OGP2023SI200874

3. Der’yaev A., Gel’dyeva Ch., Opening up productive formations and well development method (In Russ.), Innovatsionnye tekhnologii v Turkmenistane, 2023, V. 3,

no. 3, URL: http://journal.scitech.gov.tm/assets/files/issues/2023-3-3/5-ru.pdf

4. Agalyev S., Sopyev S., Optimal’naya kompozitsiya serobetona dlya primeneniya v neftegazovoy promyshlennosti (Optimal composition of sulfur concrete for use in the oil and gas industry), Collected papers “Nauka, tekhnika i razvitie innovatsionnykh tekhnologiy” (Science, technology and development of innovative technologies), Proceedings of Scientific Conference, Ashkhabad: Ylym Publ., 2021, URL: http://staff.tiiame.uz/storage/users/599/articles/EmFdc6t6oXw9m39ZbOKLHM6HnVgyNtRyj95SC0m2.pdf

5. Deryaev A.R., Analysis of the opening of zones with abnormally high reservoir pressures in the oil and gas fields of the Western part of Turkmenistan (In Russ.), SOCAR Proceedings Special, 2023, no. 2, pp. 22–27, DOI: http://doi.org/10.5510/OGP2023SI200871

6. Suleymanov B.A., Guseynova N.I., Method for operative estimation of current reservoir pressure distribution based on the wells normal production data (In Russ.), SOCAR Proceedings, 2023, Special Issue No. 2, DOI: http://doi.org/10.5510/OGP2023SI200876

7. Deryaev A.R., Well trajectory management and monitoring station position borehole (In Russ.), SOCAR Proceedings, 2023, Special Issue No. 2, pp. 1-6,

DOI: http://doi.org/10.5510/OGP2023SI200870

8. Deryaev A.R., Selection of drilling mud for directional production and evaluation wells (In Russ.), SOCAR Proceedings, 2023, no. 3, pp. 51-57,

DOI: http://doi.org/10.5510/OGP20230300886

9. Oseh J.O., Mohd-Norddin M.N.A., Gbadamosi A.O. et al., Polymer nanocomposites application in drilling fluids: A review, Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 2023,

V. 222, DOI: http://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoen.2023.211416

10. Saleh T.A., Nur M.M., Synthesis of polyacrylic-melamine grafted graphene as efficient inhibitor for shale stabilization in water-based drilling fluid, Materials Today Communications, 2023, V. 35, DOI: http://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtcomm.2023.106264

11. Tchameni A.R., Zhuo L.Y., Djouonkep L.D.W. et al., A novel responsive stabilizing Janus nanosilica as a nanoplugging agent in water-based drilling fluids for exploiting hostile shale environments, Petroleum Science, 2023, V. 17, DOI: http://doi.org/10.1016/j.petsci.2023.10.008

12. Mohamed A., Basfar S., Elkatatny S., Al-Majed A., Enhancement of static and dynamic sag performance of water-based mud using a synthetic clay, ACS Omega, 2021, V. 6, no. 12, DOI: http://doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.0c06186

13. Deryaev A.R., Features of forecasting abnormally high reservoir pressures when drilling wells in the areas of Southwestern Turkmenistan (In Russ.), SOCAR Proceedings Special Issue, 2023, no. 2, pp. 7–12, DOI: http://doi.org/10.5510/OGP2023SI200872

14. Ofei T.N., Lund B., Saasen A. et al., Barite sag measurements, SPE-199567-MS, 2020, DOI: http://doi.org/10.2118/199567-MS

15. Ibrahim M.A., Jaafar M.Z., Yusof M.A., Idris A.K., A review on the effect of nanoparticle in drilling fluid on filtration and formation damage, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2022, V. 217, DOI: http://doi.org/10.1016/j.petrol.2022.110922

16. Dutta D., Das B.M., Development of smart bentonite drilling fluid introducing iron oxide nanoparticles compatible to the reservoirs of Upper Assam, Upstream Oil and Gas Technology, 2021, V. 7, DOI: http://doi.org/10.1016/j.upstre.2021.100058

17. Alam S., Ahmed N., Salam M.A., Study on rheology and filtration properties of field used mud using iron (III) oxide nanoparticles, Upstream Oil and Gas Technology, 2021, V. 7, DOI: http://doi.org/10.1016/j.upstre.2021.100038

18. Basfar S., Elkatatny S., Mohamed A., Preventing barite sagging using new synthetic layered silicate in HP/HT water-based mud, Proceedings of 54th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics symposium, paper no. arma-2020-1702, 2020, url: https://onepetro.org/armausrms/proceedings-abstract/arma20/all-arma20/arma-2020-1702/447648

19. Misbah B., Sedaghat A., Balhasan S. et al., Enhancing thermal stability and filtration control for water-based drilling fluid using viscosifier polymers and potassium chloride additives, Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 2023, V. 230, DOI: http://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoen.2023.212235

20. Deryaev A.R., Drilling of horizontal wells in Western Turkmenistan (In Russ.), SOCAR Proceedings Special Issue, 2023, no. 2, pp. 32–40,

DOI: http://doi.org/10.5510/OGP2023SI200877

21. Uduba C.S., Fetuga I.A., Wobo M., Olakoyejo O., Experimental study of the influence of Potassium Chloride salt on the rheological properties of Carboxyl Methyl Cellulose (CMC) and Poly Anionic Cellulose - Regular (PAC-R) mud type at increasing temperature, Journal of Engineering and Exact Sciences, 2023, V. 9, no. 3,

DOI: http://doi.org/10.18540/jcecvl9iss3pp15211-01e

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D.V. Karazeev (Ufa Scientific and Technical Center LLC, RF, Ufa), S.A. Vezhnin (Ufa Scientific and Technical Center LLC, RF, Ufa), V.A. Strizhnev (Ufa Scientific and Technical Center LLC, RF, Ufa), A.M. Levadsky (Ufa Scientific and Technical Center LLC, RF, Ufa), A.A. Mamykin (Ufa Scientific and Technical Center LLC, RF, Ufa), A.A. Oleynik (Messoyakhaneftegaz JSC, RF, Tyumen), A.V. Shirobokov (Messoyakhaneftegaz JSC, RF, Tyumen), B.R. Minnebaev (Messoyakhaneftegaz JSC, RF, Tyumen), P.N. Belovus (Messoyakhaneftegaz JSC, RF, Tyumen), I.Z. Mullagalin (Ufa Scientific and Technical Center LLC, RF, Ufa)
Limitation of gas inflow in horizontal wells at the Vostochno-Messoyakhskoye field using a self-generating foam polymer composition with hydrogel


Isolation of gas inflow in oil wells is one of the most complicated types of repair and insulation works. Traditional methods for these purposes are ineffective. So, to blockade gas flows into the well, cement slurry cannot be pumped in the required volume, and gel screens create only a temporary blockade, since gas easily penetrates the gel structure and forms new channels. For gas isolation in horizontal wells, the authors proposed to carry out two-stage injection. A self-generating foam polymer system consisting of gel-forming and gas-forming compositions should be used at the first stage. Because of the components interaction, a foam-gel structure with increased rheological and filtration characteristics is formed in a controlled time. In the second stage of processing, the foam polymer system is reinforced with a hydrogel based on polyacrylamide, cross-linked with an organic cross linker. For successful processing it is very important to diagnose clearly the sources of gas inflow, taking into account the design features of each horizontal well and the geology of the development reservoir. Only comparison of all these factors results to plan the treatment design correctly for each well. Output and input quality chemicals control, their conveying and storage conditions have also a great importance. The experimental work carried out on three horizontal wells confirmed the correctness of the chosen approach. Purpose of gas inflow seal was achieved at two wells, and unsuccessful processing of the third well, provided material for changing the treatment design. It depends on the design of the well and the sources of gas inflow. The purpose of pilot field tests has been achieved, the proposed technology can be used on objects with similar geological and physical properties.


1. Telin A., Lenchenkova L., Yakubov R. et al., Application of hydrogels and hydrocarbon-based gels in oil production processes and well drilling, Gels, 2023, V. 9, V. 609, 50 r., DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/gels9080609

2. Saifullin E., Zhanbossynova Sh., Zharkov D. et al., Laboratory studies for design of a foam pilot for reducing gas channeling from gas cap in production well in Messoyakhskoye field, SPE-206435-PA, 2022, DOI: http://doi.org/10.2118/206435-PA

3. Strizhnev V.A., Arslanov I.R., Dmitriev Yu.I. et al., Justification of the technology of gas isolation in oil wells using foam, foam polymer systems and organomineral complex (In Russ.), Neft’. Gaz. Novatsii, 2021, no. 3, pp. 21–25.

