Экспериментальные исследования процессов формирования проб с использованием пробозаборного устройства

UDK: 622.692.4:621.646
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-3-96-100
Ключевые слова: нефть, пробозаборное устройство (ПЗУ), воздушник, представительность проб
Авт.: О.В. Аралов (ООО «НИИ Транснефть»), д.т.н., И.В. Буянов (ООО «НИИ Транснефть»), к.т.н., Н.В. Бережанский (АО «НПО КИС»), Д.В. Просиков (ООО «НИИ Транснефть»

This article explores the results obtained following a field and bench study of sampling devices (SD). The experimental research was conducted to determine the actual representativeness of samples obtained via SDs. The experimental bench research was completed in order to determine the actual representativeness values pertaining to SD samples when changing pumping parameters (flow velocity, diameter of the passage section upstream of the SD and the initial water concentration in the experimental bench) and to which extent the flow velocity and its turbulation affect the representativeness of samples obtained via SDs. The experimental field research was completed aiming to compare the representativeness of samples obtained via SDs and a plug cock conforming to state standard GOST 24200-80. The experimental bench research was conducted utilizing SDs with rated diameters of 80, 100, 150 mm with one and five holes. The experimental field research was completed using an SD with a rated diameter of 700 mm and a plug cock with a rated diameter of 10 mm. The experimental research produced the results describing local resistances and flow velocity efficiency on sample representativeness; relationship between sample representativeness and volumetric water content; actual volumetric water content in samples obtained with SDs and with a plug cock. The results of SD studies show that it is impossible to determine a unified SD design that would provide improved sample representativeness for all modes of SD operation. Sample representativeness for a particular SD (if necessary) can be improved by developing a dedicated methodology employed to recalculate its design parameters conforming to specific operating conditions.


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