Jule 2015 ![]() |
Geology and geologo-prospecting works |
Working out and operation of oil deposits |
V.V. Akhmetgareev (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma), R.R. Ibatullin, Dr.Sc. (TAL Oil Ltd.) Numerical model of waterflooded dual-permeability reservoir developed with horizontal wells and multistage hydraulic fracturing DOI: Login or register before ordering |
A.N. Khamidullina, Ph.D., L.N. Yaminova (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma) Geological structure refinement and special considerations for the development of carbonate reservoirs of the deposits 301-303 in the Romashkinskoye oil field DOI: Key words: fracturing, carbonate reservoir, water cut, forced production, horizontal wells, production performance, improved development efficiency. Carbonate reservoirs of the deposits 301-303 present specific challenges for the development due to a well-developed system of vertical and horizontal fractures and presence of deconsolidated reservoir zones. The analysis of pilot operations conducted in this area showed that horizontal and directional drilling remain the most efficient techniques for the development of such reservoirs out of all methods tested although many issues related to rapid increase of water cut in horizontal wells remain unsettled.References
1. Khisamov R.S., Bazarevskaya V.G., Tarasova T.I. et al., Determination of fracturing in carbonate deposits in order to select the optimal location of horizontal wells (In Russ.), Georesursy = Georesources, 2013, V. 54, no. 4, pp. 58–64.
2. RD 153-39.0-859-14, Otsenka treshchinovatosti plastov-kollektorov po
ob"ektu razrabotki i detalizatsii v rayone bureniya gorizontal'nykh skvazhin (Assessment of reservoirs fracturing on the development object and detailing in the horizontal wells drilling area): edited by Bazarevskaya V.G. et al., Bugul'- ma: Publ. of TatNIPIneft', 2014, 49 p.
3. Gus'kov D.V., Prognoz zon razvitiya treshchinovatosti karbonatnykh kollektorov s tsel'yu povysheniya effektivnosti razrabotki zalezhi 302-303 Romashkinskogo mestorozhdeniya (Forecast of development fracturing zones of carbonate reservoirs in order to increase the efficiency of development the 302- 303 objects of Romashkinskoye field): thesis of candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences, St. Peterburg, 2013, 187 p.
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R.S. Khisamov. (Tatneft PJSC, RF, Almetyevsk), A.S. Akhmetshina (Oil and Gas Production Department Leninogorskneft, RF, Leninogorsk), V.A. Taipova (Oil and Gas Production Department Aznakaevskneft, RF, Aznakaevo), M.M. Salikhov (Oil and Gas Production Department Djalilneft, RF, Djalil), I.R. Sharapov (Gradient CJSC, RF) Passive surface microseismic monitoring of hydraulic fracturing in injection wells of Tatneft PJSC DOI: Key words: hydraulic fracturing, fracture, surface microseismic hydraulic fracture monitoring, tracer logging, well testing. This paper presents the results of reliability evaluation for passive surface microseismic hydraulic fracture monitoring in injection wells of Tatneft. The authors describe key features of microseismic surface hydraulic fracture monitoring technology, developed by Gradient CJSC. Hydraulic fracture monitoring procedure is evaluated involving pre- and post-fracturing well testing (transient tests) and tracer logging.References
1. Aleksandrov S.I. , Gogonenkov G.N., Mishin V.A., Tessman D.J., Passivnyy
seysmicheskiy monitoring pri razrabotke mestorozhdeniy uglevodorodov:
novyy metod obrabotki dannykh (Passive seismic monitoring in the development
of hydrocarbon fields: A new method of data processing), Proceedings
of International Geophysical Conference and Exhibition “Geofizika
XXI veka – proryv v budushchee” (Geophysics of the XXI century - a
breakthrough into the future), Moscow, Publ. of Euro-Asian Geophysical
Society, 2003, pp. 678-682.
2. Le Calvez J.H., Bennett L., Tanner K.V. et al., Monitoring microseismic fracture
development to optimize stimulation and production in aging fields, The
Leading Edge, V. 24, Issue 1 (January 2005), pp. 72-75, doi: 10.1190/1.1859705
3. Il'inskiy A.D., Krasnova M.A., Location of microearthquakes sources at passive
seismic monitoring of hydraulic fracturing of the layer (In Russ.) Seysmicheskie
pribory = Seismic Instruments, 2009, V. 45, no. 3, pp. 14-40.