4. Gusakov V.N., Korolev A.Yu., Yagudin R.A. et al., Well silencing technologies in conditions of multiple complications (In Russ.), Neftegazovoe delo, 2023, V. 21, no. 2, pp. 17–24, DOI: https://doi.org/10.17122/ngdelo-2023-2-17-24

5. Gurbanov A.G., Baspaev E.T., New kill method for gas producing wells (In Russ.), SOCAR Proceedings, 2022, no. 2, pp. 28–34, DOI: http://doi.org/10.5510/OGP20220200671

6. Strizhnev V.A., Akhmetov A.T., Valiev A.A. et al., Self-generating foam polymer compositions for water and gas insulation works (In Russ.), Neftepromyslovoe delo, 2022, no. 8, pp. 35–45, DOI: https://doi.org/10.33285/0207-2351-2022-8(644)-35-45

7. Strizhnev V.A., Vezhnin S.A., Karazeev D.V. et al., Experience in carrying out repair and insulation works in various geological and industrial conditions (In Russ.), Neft’. Gaz. Novatsii, 2022, no. 8, pp. 49–55.

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E.I. Sagdeev (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa; Ufa University of Science and Technology, RF, Ufa), Sh.Kh. Ishkina (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa), A.Ya. Davletbaev (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa; Ufa University of Science and Technology, RF, Ufa), A.S. Sukmanov (RN-Yuganskneftegaz LLC, RF, Nefteyugansk), V.P. Miroshnichenko (RN-Yuganskneftegaz LLC, RF, Nefteyugansk)
Approbation of the machine learning based approach to liquid flow rate data recovery in production wells in the software package «RN-VEGA»


The paper discusses the problem of increasing the discreteness of liquid flow rate measurements in a well using highly discrete pressure data at the receiving end of an electric submersible pump (ESP) unit. The «virtual flow meter» algorithm based on machine learning methods that solves the problem is presented. The numerical characteristics describing the curve of pressure change at the ESP unit inlet, as well as the components of Darcy's law and diffusivity equation are considered as features. To solve the regression problem, the authors considered single machine learning models and ensembles based on stacking method of combining the responses of single models as attributes to calculate the responses of the final model. The results of testing on field data on mechanized production wells on examples of low-permeability reservoir of Western Siberia field showed that the average relative error does not exceed 10 %. The algorithm of «virtual flow meter» was implemented in the software package for interpretation of well test «RN-VEGA» and used in preparation of data for interpretation of well-testing by the production and pressure transient analysis. To approbate the approach under consideration, the results of interpretation by the production and pressure transient analysis were compared on data sets with different discreteness of measurements of downhole pressure and liquid rate dynamics. In the first set the liquid rate series had low discreteness, the second set was obtained from the first one by applying the constructed algorithm. It is shown that the use of the «virtual flow meter» reduces the error by 10 % in determining the fracture half-length and permeability of the formation. The results of approbation allow the authors to conclude that the developed algorithm increases the reliability of data interpretation by production and pressure transient analysis, as well as increases the accuracy of determining reservoir parameters and well completion in low-permeability reservoirs.


1. Asalkhuzina G.F., Davletbaev A.Ya., Salakhov T.R. et al., Applying decline analysis for reservoir pressure determination (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2022, no. 10, pp. 30-33, DOI: https://doi.org/10.24887/0028-2448-2022-10-30-33

2. Asalkhuzina G.F., Bikmetova A.R., Kardopol’tsev A.S. et al., Evolution of methods and scopes of welltesting on fields with low permeability reservoir (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2023, no. 9, pp. 108–111, DOI: https://doi.org/10.24887/0028-2448-2023-9-108-111

3. Davletbaev A.Ya., Makhota N.A., Nuriev A.Kh. et al., Design and analysis of injection tests during hydraulic fracturing in low-permeability reservoirs using RN-GRID software package (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2018, no. 10, pp. 77–83, DOI: https://doi.org/10.24887/0028-2448-2018-10-77-83

4. Bukhmastova S.V., Fakhreeva R.R., Pityuk Yu.A. et al., Approbation of MLR and CRMIP methods in research of well interference (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2020, no. 8, pp. 58–62, DOI: https://doi.org/10.24887/0028-2448-2020-8-58-62

5. Afanas’ev I.S., Sergeychev A.V., Asmandiyarov R.N. et al., Automatic well test data processing: a time series wavelet analysis approach (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2012, no. 11, pp. 34-37.

6. Shabonas A.R., Gorid’ko K.A., Review of approaches to virtual flowmeter algorithm implementation in wells, equipped by electric submersible pumps (In Russ.), Neftepromyslovoe delo, 2022, no. 1(637), pp. 33–41, DOI: https://doi.org/10.33285/0207-2351-2022-1(637)-33-41

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9. Pashali A.A., Aleksandrov M.A., Kliment’ev A.G. et al., Automatization of collecting and preparation of telemetry data for well testing using ‘’virtual flowmeter’’ (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2016, no. 11, pp. 60–63.

10. Andrianova A.M., Loginov A.A., Khabibullin R.A., Kobzar’ O.S., Virtual metering as a tool for ESP-equipped wells monitoring (In Russ.), PRONEFT’’. Professional’no o nefti, 2020, no. 4(18), pp. 75–80, DOI: https://doi.org/10.7868/S2587739920040114

11. Bikmukhametov T., Jäschke J., First principles and machine learning virtual flow metering: A literature review, J. of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2020, V. 184, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.petrol.2019.106487.

12. RN-DIGITAL: Analiz i interpretatsiya gidrodinamicheskikh issledovaniy skvazhin (GDIS) (RN-DIGITAL: Analysis and interpretation of hydrodynamic well testing), URL: https://rn.digital/rnvega

13. Sarapulova V.V., Davletbaev A.Ya., Kunafin A.F. et al., The RN-VEGA program complex for well test analysis and interpretation (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2023, no. 12, pp. 124 –129, DOI: https://doi.org/10.24887/0028-2448-2023-12-124-129

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22. Yudin E.V., Andrianova A.M., Ganeev T.A. et al., Production monitoring using a virtual flow meter for an unstable operating well stock (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2023, no. 8, pp. 82–87, DOI: https://doi.org/10.24887/0028-2448-2023-8-82-87

23. Davletbaev A.Ya., Fluid filtration in porous media with vertically fractured wells (In Russ.), Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, 2012, V. 85, no. 5, pp. 919–924.

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T.S. Arbatsky (Irkutsk Oil Company LLC, RF, Irkutsk), S.V. Poliakov (Irkutsk Oil Company LLC, RF, Irkutsk), R.L. Pavlishin (Irkutsk Oil Company LLC, RF, Irkutsk), I.N. Shaikhutdinov (Irkutsk Oil Company LLC, RF, Irkutsk), R.I. Ermekov (Irkutsk Oil Company LLC, RF, Irkutsk), R.T. Badretdinov (Irkutsk Oil Company LLC, RF, Irkutsk)
Tools for analyzing and predicting complications in conditions of extreme accumulation of salt complexes along the trunk and in the reservoir zone using the example of the Yaraktinskoye oil-gas-condensate field


Within the territory of Eastern Siberia, during the development of oil-gas-condensate fields of the Nepa-Botuoba anteclise with the localization of deposits in the subsalt structural level of the geological section of Vendian age, there is an urgent problem of secondary precipitation of a complex of inorganic salts in the pore space of reservoir rocks and in oilfield equipment. Calcium chloride-type formation water for these deposits can reach a mineralization of over 300 g/l with a density of more than 1260 kg/m3. When organizing a system for maintaining reservoir pressure using commercial or transit waters as injection agents, the introduction of excess ionic strength into reservoir brines is associated with complications in the form of precipitation of easily soluble (halite), sparingly soluble (gypsum, calcite), and often polymineral (gypsocalcite) sediments, leading to a forced decrease in the permeability of the bottomhole formation zone, up to complete attenuation of the inflow. To dissolve salt deposits, a complex 2-stage treatment of the bottomhole zone is used by alternately pumping a 20% aqueous solution of NaOH and 12% HCl.

A lot of scientific research has been devoted to the problem of salt precipitation during the development of oil and gas condensate fields, and in general the issue is considered to be sufficiently worked out from the point of view of understanding chemical processes. However, due to the many factors influencing the intensity and type of sedimentation, universal tools for analyzing and predicting complications have not yet been developed. In the article highlights the existing experience in analyzing the operation of those subject to precipitation of poorly soluble gypsocalcite formations in the bottomhole zone of the formation and along the trunk of oil producing wells of the Yaraktinskoye oil and gas condensate field. The authors proposed analytical tools for indicating complications, tested for specific geological conditions. The proposed approaches are verified by hydrodynamic studies and the results of downhole work during ongoing well workover.


