On methods of calculating the axial load in the columns of rods, drill pipes, casings and tubing strings

Authors: R.A. Yanturin (Rostneftekhim ZAO), A.F. Zainullin (BashNIPIneft LLC), A.Sh. Yanturin (Geophysika NPF JSC), A.Kh. Gabzalilova (Ufa State Petroleum Technological Iniversity)

Results of the analysis of solution of the tasks to determine the loss of axial load along the length of different types of columns based on their longitudinal and transverse strain in directional wells are presented. It is shown that the neglect of the magnitudes of transverse loads and shear forces leads to an error of calculation of loss of axial load on the friction along the length of the oil field column at its bottom spirally deformed area. The irrationality of such methods of calculation for directional and horizontal wells is confirmed.

Key words: local borehole curving, transverse-longitudinal deformation, helical spiral, pitch stability, friction coefficient, bending moment, shear load, transverse load, radius-vector, colomn curvature

List of references

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