4. House L., Locating microearthquakes induced by hydraulic fracturing in
crystalline rock, Geophys. Res. Lett., 1987, V. 14, pp. 919-921.
5. Fehler M.C., House L., Kaieda H., Determining planes along which earthquakes
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6. Li Y., Cheng C.H., Toksoz M.N., Seismic monitoring of the growth of a hydraulic
fracture zone at Fenton Hill, New Mexico, Geophysics, 1998, V. 63,
pp. 120-131.
7. Aleksandrov S.I., Gogonenkov G.N., Mishin V.A., Passive seismic survey for
hydraulic fracturing control (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry,
2005, no. 5, pp. 64-66.
8. Geiser P., Vermilye J., Scammell R., Roecker S., The use of Seismic Emission
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9. Shabalin N.Ya., Biryal'tsev E.V., Ryzhov V.A. et al., Opportunity to study the
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Neft' Gaz, 2013, no. 6, pp. 40-43.
10. Mangazeev P.V., Pankov M.V., Kulagina T.E. et al., Gidrodinamicheskie
issledovaniya skvazhin (Well testing), Tomsk: Publ. of TPU, 2004, 339 p.
11. Silkina T.N., Voronkov A.A., Hydraulic fracture treatment evaluation based on well testing analysis (In Russ.), Neftyanoe khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2007, no. 5, pp. 92-95.
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N.A. Medvedeva, S.G. Uvarov, A.N. Beregovoy, R.Sh. Ziatdinova (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma), I.F. Galimov (Oil and Gas Production Department Leninogorskneft, RF, Leninogorsk) Selection of optimal acid composition for stimulation of low-permeability carbonate reservoirs of Leninogorskneft DOI: Login or register before ordering |
Technics and technology of oil recovery |
N.G. Ibragimov (Tatneft PJSC, RF, Almetyevsk), S.V. Lyubetsky, I.F. Galimov (Oil and Gas Production Department Leninogorskneft, RF, Leninogorsk), N.Kh. Khamityanov, R.Kh. Fatkullin, Ph.D., A.S. Yagafarov (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma) Technology for inflow control from horizontal wells DOI: Login or register before ordering |
N.G. Ibragimov, F.Z. Ismagilov (Tatneft PJSC, RF, Almetyevsk), A.K. Azizova (KVART AO), S.V. Lyubetsky (Oil and Gas Production Department Leninogorskneft, RF, Leninogorsk), R.I. Kateev, A.R. Iskhakov (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma) Experience in application of water-swellable packers for shutting-off the fractured sections of horizontal wells in the deposits 302-303 DOI: Login or register before ordering |
R.N. Sadykov (Oil and Gas Production Department Leninogorskneft, RF, Leninogorsk) Coiled-tubing well intervention technologies DOI: Login or register before ordering |
The oil-field equipment |
Yu.N. Legaev, I.S. Vanyurikhin, D.V. Pischaev, R.R. Galimov (Oil and Gas Production Department Leninogorskneft, RF, Leninogorsk), K.V. Valovsky (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma) Method to restore normal operation of downhole pumps in lost-circulation wells DOI: Login or register before ordering |
Yu.N. Legaev, I.S. Vanyurikhin, R.R. Galimov, D.V. Pischaev (Oil and Gas Production Department Leninogorskneft, RF, Leninogorsk), K.V. Valovky, Dr.Sc. (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma) Downhole pumping equipment effectively solves sand production and lost circulation problems in production wells DOI: Login or register before ordering |
Yu.N. Legaev, I.S. Vanyurikhin, D.V. Pischaev, F.A. Galiev (Oil and Gas Production Department Leninogorskneft, RF, Leninogorsk), K.V. Valovsky, Dr.Sc. (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma) Leninogorskneft experience in mechanical prevention of downhole pumping equipment scaling DOI: Key words: salts, scaling, ferrous sulphide, liner, choke. One of the main wellbore problems in the Romashkinskoye field Deposits No. 301-303 is scaling of downhole pumping equipment. The operator has been successfully using liners made of scaled tubing that serve as scaling caltalysts. The effect can further be enhanced by chokes. This causes deposition of salts (scaling) on the liner itself, rather than on the downhole pumping equipment. For the recent 5 years, the number of workover operations dropped from 57 to 9.References
1. Kashchavtsev V.E., Gattenberg Yu.P., Lyushin S.F., Preduprezhdenie soleobrazovaniya pri dobyche nefti (Prevention of scaling in oil production),
Moscow: Nedra Publ., 1985, 215 p.