1. Oddo J.E., Tomson M.B., Method predicts well bore scale, corrosion, Oil and Gas Journal, 1988, V. 96, pp. 107–114.

2. Zimin S.V., Sabanchin I.V., Krasnov I.A. et al., Inorganic salt deposition under in situ conditions in Eastern Siberian reservoirs (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2020, no. 9, pp. 44-49, DOI: https://doi.org/10.24887/0028-2448-2020-9-44-49

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I.I. Zakiryanov (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa), Sh.Kh. Ishkina (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa), A.F. Kunafin (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa), V.V. Sarapulova (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa), E.E. Sakhibgareev (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa), A.Ya. Davletbaev (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa; Ufa University of Science and Technology, RF, Ufa), T.P. Azarova (Bashneft PJSC, RF, Ufa), A.F. Gimaev (Bashneft-Dobycha LLC, RF, Ufa), V.P. Miroshnichenko (RN-Yuganskneftegaz LLC, RF, Nefteyugansk), G.A. Shutskiy (RN-Yuganskneftegaz LLC, RF, Nefteyugansk)
Machine learning based approach for transient well test interpretation


The article discusses automatic interpretation of results of transient well tests of oil and gas wells. Pressure-transient test under build-up and production-transient test in the production wells and fall-off test in the injection wells are considered. Machine learning techniques are applied to solve the problem. Based on the log-log plots of the pressure change curve and its logarithmic derivative, the proposed algorithm allows determining the most suitable model of the well-reservoir system. This problem, in machine learning terms, is a multilabeled classification problem, since the same input data can be assigned to one or more classes. A one-dimensional convolutional neural network model was selected based on the results of cross-validation. After determining the model of the well-reservoir system, the analytical algorithm makes it possible to calculate the parameters of the reservoir, well completion parameters and distances to the boundaries of the reservoir and surrounding wells. Algorithms for automatic interpretation of pressure buil-up curve, pressure fall-off curve and pressure leveling curve are implemented as a separate functionality in the program complex RN-VEGA, which ensures the execution of a wide range of tasks related to the processing of source data, analysis and interpretation of various well testing technologies. The automatic interpretation functionality in the RN-VEGA expands the capabilities of an expert in well testing interpretation by generating a list of relevant models of the well-reservoir system and solving the problem of calculating the parameters for each of these models, which is impossible when processing dynamic well operation data manually. The functionality was tested on synthetic and field data from fields in Western Siberia and Volga-Ural region. The results of comparison with similar functionality in foreign software showed that the new algorithm allows obtaining the required reservoir and well completion parameters with more than 8 % greater accuracy.


1. Urazov R.R., Davletbaev A.Ya., Sinitskiy A.I. et al., Rate transient analysis of fractured horizontal wells (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2020, no. 10, pp. 62–67 , DOI: https://doi.org/10.24887/0028-2448-2020-10-62-67

2. Asalkhuzina G.F., Davletbaev A.Ya., Salakhov T.R., Applying decline analysis for reservoir pressure determination (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2022, no. 10, pp. 30-33, DOI: https://doi.org/10.24887/0028-2448-2022-10-30-33

3. KAPPA: Saphir – analiz GDIS (KAPPA: Saphir – well test analysis), URL: https://www.kappaeng.com/software/saphir/

4. Sarapulova V.V., Davletbaev A.Ya., Kunafin A.F. et al., The RN-VEGA program complex for well test analysis and interpretation (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2023, no. 12, pp. 124 –129, DOI: https://doi.org/10.24887/0028-2448-2023-12-124-129

5. Afanas'ev I.S., Sergeychev A.V., Asmandiyarov R.N. et al., Automatic well test data processing: a time series wavelet analysis approach (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2012, no. 11, pp. 34-37.

6. Ivaschenko D., Davletbaev A., Baikov V. et al., Wavelet-based transform analysis for non-darcy gas flow noisy data interpretation (In Russ.), SPE-166909-MS, 2013, DOI: http://doi.org/10.2118/166909-MS

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8. Daolun Li, Xuliang Liu, Wenshu Zha et al., Automatic well test interpretation based on convolutional neural network for a radial composite reservoir, Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2020, V. 47(3), pp. 623–631, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S1876-3804(20)60079-9

9. Arubi S.L., Ikporo B., Igbani S., Obuebute A., Well test analysis and interpretation: the use of artificial neural network, International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2020, V. 4(11), pp. 438–446.

10. Ahmadi R., Shahrabi J., Aminshahidy B., Automatic well-testing model diagnosis and parameter estimation using artificial neural networks and design of experiments, Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, 2016, V. 7(3), pp. 759–783, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13202-016-0293-z

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12. Specht D.F., A general regression neural network, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 1991, V. 2(6), pp. 568–576, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/72.97934

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14. Gringarten A.C., From straight lines to deconvolution: The evolution of the state of the art in well test analysis, SPE-102079-PA, 2008, DOI: http://doi.org/10.2118/102079-PA

15. Davletbaev A.Ya., Asalkhuzina G.F., Urazov R.R., Sarapulova V.V., Gidrodinamicheskie issledovaniya skvazhin v nizkopronitsaemykh kollektorakh (Hydrodynamic studies of wells in low-permeability reservoirs), Novosibirsk: DOM MIRA Publ., 2023, 176 p.

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A.N. Ivanov (Vietsovpetro JV, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Vung Tau), A.R. Aubakirov (Vietsovpetro JV, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Vung Tau), F.S. Khismatullina (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow)
PEXEL algorithm for automated history matching of relative phase permeabilities


One of the most important conditions for successful planning of field development is the reliable hydrodynamic model, which allows building an appropriate forecast, evaluation of the effectiveness of various development scenarios, prospective oil recovery and other necessary indicators for the field. In the case of a field already in active development, it seems obvious that the better the existing model represents the real reservoir and the better it simulates the actual development history, the more reliable the forecast will be and the more appropriate the selected development scenario. One of the tools designed to provide automatic matching of the simultaion model to the development history is the PEXEL software, where a number of algorithms are implemented to adjust well parameters to actual data (oil, gas, water production, bottomhole and reservoir pressures): modifications to the permeability array, volume of the aquifer, vertical scaling and justification of the shape of relative permeabilities curves. Algorithms of automated adaptation PEXEL were formed and improved in the course of long-term practice of creation and matching of simulation models. Approbation was carried out on sector and full-size simulation models. Application of PEXEL allows replacing manual editing with high accuracy and efficiency, at the same time doing it in a methodologically solid manner, which is confirmed by numerous runs and their analyses. In addition, such analysis tools as integral plots of production indicators, well-by-well comparison of results, cross-plots, 2D visualization are implemented. One of them is an algorithm for automated matching of well history by modifying the shape of relative phase permeability curves. The essence of this tuning method is as follows: iteratively, for each saturation region, the production is analyzed and multipliers to the degree of Corey curvature (NOW and NW) are calculated. In order to develop the shape of relative phase permeability curves matching algorithm, more than 14000 variants of synthetic models with different combinations of NOW (from 1,2 to 5,6), NW (from 1,2 to 5,6) and ratios of absolute permeability values of the layers (from 1/1 to 100/1) were generated and calculated. As a consequence of analyses of the results of simulations on synthetic models, the tendencies were revealed, which are observed for all considered ratios of absolute permeability values of layers.


1. Syrtlanov V.R., On some issues of adaptation of hydrodynamic models of hydrocarbon deposits (In Russ.), Vestnik TsKR Rosnedra, 2009, no. 2, pp. 81-90.

2. Syrtlanov V.R., Golovatskiy Yu.A., Ishimov I.N., Mezhnova N.I., Assisted history matching for reservoir simulation model (In Russ.), SPE-196878-RU, 2019,

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3. Syrtlanov V.R., Denisova N.I., Khismatullina F.S., Some aspects of reservoir modelling of large fields for field development planning and monitoring (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2007, no. 5, pp. 70-74.

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5. Certificate on state registration of the computer program no. 2018661844. PEXEL (Peksel) - a program for creating and editing grids, properties and wells of geological and hydrodynamic models of oil and gas fields with the ability to dynamically compile and execute code, Author: Aubakirov A.R.

