Over the past decades, interest in studying the northern framing of the West Siberian Plate, including the Yenisei-Khatanga regional trough and Malohetsko-Messoyaha ridge, has continued to grow. This is primarily due to the hydrocarbon inflows in a number of wells at the Payakhskoye, Baikalovskoye, Pelyatkinskoye and other fields. At the same time, some areas remain underexplored and the search for traps in them continues. It has already been established that many deposits are of a complex combined type; their boundaries are controlled in most cases not only by structural, but also by lithological and tectonic factors.
The seismic operations and wells drilling are actively being performed in the western and central parts of Yenisei-Khatanga regional trough at the Rosneft Oil Company licensed areas. In this regard, in recent years, extensive geological and geophysical material has been accumulated, which makes it possible to significantly detail the structural and tectonic features of this area, including identifying multi-level disjunctive deformations and associated structural parageneses.
Based on the results of interpretation of several complex seismic-2D and 3D data, structural and formational levels were determined, fault systems were ranked by penetration depth, kinematics, direction, and their influence on sedimentation processes was assessed. The interpretation results are matched to regional conceptions of the development of the Yenisei-Khatanga region as part of the northern frame of the West Siberian Plate, phases of tectonic activation, rifting and other tectonic-sedimentary processes. Multi-level and multi-directional tectonic deformations are located throughout the entire section interval, which leads to complex morphology and intense disjunctive disturbance of the productive horizons. This can have a significant impact on the thermal evolution of the basin, the stages of oil and gas formation and, as a consequence, on the distribution of deposits.
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