2. Kashchavtsev V.E., Mishchenko I.T., Soleobrazovanie pri dobyche nefti (The scaling in oil production), Moscow: Orbita Publ., 2004, 432 p.
3. Utility patent no. 117966 RF, MPK E 21 V 43/00, Skvazhinnaya shtangovaya nasosnaya ustanovka (Downhole sucker rod pump unit), Inventors: Vanyurikhin I.S., Legaev Yu.N., Galiev F.A., Pishchaev D.V., Galimov R.R.
4. Utility patentno. 119041 RF, MPK F 04 B 47/02, E 21 V 43/00, Skvazhinnaya shtangovaya nasosnaya ustanovka dlya dobychi nefti v usloviyakh, oslozhnennykh
soleotlozheniem(Downhole sucker rod pump unit for oil production
under scaling), Inventors: Vanyurikhin I.S., Legaev Yu.N., Galiev F.A., Pishchaev D.V., Galimov R.R.
5. Utility patent no. 137939 RF, MPK E 21 V 43/08, Ulovitel' mekhanicheskikh primesey (Mechanical impurities catcher), Inventors: Vanyurikhin I.S., Klimin P.N., Legaev Yu.N., Nuriakhmetov L.N., Pishchaev D.V., Valeev L.M.
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Geology and geologo-prospecting works |
R.S. Khisamov (Tatneft PJSC, RF, Almetyevsk), V.G. Bazarevskaya, A.F. Yartiev Ph.D., T.I. Tarasova, O.G. Gibadullina, O.V. Mikhailova (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma) Oil potential of Domanic productive formations in territory of Leninogorskneft activities DOI: Key words: shale oil, oil-source rock, domanikites, domanikoids, tight reservoirs, organic matter. Review of US shale plays has demonstrated that the Republic of Tatarstan possesses similar resources in the Sargaevskian-Tournaisian domanic deposits. The paper presents detailed description of the depositional environment, lithological composition, and state of exploration of such deposits, as well as petroleum resource potential of oil-generating strata within rock matrix.References
1. Neruchev S.G., Smirnov S.V., Assessment of potential hydrocarbon resources on the basis of modeling of their generation and the formation
of oil and gas fields (In Russ.), Neftegazovaya geologiya. Teoriya i praktika,
2007, no. 2, URL: www.ngtp.ru/rub/1/013.pdf.
2. O vnesenii izmeneniy v chast' vtoruyu Nalogovogo kodeksa
Rossiyskoy Federatsii i otdel'nye zakonodatel'nye akty Rossiyskoy Federatsii
(On amendments to part two of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation
and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation), Federal
Law no. 366-FZ of 24.11.2014.
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V.G. Bazarevskaya, N.A. Badurtdinova, I.I. Doronkina, O.A. Grishanina, E.O. Rassokhina (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma), A.S. Akhmetshina (Oil and Gas Production Department Leninogorskneft, RF, Leninogorsk) Estimation of oil potential of the Kashirskian sediments in the Kuakbashskaya area DOI: Key words: carbonate rocks, the Kashirskian formation, deposit, oil potential, gypsum, anhydrite, well, re-interpretation of well logging, reservoir-bed, resistivity. The authors analyze the Kashirskian carbonate sediments in the Kuakbashskaya area in terms of their oil potential. The paper discusses the reservoir properties of the Kashirskian carbonate sediments, results of well-logging re-interpretation, correlation between well logging and field surveys data. Challenges related to defining of reservoir-beds and their saturation with formation fluids are highlighted. The complexity of the Kashirskian cross-section implies its further detailed study to discover hydrocarbon accumulations.References
1. Vassoevich N.B., Neftegazonosnost' osadochnykh basseynov (Oil and gas
bearing of sedimentary basins), Moscow: Nauka Publ., 1988, 260 p.