6. Ivanov A.N., Khismatullina F.S., Aubakirov A.R., Kurguzkina I.V., The PEXEL algorithm application for automated history matching reservoir simulation mode (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2022, no. 9, pp. 49-52, DOI: https://doi.org/10.24887/0028-2448-2022-9-49-52

7. Gavura A.V., Sannikov I.N., Khismatullina F.S., Upravlenie razrabotkoy mestorozhdeniy na osnove modelirovaniya plastovykh protsessov (Field development management based on modeling of reservoir processes), Moscow: Publ. of Gubkin University, 2017, 157 p.

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A.A. Kashapov (RN-Bashnipineft LLC, RF, Ufa), E.L. Egorov (RN-Bashnipineft LLC, RF, Ufa), M.M. Kulushev (RN-Bashnipineft LLC, RF, Ufa), A.A. Povalyaev (RN-Bashnipineft LLC, RF, Ufa), S.S. Tsybin (RN-Bashnipineft LLC, RF, Ufa), A.E. Fedorov (RN-Bashnipineft LLC, RF, Ufa), R.R. Ziazev (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen), A.V. Knyazev (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen), S.V. Korobkin (IGIRGI JSC, RF, Moscow), V.A. Korotovskikh (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow)
System approach to estimating the efficiency of infill drilling on the oil fields of Rosneft Oil Company


Infill drilling is one of the most effective methods for increasing the oil recovery factor and withdrawal rate of remaining recoverable reserves. At the same time, it should be noted that the drilling of infill wells has a negative impact on the current oil (liquid) production of base wells. Therefore, the decision of drilling infill wells should be made taking into account the assessment of its efficiency. This research considers and proposes methods for assessing the efficiency of infill drilling and its influence on the current oil (liquid) production of base wells. To characterize the efficiency of infill drilling, dimensionless coefficients are proposed. These coefficients serve to estimate additional current or total oil (liquid) production of infill wells, taking into account the total losses of oil production of base wells. This oil (liquid) production is called net oil (liquid) production. Four independent types of loss of oil production from base wells due to infill drilling were identified: well interference, reduction in recoverable oil reserves of base wells, additional transfers to injection of base wells, and infrastructure limitations. To assess the efficiency of infill drilling, two calculation modules were developed and tested: the statistical and the analytical modules. The statistical module estimates actual and predicted total losses of oil production of base wells from implemented infill drilling based on actual liquid (oil) production data. The analytical module estimates predicted total losses of oil production of base wells from intended infill drilling based on the analytical model. This model is based on the redistribution of the average equilibrium reservoir pressure on the considered area of the oil reservoir during infill drilling. The results of using the modules are shown in case of considering areas with infill drilling at Samotlor and Priobskoe oilfields.


1. Mitsukova D.S., Gilmianova A.A., Eyubov F.T. et al., Compaction drilling at priobskoye oil field, retrospective analysis and prospects for further use (In Russ.), Neftegazovoe delo = Petroleum Engineering, 2022, V. 20, no. 3, pp. 17–37, DOI: https://doi.org/10.17122/ngdelo-2022-3-17-37

2. Degtyareva T.Yu., Migmanov R.R., An integrated approach to evaluating the effectiveness of infill drilling of the Ust-Tegusskoye field (In Russ.), Izvestiya vuzov. Neft’ i Gaz, 2021, no. 5, pp. 140–150, DOI: https://doi.org/10.31660/0445-0108-2021-5-140-150

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4. Osorgin P.A., Kashapov A.A., Egorov E.L., Mironenko A.A., Development of low-permeable terrigenous reservoirs using horizontal wells with multiple hydraulic fractures at Priobskoye license area of RN-Yuganskneftegas LLC (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2023, no. 6, pp. 38–43,

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K.I. Kuznetsova (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, RF, Dubna), M.S. Khoziainov (Dubna State University, RF, Dubna), D.A. Chernokozhev (MANTSGEO LLC, RF, Buzuluk)
Evaluation of inefficient flooding of an oil field site at a late stage of development based on the results of indicator studies


An algorithm has been developed for calculating ineffective filtration of injected water through highly permeable interlayers identified by the indicator method in a reservoir hydrodynamic model. Adaptation is carried out in three stages. At the first stage, a site is selected on which tracer research were carried out for 120 days. At least 40 successful samples must be obtained in each production well of the site. At the second stage, the permeability of the main layer of the current hydrodynamic model is detailed. Each production well has its own permeability value. The adequacy of the created model at this stage is determined by the coincidence of the calculated and actual values of the injectivity of the injection well and water flow rates of production wells. At the third stage, a thin layer is identified in the model, in which highly permeable channels are built between each pair of injection and production wells. The permeability and volume of such paths are selected based on the distribution of the indicator mass between production wells in the field. The correctness of the proposed algorithm was tested on a real oil field. Models of two neighboring plots were adapted separately and then together as a single plot. The discrepancy between the actual and calculated flow rates of production wells, the distribution of the tracer and the injectivity of injection wells did not exceed 10 %. This shows the possibility of adapting the hydrodynamic model of the field as a whole by successively adapting individual sections with sequential attachment to each other. The refined model makes it possible to evaluate the impact of low flow resistance channels on waterflooding efficiency, predict the success of measures to equalize the injectivity profile, and also provides a more accurate long-term forecast of oil deposits exploitation efficiency.


1. Khozyainov M.S., Chernokozhev D.A., Kuznetsova K.I., Indikatornyy (trassernyy) metod issledovaniya fil’tratsionnykh protsessov v neftyanom plaste: monografiya (Indicator (tracer) method for studying filtration processes in an oil reservoir), Moscow: KURS Publ., 2022, 128 p.

2. RD 39-0147428-235-89, Metodicheskoe rukovodstvo po tekhnologii provedeniya indikatornykh issledovaniy i interpretatsii ikh rezul’tatov dlya regulirovaniya i kontrolya protsessa zavodneniya neftyanykh zalezhey (Guidance on the technology for conducting indicator studies and interpreting their results to regulate and control the process of waterflooding of oil deposits), Groznyy: Publ. of SevKavNIPIneft’, 1989, 87 p.

3. Sokolovskiy E.V., Solov’ev G.B., Trenchikov Yu.I., Indikatornye metody izucheniya neftegazonosnykh plastov (Indicator methods for the study of oil and gas reservoirs), Moscow: Nedra Publ., 1986, 157 p.

4. Metodicheskoe rukovodstvo po priemke, analizu i sistematizatsii rezul’tatov trassernykh issledovaniy v organizatsiyakh Gruppy “LUKOYL” (Guidelines for the acceptance, analysis and systematization of the results of tracer studies in the organizations of the LUKOIL Group), V. 1.0, Moscow: Publ. of LUKOYL, 2012.

5. Diaz D., Saez N., Cabrera M. et al., CDG in a heterogeneous fluvial reservoir in Argentina: Pilot and field expansion evaluation, SPE 174704-MS, 2015, DOI: https://doi.org/10.2118/174704-MS

6. Wang D., Al-Katheeri A.B., Al-Nuimi S.M., Dey A., A full-field interwell tracer program on a giant carbonate oil field, Journal of Petroleum Technology, 2016, V. 68, no. 9, pp. 74–76, DOI: https://doi.org/10.2118/0916-0074-JPT

7. Antonov O.G., Nasybullin A.V., Lifant’ev A.V., Rakhmanov A.R., Use of tracer survey data for building a permanently updated geological and reservoir model (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2013, no. 7, pp. 40–42.

8. Kostyuchenko S.V., Bordzilovskiy A.S., Kolyagin A.G. et al., Technique of specification of geological-technological models structures by results of trass and hydrodynamic researches (By the example of Verkh-Tarskoye field) (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2008, no. 5, pp. 54–57.

9. Krivova N.R., Razrabotka i issledovanie sistemy ekspluatatsii kollektorov mnogoplastovykh mestorozhdeniy s razryvnymi narusheniyami (Development and study of a system for exploiting reservoirs of multi-layer fields with discontinuities): thesis of candidate of technical science, Tyumen, 2009, 147 p.

10. Khozyainov M.S., Chernokozhev D.A., Gazimov R.R., Kuznetsova K.I., Adaptatsiya gidrodinamicheskoy modeli neftyanogo mestorozhdeniya po rezul’tatam indikatornykh issledovaniy (Adaptation of a hydrodynamic model of an oil field based on the results of indicator studies), Proceedings of XX International conference “Fiziko-khimicheskie i petrofizicheskie issledovaniya v naukakh o zemle” (Physicochemical and petrophysical research in geosciences), Moscow: Publ. of Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, 2019, pp. 341–342.

