Basic mechanisms and factors of forming of the Upper Jurassic hydrocarbon accumulations of Kaymysovskiy arch (Tomsk region)

Authors: A.Yu. Khromovskikh (National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, TomskNIPIneft JSC, RF, Tomsk)
Key words: hydrocarbon generation, migration, reservoir, oil reservoir.

It is noted that the forming of the Upper Jurassic oil deposits of Kaymysovskiy
arch occurred through migration of hydrocarbons from the Bazhenovskaya
suite sediments into the underlying reservoirs of Vasyuganskaya suite. The
main factors affecting the formation of deposits, are the presence or absence
of impermeable bed between the generating thickness and accumulating
reservoir , lithofacies characteristic of reservoirs and their poroperm
properties, rocks fracturing, the structure of the pore space of the reservoir
and its changes as a result of the superimposed epigenesis processes.
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