2. STO TN 105-2003, Interpretatsii GIS “Algoritmy opredeleniya parametrov produktivnykh
plastov neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy Respubliki Tatarstan” (Interpretation
of geophysical well logging "Algorithms for determining the parameters
of productive strata of Tatarstan oil fields"), Al'met'evsk: Publ. of ETS FBU
GKZ, 2013.
3. Khisamov R.S., Borovskiy M.Ya., Gatiyatullin N.S., Geofizicheskie metody poiskov i razvedki mestorozhdeniy prirodnykh bitumov v Respubliki Tatar stan (Geophysical methods of prospecting and exploration of natural bitumen in Tatarstan), Kazan': Fen Publ., 2007, 247 p.
4. Izotova T.S., Denisov S.B., Vendel'shteyn B.Yu., Sedimentologicheskiy analiz dannykh promyslovoy geofiziki (Sedimentological analysis of logging data), Moscow: Nedra Publ., 1993, 176 p.
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V.G. Bazarevskaya, E.N. Dulaeva, G.A. Lykov, A.N. Martynov (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma), I.F. Galimov, A.S. Akhmetshina (Oil and Gas Production Department Leninogorskneft, RF, Leninogorsk) Determination of fracturing of Bashkirian and Serpukhovian sediments in Romashkinskoye field deposits 301-303. Methods analysis and integration DOI: Key words: fracturing, profile logging, well flow rates, watercut, complete lost circulation. Given high exploration maturity, attention of the industry has been shifted from depleted porous reservoirs to unconventional reservoirs with permeability and porosity determined by fracturing. Thus, methods that allow predicting areas with improved flow characteristics acquire increasing interest and rapid development. The authors have concentrated their research efforts on the analysis and integration of methods to determine fracturing in the Bashkirian and the Serpukhovian sediments in Romashkinskoye field deposits 301-303.Login or register before ordering |
S.G. Agafonov (OOO NPC Oil and Gas Technologies), I.V. Nigmadzyanova, I.I. Bakirov (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma) Validation of geologic model of deposits 302-303 by new horizontal well data DOI: Login or register before ordering |
G.D. Gilaev, A.E. Manasyan, V.V. Gritchina (Samaraneftegas JSC, RF, Samara) Construction of permanent geological and simulation model of Yuzhno-Orlovskoye oil field on basis of integrated data analysis DOI: Login or register before ordering |
N.N. Bozhenyuk (Surgutneftegas OJSC, RF, Surgut) Petrophysical data updating and selection of optimal parameters for a geological model of the deposit of the Surgut arch DOI: Key words: three-dimensional geological modeling, Updating of petrophysical parameters, multiple modeling. This article is devoted to a technique of lithology cube constructing for receiving geologically reliable result of collectors’ distribution under low density of well network, by means of approach that includes complexation of stochastic and deterministic methods. Additionally, in the following work has been explored the technique of constructing of the synthetic 3D cube of facies and in its geometry has been integrated the algorithm of smooth transition to the shale line with the use of a cube under condition of sandiness spreading.References
1. SP no.10/2005-2006, Otchet o rezul'tatakh seysmorazvedochnykh
rabot MOGT 2D (A report on the results of 2D CDP seismic survey), Tyumen': Publ. of Geologiya rezervuara, 2007, 332 p.
2. Grishchenko M.A., Svetlov K.V., Some instructional techniques for constructing three-dimensional models of heterogeneous lithological formations on an example of Permyakovskoe field (In Russ.) Vestnik nedropol'zovatelya KhMAO, 2007, no. 18, URL: http://www.oilnews.ru/18-
3. Kovalevskiy E.V., Geologicheskoe modelirovanie na osnove geostatistiki
(Geological modeling based on geostatistics), Moscow: Publ of Central
Geophysical Expedition, 2011.