11. Brilliant L.S., Dulkarnaev M.R., Dan’ko M.Yu. et al., Oil production management based on neural network optimization of well operation at the pilot project site of the Vatyeganskoe field (Territorial Production Enterprise Povkhneftegaz), Georesursy = Georesources, V. 24, no. 1, pp. 3–15, DOI: https://doi.org/10.18599/grs.2022.1.1

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I.N. Ponomareva (Perm National Research Polytechnic University, RF, Perm), M.S. Cherepanov (Perm National Research Polytechnic University, RF, Perm), A.A. Melekhin (Perm National Research Polytechnic University, RF, Perm), L.A. Zaharov (Perm National Research Polytechnic University, RF, Perm)
New opportunities of oil field development monitoring when assessing the energy state of formations using the artificial intelligence methods


One of the key tasks of oil field development monitoring is the evaluation of hydrodynamic interaction between production and injection wells. In practice, this task is usually solved by conducting expensive and time-consuming tracer (indicator) analysis. It is commonly important to develop an indirect methodology that allows solving this task promptly. This article considers an approach based on comparative analysis of monthly average values of reservoir pressure in the zones of oil recovery and injection volumes. A complex carbonate Tournaisian reservoir of the Opalikhinskoye field was chosen as the object of study. Large-scale tracer studies were carried out during the period of analysis, which is the justification of the object selection. The results of tracer studies are used as actual information on the hydrodynamic connection between the oil recovery and water injection zones. In practice, formation pressure values in the withdrawal zones are obtained during well tests, while the actual frequency and regularity of measurements do not allow the implementation of the proposed approach. In this regard, to assess the hydrodynamic relationship between the withdrawal and injection zones, it is proposed to use the formation pressure values performed with a one-month time step on a specially created model which was developed using the artificial intelligence methods. All digitized historical data on actual formation pressures during the oil production wells exploitation in Perm region were used in training the model. The minimum amount of geological and field information is used as input data for the calculation (average monthly values of oil and liquid flow rates, downtime coefficients and at least one actual formation pressure measurement for the entire history of well exploitation). The occurrence of reservoir pressure values in one-month increments gives an opportunity to compare it with the injection volumes of neighboring injection wells to assess the hydrodynamic interaction between production and injection wells. The results of the proposed approach are fully confirmed by the tracer studies, which are demonstrated in this article as the example of two pairs of wells.


1. Katanov Yu.E., Yagafarov A.K., Aristov A.I., Digital core: Approximation models of textural features of sandstone void space (In Russ.), Vestnik Akademii nauk Respubliki Bashkortostan, 2023, V. 47, no. 2(110), pp. 33–42, DOI: https://doi.org/10.24412/1728-5283-2023-2-33-42

2. Rongbo Shao, Hua Wang, Lizhi Xiao, Reservoir evaluation using petrophysics informed machine learning: A case study, Artificial Intelligence in Geosciences, 2024, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aiig.2024.100070.

3. Joshi A., Raman B., Mohan C.K., Cenkeramaddi L.R., A new machine learning approach for estimating shear wave velocity profile using borelog data, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2024, V. 177, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2023.108424.

4. Xianmu Hou, Peiqing Lian, Jiuyu Zhao et al., Identification of carbonate sedimentary facies from well logs with machine learning, Petroleum Research, 2024, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ptlrs.2024.01.007.

5. Katanov Yu.E., Neyrosetevaya model’ prognozirovaniya skorosti i rezhimov bureniya skvazhin v slozhnopostroennykh kollektorakh (In Russ.), Izvestiya vuzov. Neft’ i gaz, 2021, no. 1(145), pp. 55–76, DOI: https://doi.org/10.31660/0445-0108-2021-1-55-76

6. Kai Xu, Zouwei Liu, Qi Chen et al., Application of machine learning in wellbore stability prediction: A review, Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 2024, V. 232, Part B, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoen.2023.212409.

7. Iming Liu, Xiao Tan, Yi Bao, Machine learning-assisted intelligent interpretation of distributed fiber optic sensor data for automated monitoring of pipeline corrosion, Measurement, 2024, V. 226, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measurement.2024.114190.

8. Filippov E.V., Zakharov L.A., Martyushev D.A., Ponomareva I.N., Reproduction of reservoir pressure by machine learning methods and study of its influence on the cracks formation process in hydraulic fracturing (In Russ.), Zapiski Gornogo instituta = Journal of Mining Institute, 2022, V. 258, pp. 924–932, DOI: http:// doi.org/10.31897/PMI.2022.103

9. Martyushev D.A., Ponomareva I.N., Filippov E.V., Studying the direction of hydraulic fracture in carbonate reservoirs: using machine learning to determine reservoir pressure, Petroleum Research, 2022, DOI: http://doi.org/10.1016/j.ptlrs.2022.06.003

10. Zakharov L.A., Martyushev D.A., Ponomareva I.N., Predicting dynamic formation pressure using artificial intelligence methods (In Russ.), Zapiski Gornogo instituta = Journal of Mining Institute, 2022, V. 253, pp. 23–32, DOI: http://doi.org/10.31897/PMI.2022.11

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P.V. Pyatibratov (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow)
About the physical meaning and definition of the volumetric sweep efficiency in the binomial formula for calculating oil recovery factor


Almost 70 years ago, academician A.P. Krylov proposed a binomial formula for calculating oil recovery factor (ORF), which is still used in the design of oil field development. The article presents the definitions of the coefficients included in the binomial and three-term formulas for calculating ORF, their physical meaning in the works of famous scientists has differences. Currently, the design of the development of oil fields is carried out on the basis of three-dimensional hydrodynamic models. The volumetric sweep efficiency included in the binomial ORF calculation formula is calculated in the reverse way based on the known value of the displacement efficiency obtained in laboratory conditions and the ORF value calculated based on solving the direct problem of three-dimensional reservoir simulation. The article shows that the volumetric sweep efficiency is equal to the coefficient of utilization of mobile oil reserves and represents the proportion of reserves recovered by the end of development or by the current point in time when determining the current ORF, of all mobile oil reserves contained at the oil field. Unlike the flooding coefficient in the three-part formula for calculating ORF, which shows the proportion of recoverable reserves from mobile reserves covered by displacement processes, the volumetric sweep efficiency or utilization factor of mobile oil reserves in the binomial formula characterizes the proportion of recovered reserves from all mobile reserves covered by the development. The presented interpretation of the physical value of the volumetric sweep efficiency makes it possible to calculate its distribution in a direct way based on a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model at any given time representing accumulated oil production by changing the oil saturation of the model cells.


1. Krylov A.P., Sostoyanie teoreticheskikh rabot po proektirovaniyu razrabotki neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy i zadachi po uluchsheniyu etikh rabot (The state of theoretical work on the design of oil fields and the tasks to improve these works), Collected papers “Opyt razrabotki neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy i zadachi po uluchsheniyu etikh rabot” (Experience in the development of oil fields and tasks to improve these works), Moscow: Gostoptekhizdast Publ., 1957, pp. 116–139.

2. Borisov Yu.P., Ryabinina Z.K., Voinov V.V., Osobennosti proektirovaniya razrabotki neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy s uchetom ikh neodnorodnosti (Features of designing the development of oil fields, taking into account their heterogeneity), Moscow: Nedra Publ., 1976, 286 p.

3. RD 153-39.0-110-01. Metodicheskie ukazaniya po geologo-promyslovomu analizu razrabotki neftyanykh i gazoneftyanykh mestorozhdeniy (Methodical instructions on geological and field analysis of oil and gas fields development), Moscow: Publ. of Ekspertneftegaz, 2002, 119 p.

4. Amelin I.D., Bad’yanov V.A., Vendel’shteyn B.Yu. et al., Podschet zapasov nefti, gaza, kondensata i soderzhashchikhsya v nikh komponentov (Calculation of reserves of oil, gas, condensate and their components): edited by Stasenkov V.V., Gutman I.S., Moscow: Nedra Publ., 1989, 270 p.

5. Lysenko V.D., Grayfer V.I., Ratsional’naya razrabotka neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy (Rational development of oil fields), Moscow: Nedra Publ., 2005, 605 p.

6. Zheltov Yu.P., Razrabotka neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy (Oil field development), Moscow: Nedra Publ., 1986, 332 p.

7. OST 39-195-86, Neft’. Metod opredeleniya koeffitsienta vytesneniya nefti vodoy v laboratornykh usloviyakh (Oil. The method of determining the coefficient of oil displacement by water in the laboratory).

