Accounting for paleo-channel sediments in the formation of a gas reservoir development system for the Novo-Chaselskoye oil-gas-condensate field

UDK: 622.276.1/.4
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2020-8-47-49
Key words: Cenomanian deposits, paleochannels, seismic-geological analysis, development system, water-flooding of wells
Authors: V.V. Vasilev (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen), Yu.G. Zenkova (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen), D.V. Ponomareva (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen), A.V. Permyakov (Kynsko-Chaselskoe neftegas LLC, RF, Tyumen), R.R. Shakirov (Kynsko-Chaselskoe neftegas LLC, RF, Tyumen)
The choice of the optimal location of wells is an urgent task in the development of oil and gas deposits. It is known that one of the reasons affecting the efficiency of newly drilled wells is their proximity or remoteness to paleochannel deposits. The article shows how accounting for paleochannels affects the efficiency of reservoir development as a whole when placing planned wells. The object of study was the Cenomanian deposits of the Kynsko-Chaselsky license area, namely the PK1 reservoir of the Novo-Chaselskoye oil-gas-condensate field. The selected horizon is characterized by high rock permeability and the content of a significant volume of formation water - factors that entail early watering of gas wells. Researching the influence of paleochannels on the efficiency of reservoir development was carried out using the built hydrodynamic model. Two options were designed: 1) placement of wells excluding paleochannels; 2) placement of wells, taking into account the paleochannels. Optimization of the location of the project well stock in the option taking into account the paleochannels obeyed the following logic: in the pure-gas zone, paleochannels have a positive effect on gas production, in the water-gas zone - negative, the rate of wells flooding increases. Consequently, to improve the development efficiency, the design well stock shifted towards the paleo-channels in the pure-gas zone and moved away from the paleo-channels in the water-gas zone. Analysis of the calculations showed a decrease in water cut and an increase in gas production in the option taking into account paleochannels. The result is of practical importance, and is taken into account in the further design of the development of the investigated object.
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