4. Petersil'e V.I., Poroskun V.N., Yatsenko G.G., Metodicheskie rekomendatsii po podschetu geologicheskikh zapasov nefti i gaza ob"emnym
metodom (Guidelines for the calculation of oil and gas geological reserves
by volumetric method), Moscow - Tver': Publ. of VNIGNI, Tver'geofizika,
2003, 261 p.
5. Khizhnyak G.P., Data usage of geophysical investigations of wells for
permeability estimation in terrigenous rocks-reservoires (In Russ.), Neftyanoe
khozyaystvo = Oil Industry, 2011, no. 6, pp. 86–88.
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I.S. Putilov (PermNIPIneft Branch of LUKOIL-Engineering LLC in Perm, RF, Perm), V.I. Galkin (Perm National Research Polytechnic University, RF, Perm) The investigations of modified subsurface geology on the basis of seismic exploration 3D of the Perm territory DOI: Login or register before ordering |
Drilling of chinks |
K.Yu. Murinov, A.A. Mugatabarova, O.R. Privalova, R.R. Zagirov Experimental determination of petrophysical dependence by the polymer mud and clay mud core saturation DOI: Login or register before ordering |
Working out and operation of oil deposits |
K.V. Kazakov (LUKOIL-Engineering LLC, RF, Moscow), K. A. Bravichev (Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, RF, Moscow) Processes occurring in sandstone reservoirs with a decrease reservoir pressure below the initial value, and assess their impact on oil recovery DOI: Login or register before ordering |
A.N. Sitnikov, A.A. Pustovskikh, A.S. Margarit, T.V. Andzhukaev (Gazpromneft NTC LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg) Integrated semi-analytical model ‘Well+Reservoir’ for solving the direct and inverse problem of well inflow DOI: Login or register before ordering |
N.A. Lyadova, A.V. Raspopov, L.N. Muzhikova, A.V. Bondarenko, M.K. Anurev (PermNIPIneft Branch of LUKOIL-Engineering LLC in Perm, RF, Perm) S.S. Cherepanov, T.R. Baldina (LUKOIL-PERM LLC, RF, Perm) The experience of tertiary stimulation methods on Perm Region reservoirs DOI: Key words: Tertiary methods, terrigenous deposits, polymer flooding, WAG influence, water salinity. The investigation results of efficiency application of tertiary methods of oil recovery increase for Perm Region reservoirs are presented. The authors consider polymer flooding, WAG influence, and change of mineral composition of waters for reservoir pressure maintenance.References
1. Lyadova N.A., Yakovlev Yu.A., Raspopov A.V., Geologiya i razrabotka
neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy Permskogo kraya (Geology and development
of oil fields of the Perm Krai), Moscow: Publ. of VNIIOENG, 2010, 335 p.
2. Kryanev D.Yu., Zhdanov S.A., Use of advanced reservoir recovery methods in Russia and abroad (In Russ.), Burenie i neft', 2011, no. 2, pp. 22-26.
3. Surguchev M.L., Vtorichnye i tretichnye metody uvelicheniya nefteotdachi
plastov (Secondary and tertiary methods of enhanced oil recovery),
Moscow: Nedra Publ., 1985, 308 p.
4. Lake L.W., Johns R., Rossen B., Pope G., Fundamentals of enhanced oil recovery, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2014, 489 pp.