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A.O. Gordeev (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen), A.A. Doroshenko (Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC, RF, Moscow), S.V. Osipov (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow)
Reviewing the results of testing the Berezovskaya Formation reservoirs in West Siberia


The paper provides general information on the gas content and productivity of low-permeable gas reservoirs of the Berezovskaya formation. The Berezovskaya reservoir testing practices in directional and horizontal wells at the fields of Rosneft and Gazprom companies are described. The paper also considers the procedure of cased wells testing in the Berezovskaya formation developed to improve the operational success taking into account the unique properties of the target. The productivity of terrigenous reservoirs of the Upper Berezovskaya sub-formation depends on the rock grain size, the higher the grain size, the higher the reservoir quality and thus the gas rates. Commercial gas rates can be achieved even without hydraulic fracturing. The productivity of clay silicites of the Lower Berezovskaya sub-formation is an order of magnitude lower. The reservoir quality is defined by the pore space structure, the pore size, and the presence of natural rock fracturing. The best reservoirs are characterized by needle-shaped pore space and pore size of 200–500 nm. In fields with spongy pore space and pore size of up to 60 nm, formation tests without hydraulic fracturing were unsuccessful. Increased gas rates were obtained in wells located near tectonic faults (here is the maximum fracturing intensity), in tentative corridors above strike-slip faults, and at structural inflections. Hydraulic fracturing in silicite reservoirs provides a 3,8 to 47 times increase in gas rates reaching post-fracturing rates proportionate to the terrigenous reservoir of the Upper Berezovskaya sub-formation. The productivity potential of the Berezovskaya reservoir, based on the results of hydraulic fracturing tests in directional wells, amounted to up to 90 thousand m3/day. The economic efficiency of the Lower Berezovskaya sub-formation development can be achieved by drilling horizontal wells with multistage hydraulic fracturing. The initial rates of horizontal wells with multi-stage hydraulic fracturing reach up to 170 thousand m3/day. The well test results show the advantages of horizontal wells drilled across the maximum stress. The lessons learned by companies in studying and testing the Berezovskaya reservoir are insufficient for making decisions on the involvement of reserves into full-scale development. The production potential should be further investigated through pilot projects involving various well designs in areas with various types of natural fracturing.


1. Agalakov S.E., Bakuev O.V., New objects of hydrocarbon prospecting in over-Cenomanian deposits of the Western Sibiria (In Russ.), Geologiya nefti i gaza, 1992, no. 11.

2. Cherdantsev S.G., Nesterov I.I., Ognev D.A. et al., Stratigraphy and indexation of productive strata of the supra-Cenomanian gas-bearing complex of Western Siberia (In Russ.), Gornye vedomosti, 2017, no. 2, pp. 14–27.

3. Cherepanov V.V., Pyatnitskiy Yu.I., Khabibullin D.Ya. et al., Perspektivy narashchivaniya resursnoy bazy gazovykh mestorozhdeniy na pozdney stadii razrabotki putem izucheniya promyshlennogo potentsiala netraditsionnykh kollektorov nadsenomanskikh otlozheniy (Prospects for increasing the resource base of gas fields at a late stage of development by studying the industrial potential of unconventional reservoirs of supra-Cenomanian deposits), Collected papers “Trudnoizvlekaemye i netraditsionnye zapasy uglevodorodov: opyt i prognozy” (Hard-to-recover and unconventional hydrocarbon reserves: experience and forecasts), Proceedings of International scientific and practical conference, Kazan’: FEN Publ., 2014, pp. 104–110.

4. Cherepanov V.V., Men’shikov S.N., Varyagov S.A. et al., Problems relating to estimation of oil and gas potential of nizhneberezovsky sub-suite in the north of the Western Siberia (In Russ.), Geologiya, geofizika i razrabotka neftyanykh i gazovykh mestorozhdeniy, 2015, no. 2, pp. 11–26.

5. Vremennye metodicheskie rekomendatsii po podschetu zapasov gaza v zalezhakh berezovskoy svity i ee analogov v predelakh Zapadno-Sibirskoy neftegazonosnoy provintsii (Temporary methodological recommendations for calculating gas reserves in deposits of the Berezovsky formation and its analogues within the West Siberian oil and gas province), URL: https://gkz-rf.ru/ets/metodiki#page-accord-809.

6. Nassonova N.V. et al., Lithological and mineralogical heterogeneity of lower Berezovskian subseries of Medvezhye and Kharampurskoye fields (In Russ.) Neftyanaya provintsiya, 2021, no. 4-1(28), pp. 1–21.

7. Marinov V.A. et al., Upper cretaceous Berezovian regional substage of West Siberia (In Russ.), Byulleten’ moskovskogo obshchestva ispytateley prirody, 2023, V. 97, no. 4, pp. 12–39.

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9. Abramov T.A. et al., Analysis of pressure transient test results for Beryozovskaya suite (In Russ.), Neftyanaya provintsiya, 2019, no. 4, pp. 234–247.

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14. Karymova Ya.O., Treshchinovatost’ opok senona severa Zapadnoy Sibiri (Fractures of Senonian flasks in the north of Western Siberia), Proceedings of XI scientific-practical conference of young scientists and specialists “Salmanovskie chteniya” (Salman’s readings), 30–31 March 2017, Tyumen’: Publ. of SibNATS, 2017, pp. 88–93.

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D.G. Didichin (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow), V.A. Pavlov (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow), A.A. Mislivskaya (NK Rosneft-STC LLC, RF, Krasnodar), N.N. Galich (NK Rosneft-STC LLC, RF, Krasnodar)
New tools of Rosneft Oil Company to improve design efficiency: 3D information modeling of highways


The article describes the elements of transformation of Rosneft Oil Company approaches to information modeling based on BIM technologies within the life cycle of linear objects (roads and railways, overhead power lines, field and main pipelines). The presence of a 3D model of a linear object allows not only the use of automated tools for carrying out various types of analysis and inspections, issuing design and working documentation, visual planning and optimization of the construction process, estimating the cost, obtaining other data, but also provides regulated access to data about the object to all interested parties in a unified information environment. The article discusses a conceptual approach to accelerating the design process, optimizing the stages of construction and commissioning of capital construction projects through the introduction of information modeling at all stages of the life cycle using highways as an example. An analysis of the complex of technological capabilities of information modeling was performed. An assessment was made of the possibility of using the technology at all stages of the life cycle of a transport infrastructure facility. The relevance of the use of a three-dimensional information model of the highway as the main basis for implementing a digital representation of current aspects of the processes of planning, design, construction and operation of highways is noted. This model can be used by specialized structures of the customer, designer, general contractor and operating organization. The requirements for the structure and content of information about the transport and operational characteristics of the highway within the framework of the information model are described. The article provides a detailed description of the stages of the life cycle of a highway, including the pre-design stage, survey stage, design stage, implementation stage and operation stage. The feasibility of developing a module for expanding the functionality of corporate information systems in terms of creating a register of highways and artificial structures of Rosneft Oil Company based on the results of certification and diagnostics is indicated. The structure of the concept for developing a module for designing highways from a button is described, aimed at realizing the possibility of using a 3D model of a linear object within the framework of information modeling based on BIM technology, including the stage of automation and digitalization of highway design. The main advantages from the implementation of applied tasks of forming a data bank and 3D model within the framework of information modeling at all stages of the life cycle of a linear object are listed.


1. Didichin D.G., Pavlov V.A., Avrenyuk A.N. et al., 3D engineering for Rosneft oil producing facilities construction (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2022, no. 11, pp. 64‒67, DOI: https://doi.org/10.24887/0028-2448-2022-11-64-67

2. Didichin D.G., Pavlov V.A., Volkov M.G. et al., New tools of Rosneft to improve the efficiency of design: the transition to 3D technology and information modeling in the block of capital construction (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2023, no. 8, pp. 64–68, DOI: https://doi.org/10.24887/0028-2448-2023-8-64-68

3. Didichin D.G., Pavlov V.A., Ivanov S.A. et al., Innovative Rosneft tools to improve development of design documentation efficiency: digital etalon project (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2023, no. 5, pp. 111–115, DOI: https://doi.org/10.24887/0028-2448-2023-5-111-115

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Ì.À. Silin (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), L.À. Magadova (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), P.K. Krisanova (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), A.A. Filatov (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), K.A. Poteshkina (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), D.N. Malkin (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow)
Possibilities of oscillation testing in field chemistry


At present for determination of rheological properties of compositions used in oil and gas production processes, rotational viscometers with different measuring systems are used: coaxial cylinders, cone-plate, plate-plate. However, an important task is to investigate and comprehensively assess not only the viscous but also the elastic properties of the compositions. To estimate both viscous and elastic properties of the analyzed system, a dynamic (oscillation) measurement mode is used. The paper presents an analysis of oscillation studies of process fluids for hydraulic fracturing and conformance control operations. Approaches for analyzing amplitude and frequency dependences of elasticity and viscosity moduli are applied to viscoelastic surfactants with and without additives, to linear and cross-linked water-soluble polymers, and to a sediment-gel-forming composition. The possibilities of using such parameters were evaluated, which can be determined by oscillation testing, as relaxation time and complex viscosity for comparing the properties of compositions for hydraulic fracturing and conformance control operations. The values of effective viscosity obtained by the methods of classical rheology and oscillation test values on a Grace M5600 rheometer were analyzed in this work. It is shown that when studying the rheological properties of the most common structured systems used in oil and gas production, it is impossible to get a complete picture of the system properties using rotational viscometry alone. It is not possible to assess the efficiency of a composition by viscosity value alone. Therefore, an urgent issue is the inclusion of oscillation testing in the analysis of technological properties in the selection of compositions used in oil and gas production.


1. Silin M., Magadova L., Malkin D. et al., Applicability assessment of viscoelastic surfactants and synthetic polymers as a base of hydraulic fracturing fluids, Energies, 2022, V. 15, no. 8, DOI: http://doi.org/10.3390/en15082827

2. Silin M.A., Magadova L.A., Malkin D.N. et al., Development of viscoelastic composition based on surfactants for hydraulic fracturing (In Russ.), Trudy Rossiyskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta nefti i gaza (NIU) imeni I.M. Gubkina, 2020, no. 1(298), pp. 142–154, DOI: https://doi.org/10.33285/2073-9028-2020-1(298)-142-154

3. Idrisov A.R., Kuryashov D.A., Bashkirtseva N.Yu. et al., Rheological properties of mixed micellar solutions of zwitterionic and cationic surfactants (In Russ.), Vestnik Kazanskogo tekhnologicheskogo universiteta, 2009, no. 4, pp. 260–267.

4. Telin A.G., Zaynetdinov T.I., Khlebnikova M.E., Study of the rheological properties of water-swellable polyacrylamide FS 305 for the development of technologies for water shut-off works at oil wells (In Russ.), Proceedings of Mavlyutov Institute of Mechanics, 2006, no. 4, pp. 207–223.

5. Akhmetov A.T., Fakhreeva A.V., Lenchenkova L.E., Telin A.G., Osobennosti reologii vodoizolyatsionnykh reagentov na osnove polimerdispersnykh organomineral’nykh materialov (Features of the rheology of waterproofing reagents based on polymer-dispersed organomineral materials), Proceedings of 30th Symposium on Rheology, Moscow: Publ. of TIPS RAS, 2021, pp. 33–35.

6. Kirsanov E.A., Matveenko V.N., Vyazkost’ i uprugost’ strukturirovannykh zhidkostey (Viscosity and elasticity of structured liquids), Moscow: Tekhnosfera Publ., 2022, 284 p.

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8. Agrawal N.R., Yue Xiu, Raghavan S.R., The unusual rheology of wormlike micelles in glycerol: Comparable timescales for chain reptation and segmental relaxation, Langmuir, 2020, V. 36(23), pp. 6370–6377, DOI: http://doi.org/10.1021/acs.langmuir.0c00489

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10. Krisanova P.K., Filatov A.A., Poteshkina K.A., Issledovanie reologicheskikh svoystv rastvorov vyazkouprugikh poverkhnostno-aktivnykh veshchestv ostsillyatsionnym metodom (Study of the rheological properties of solutions of viscoelastic surfactants using the oscillatory method), Proceedings of XXIV International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists “Khimiya i khimicheskaya tekhnologiya v XXI veke” (Chemistry and chemical technology in the 21st century) named after outstanding chemists Kulev L.P. and Kizhner N.M., dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the birth of Professor Kravtsov A.V., Part 1, Tomsk: Publ. of TPU, 2023, pp. 271–272.

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12. Magadova L.A., Poteshkina K.A., Davletshina L.F., Karzhavina K.V., Specificity of rheological studies of aqueous solutions of polyacrylamide using rotational viscometers (In Russ.), Trudy Rossiyskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta nefti i gaza (NIU) imeni I.M. Gubkina, 2021, no. 3(304), pp. 115–128, DOI: https://doi.org/10.33285/2073-9028-2021-3(304)-115-128

13. Molchanov V.S., Filippova O.E., Effects of concentration and temperature on viscoelastic properties of aqueous potassium oleate solutions (In Russ.), Kolloidnyy zhurnal, 2009, V. 71, no. 2, pp. 249–255.

14. Silin M.A., Magadova L.A., Malkin D.N. et al., Methods for evaluating the technological properties of water-based fracturing fluids (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2022, no. 7, pp. 97–101, DOI: https://doi.org/10.24887/0028-2448-2022-7-97-101

15. Poteshkina K.A., Razrabotka i issledovanie osadkogeleobrazuyushchego sostava dlya povysheniya nefteotdachi plastov (Development and research of sediment-gel-forming composition for enhanced oil recovery): thesis of candidate of technical science, Moscow, 2016.

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L.P. Semikhina (Tyumen Industrial University, RF, Tyumen; Science Development Production Company MACROMER in the name of V.S. Lebedev, RF, Vladimir), I.V. Kovaleva (Tyumen Industrial University, RF, Tyumen), E.A. Antipova (Science Development Production Company MACROMER in the name of V.S. Lebedev, RF, Vladimir), N.N. Evseeva (Science Development Production Company MACROMER in the name of V.S. Lebedev, RF, Vladimir), D.V. Semikhin (Tyumen State University, RF, Tyumen)
Import-substituting demulsifiers produced by the Science Development Production Company MACROMER in the name of V.S. Lebedev and the scientific basis of their development


The article shows the possibility of developing of import-substituting highly effective demulsifiers for oil dehydration. This problem requires the solution of two tasks: the creation of industrial production of reagents with high demulsifying ability and different chemical nature and the development of a method for producing composite reagents from several chemical compounds with higher efficiency. The MACROMER company has been solving the first task for many years at its own pilot production, constantly expanding the range and increasing the efficiency of the produced reagents. To solve the second task, instead of the generally accepted world practice of empirical selection of the composition of reagents to assess the effectiveness of their impact on the technological process, this work shows the possibility of selecting reagents using a special dielectric method. It has been shown that the number of reagents with demulsifying ability produced by the MACROMER company is currently sufficient to create import-substituting demulsifiers. And using of the dielectric method to determine the composition of their optimal mixtures makes it possible to develop composite demulsifiers that are insensitive to the composition of oils and are even more effective compared to imported reagents.


1. Patent RU 2422494 C1, Demulsifier of resin kind for breaking stable emulsions of water-in-oil type, procedure for its production and device for it, Inventors: Antipova E.A., Potapochkina I.I., Lebedev V.S.

2. Semikhina L.P., Moskvina E.N., Kol’chevskaya I.V., The effect of synergism in surface-active reagents (In Russ.), Vestnik Tyumenskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Ekologiya i prirodopol’zovanie, 2012, no. 5, pp. 85–91.

3. Patent RU 2301253 C1, Method of revealing synergetic effect in composite demulsifiers from low-frequency dielectric measurements, Inventors: Semikhina L.P., Semikhin D.V.

4. Semikhina L.P., Nizkochastotnaya diel’kometriya zhidkostey v slabykh vikhrevykh elektricheskikh polyakh (Low-frequency dielectric metering of liquids in weak vortex electric fields): thesis of doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, Tyumen’, 2001.

5. Patent RU 2413754 C1, Procedure for separation of water-oil emulsions with utilisation of nano de-emulsifiers, Inventor: Semikhina L.P.