5. Chappell D., Parker A., Training course and workshop “Waterflood Optimization on Mature Fields”, SPE, 2013.
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S.A. Filatov, K.V. Korovin, N.N. Zakharchenko (V.I. Shpielman Scientific and Analytical Center of Rational Subsurface Management AU, RF, Tyumen), A.V. Shpielman (Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, RF, Tyumen) Developing the mechanism of organizational-economic regulation of the innovative technologies application to improve oil recovery in the territory of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region - Yugra DOI: Login or register before ordering |
V.B. Karpov, V.I. Darishchev, I.A. Akhmadeyshin, V.A. Dedechko (RITEK JSC, RF, Moscow), A.M. Polishchuk (ITIN, RF, Moscow), E.V. Shelyago, I.V. Yazynina (Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, RF, Moscow) Experimental study of hysteresis phase permeability water-gas stimulation in the conditions of Vostochno-Perevalnoye oil field DOI: Login or register before ordering |
B.F. Borisov, O.Yu. Lepeshkina, R.I. Egorova (Giprovostokneft OJSC, RF, Samara), A.M. Kuznetsov (Rosneft Oil Company OJSC, RF, Moscow) Researching the waterflooding of high-viscosity oil reservoir B1 of the Tournaisian stage in Samara region DOI: Key words: residual oil saturation, recovery factor, oil viscosity, permeability, porosity, initial oil saturation. The paper covers existing laboratory input data on recovery factor and residual oil saturation for reservoir B1 of northern oil fields in Samara region and ratio given in oil and gas in-place estimation and project documentation for justification of this data. Specified generalized permeability – mobility correlation ratio of described recovery factor is givenLogin or register before ordering |
Technics and technology of oil recovery |
N.N. Andreyeva, I.M. Valiullin (GC RusGazEngineering JSC, RF, Moscow) Study of the international experience in testing facilities for fuel & energy sector machinery and technologies DOI: Key words: testing facility, technology testing, development of standards, environmental safety, state support, target clients Over recent decades oil&gas technologies developed rapidly in the world due to the availability of a wide network of testing facilities. These testing sites are used to perform various tests of instruments and well survey techniques, metering devices and vessels, which are required to meet the demands of the Fuel & Energy Sector. They are also used to test technologies of well drilling, extraction of hard-to-recover oil reserves, water-gas stimulation of formation, formation hydraulic fracturing etc. The test results form the basis of new national standards and technical procedures further used in the real operational environment. The article describes and analyses operation of testing facilities in the USA, Norway and Holland.References
1. URL: http://OHMSETT.com/
2. DOI, BSEE and Coast guard leaders visit Ohmsett, URL:
http://www.bsee.gov/BSEE-Newsroom/BSEE-News-Briefs/2014/DOI,-BSEEand-Coast-Guard-Leaders-Visit-OHMSETT /
3. Schmidt B., Meyer P., Potter S., Testing of oil recovery skimmers in ice at
Ohmsett the National Oil Spill Response Research & Renewable Energy
Test Facility, URL: http://OHMSETT.com/scientific/OHMSETT_Testing%20of%20Oil%20Recovery%
4. URL: http://web.archive.org/web/20140217233958/http://www.rmotc.doe.go
v/ index.html
5. GIS data layers from US Department of Energy, Rocky Mountain Oilfield
Testing Center, Wyoming, URL:
6. URL: http://www.prolabnl.com/
7. URL: http://www.prolabnl.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Subsea-
8. URL: http://mechanicaltestingservices.com/
9. URL: http://web.archive.org/web/20130414060205/http://www.rmotc.doe.go
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The oil-field equipment |
A.L. Bushkovskiy, A.N. Ivanov, Chan Van Vinh, Le Cong Thuy (Research and Engineering Institute, Vietsovpetro JV, the Socialist Republic Vietnam, Vungtau) Corrosion activity of wells production and efficiency of protection of Vietsovpetro JV oil & gas producing equipment DOI: Login or register before ordering |
L.I. Seleznev, A.F. Mednikov, A.B. Tkhabisimov (Scientific research center Wear resistance, National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute, RF, Moscow) Gas-abrasive flow attack angle influence on the erosive wear of flat X20Cr13 steel target DOI: Login or register before ordering |
Information technology |
A.N. Muryzhnikov (Ufa SciTechCenter LLC, RF, Ufa) Methodical and software support of low level of oil production facilities DOI: Login or register before ordering |
Transport and oil preparation |
G.H. Samigullin, A.A. Gerasimenko (National Mineral Resources University (University of Mines), RF, Saint-Petersburg) Influence of the surface crack on the residual life of vertical cylindrical steel tanks with the capacity of 10000 m3 DOI: Login or register before ordering |
Pipeline transport of oil |
E.S. Makhmotov, S.A. Rziev (KazTransOil JSC, Kazakhstan, Astana), I.K. Beisembetov, U.K. Zhapbasbayev, Т.Т. Bekibayev, G.I. Ramazanova (Kazakh-British Technical University, Kazakhstan, Almaty) Optimization of the trunk pipeline sections restart mode after short time stop DOI: Login or register before ordering |