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L.P. Hudyakova (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow), T.S. Pakholok (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow), G.N. Yunusova (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow), I.R. Farhetdinov (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow; Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, RF, Ufa), R.A. Harisov (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow), P.O. Revin (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow)
Study of kinetics of corrosion processes in stagnant zones of oil pipelines during flushing with commercial oil


Failures of main oil pipelines are often caused by the development of internal corrosion. Although commercial oil that is pumped through the main oil pipelines meets Russian National Standard, during its transportation in low and stagnant zones of the pipeline, produced water containing various mineral impurities and in-pipe sediments is released and accumulated. As a result of these processes, the corrosion activity of pumped medium increases in places where produced water and bottom sediments accumulate, it increases even more sharply when they are microbiologically contaminated; at the same time, the number of defects due to internal corrosion increases constantly. The greatest danger is the contamination of produced water and in-pipe sediments with sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB). The article presents the results of laboratory studies of changes in the corrosion activity of a model medium from a stagnant zone, which is a mixture of commercial sour oil, produced water and in-pipe sediments, when diluted with a fresh portion of commercial oil. The titer of SRB in the mixture was 105 CFU/ml. The test results showed that when a fresh portion of commercial oil is added to the stagnant zone where corrosion products containing adherent microorganisms have formed on the metal surface, the corrosion rate decreases and there is a low effect of protection against general corrosion (up to 54,5% when the mixture is diluted with commercial oil in the ratio of 1:1). When the medium is completely replaced with a fresh portion of oil, the corrosion rate over the next 7 days increases to values exceeding the reference corrosion rate, which indicates the restoration of the vital activity of microorganisms and, as a result, an increase in the corrosion rate. Thus flushing of stagnant, dead-end and non-flowing zones with pumped oil does not ensure the termination of corrosion processes under sediments and is not effective without cleaning bottom sediments from the pipeline surface and combating bio contamination of metal surface by an adherent population of microorganisms. Laboratory tests of water-dispersible inhibitor A, widely used to protect oil field pipelines in hydrogen sulfide-containing environments, have shown its low efficiency (about 50 %) in a biologically contaminated environment, since it does not suppress the vital activity of microorganisms, although to some extent protects the metal from the products of their vital activity. A study of the effectiveness of using bactericide B showed that complete suppression of adherent sulfate-reducing bacteria occurs at a minimum effective dosage of bactericide of 500 g/m3. Based on the data obtained, it can be concluded that this bactericide can be used for periodic treatment of oil field media with a dosage of 500 g/m3. To achieve a long-term protective effect from flushing of stagnant zones with commercial oil, it is necessary to combine it with cleaning of sediments and using chemical reagents with protective and bactericidal properties.


1. Singh R., Pipeline integrity, Elsevier, 2017, 334 p.

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4. Polyakov S.G., Nyrkova L.I., Mel’nichuk S.L., Gapula N.A., Diagnostics of corrosion state of inner surface of main oil pipeline (In Russ.), Avtomaticheskaya svarka, 2010, no. 12, pp. 24–28.

5. Khudyakova L.P., Shestakov A.A., Farkhetdinov I.R., Shirokov A.V., Risk assessment of biocorrosion corrosion in underground steel structures (In Russ.), Nauka i tehnologii truboprovodnogo transporta nefti i nefteproduktov = Science & Technologies: Oil and Oil Products Pipeline Transportation, 2019, V. 9, no. 1, pp. 82–91,

DOI: https://doi.org/10.28999/2541-9595-2019-9-1-82-91

6. Kushnarenko V.M., Chirkov Yu.A., Repyakh V.S., Stavishenko V.G., Biocorrosion of steel designs (In Russ.), Vestnik Orenburgskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2012, no. 6(142), pp. 160–164.

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20. Khazhiev A.D., Khudyakova L.P., Shestakov A.A., Shirokov A.V., Modelirovanie vnutritrubnykh korrozionnykh i biokorrozionnykh protsessov (Modeling of in-pipe corrosion and biocorrosion processes), Proceedings of XIV International educational, scientific and practical conference “Truboprovodnyy transport – 2019” (Pipeline transport – 2019), Ufa: Publ. of USPTU, 2019, pp. 283–284.

21. Valiev A.T., Khazhiev A.D., Yunusova G.N. et al., Metod opredeleniya korrozionnoy agressivnosti sredy v zastoynykh zonakh pri promyvke tovarnoy neft’yu (Method for determining the corrosive aggressiveness of the environment in stagnant zones when flushing with commercial oil), Proceedings of XVII International scientific and practical conference “Truboprovodnyy transport – 2022” (Pipeline transport – 2022), Ufa: Publ. of USPTU, 2022, pp. 52–53.

22. Andreeva Yu.V., Ulakhovich S.V., Panteleeva A.R., Egorov S.Yu., The influence of biocide reagents from NAPOR OJSC on the life activity of corrosive and dangerous sulfate-reducing bacteria (In Russ.), Uchenye zapiski Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya. Estestvennye nauki, 2007, V. 149, no. 1, pp. 72–78

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G.G. Vasiliev (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), I.I. Shaporin (BT SVAP LLC, RF, Moscow)
Evaluation of the properties of pipeline protective coating during impact testing


The article discusses the protective properties and possibilities of possibilities of using the most common protective coatings for steel pipelines. An analysis of the most common causes of damage to the anti-corrosion coating and an assessment of the magnitude of the impact on the protective coatings of pipelines was carried out. The required strength characteristics of protective coatings, which are capable of providing sufficiently effective protection of the anti-corrosion coating of a pipeline under various installation conditions, have been analyzed. The possibility of a mechanical impact on the pipe, for example, by the working parts of earth-moving equipment, construction or agricultural machinery during land-based laying of pipelines, as well as anchors or trawls during offshore laying conditions, was considered as an unauthorized impact. Basically, these damages reduce the service life of the object, but sometimes lead to an emergency. Estimated strength characteristics for various types of protective coatings for pipelines are given. The lack of a unified methodology for testing protective coatings of pipelines has caused the need to create specialized test benches, and the calculation of strength and deformation for mechanical impact is carried out in accordance with the requirements established in the standards and specifications for products, according to the calculation method developed for a specific product and agreed with the customer. The designs of test benches used and options for impact strikers for carrying out such tests are presented, simulating various loads, including shock loads on the pipeline. The conditions for the construction of pipelines are analyzed, which must be taken into account when assessing the compliance of the tests with simulated impacts on the protective coating of the pipeline. It is noted that the modeling of an impact on the protective coating of a pipeline must meet the requirements for the resistance of protective coatings, and the impact forces on protective coatings during standard and prequalification tests should not exceed the strength characteristics of the conductive pipe used, since the purpose of the test is to determine the possibility of protective coatings, and not the strength characteristics of the steel pipe used.

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V.K. Filimonova (NK Rosneft-NTC LLC, RF, Krasnodar), A.V. Piven (NK Rosneft-NTC LLC, RF, Krasnodar), A.F. Sazhin (NK Rosneft-NTC LLC, RF, Krasnodar), A.V. Zagumennikova (NK Rosneft-NTC LLC, RF, Krasnodar), N.G. Gilev (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow)
Identification of temperature anomalies during geotechnical monitoring


Ensuring the mechanical safety of industrial facilities is one of the key tasks of the oil and gas industry. This is crucial for maintaining the stability and effectiveness of the entire industry. To achieve this, a comprehensive approach is taken to monitoring the technical state of structures at all stages of their life cycle. This approach allows the early identification of potential problems and the prevention of potential accidents. Monitoring the negative temperature of soils provides valuable information about the state of the soil and can be used to predict changes in such temperatures. At the same time, errors are possible when monitoring foundation soil temperatures. The article discusses these errors and suggests methods for their detection and correction. To improve the accuracy of ground temperature measurement, a specialized automatic module has been created. This module detects anomalies in the temperature data logs of soils with a low temperature. This module is an innovative solution that significantly increases the efficiency of temperature monitoring. Its use makes it possible to respond quickly to any changes and prevent potential accidents at an early stage. The use of such an automatic module can help to timely detect temperature anomalies, which, in turn, helps to prevent accidents in the early stages. Ensuring mechanical safety is a key task for Rosneft Oil Company, the use of an automated module can help to solve it.


1. Amosova E.V., Kropachev D.Yu., Pazderin D.S., System of monitoring of temperatures extended objects in frozen soil (In Russ.), EKSPOZITsIYa NEFT’’ GAZ, 2011, no. 6/N, pp. 49–50.

2. Kropachev D.Yu., Gavrilov I.I., Methods for monitoring temperature in permafrost soils (In Russ.), Nauka i tekhnika v Yakutii, 2014, no. 2(27), pp. 19–23, DOI: https://doi.org/10.24411/1728-516X-2014-00013

3. Koshurnikova A.V., Basics of complex geocryological-geophysical analysis for the research of permafrost and gas-hydrogates on the Arctic shelf of Russia (In Russ.), Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Geologiya, 2020, no. 3, pp. 116–125.

4. Vladov Yu.R., Vladova A.Yu., Monitoring of temperature anomalies in a multi-nitrogen ground of expansion objects (In Russ.), Vestnik SamGTU. Tekhnicheskie nauki, 2017, no. 3(55), pp. 32–42.

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