Oilfield services in Russia: from technology partnerships to business ecosystems

UDK: 334.75(73):622.276
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2020-7-72-78
Key words: oil and gas service, technology partnership, innovation and service cluster, business ecosystem
Authors: A.F. Andreev (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), A.A. Sinelnikov (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), S.I. Petrushkin (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), G.N. Buliskeriya (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), O.A. Sergeeva (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow)
The article is devoted to the current topic-solving the problems of oil and gas service development in Russia. Among the measures proposed to the government of the Russian Federation to address them were the formation of consortia, clusters and polygons to create new technologies for the production of hydrocarbons. However, the proposed solutions have not yet been fully implemented. This article attempts to find a solution based on the creation of new organizational forms by oil and gas companies, such as business ecosystems. The authors considered the basic concepts of cluster theory of development and the concept of business ecosystems. It is noted that the features of the domestic oilfield service at the present stage are the development of high-tech areas in exploration, drilling and oil production. This reflects a trend that has developed in world practice. It is shown that the development of oilfield service enterprises is influenced by internal and external factors, among which the most important are highlighted: reduction of prices for hydrocarbon raw materials, improvement of equipment, technologies and staff development. The analysis showed that the formation of business ecosystems in the oil and gas sector should go through a number of stages, including the creation of technological partnerships and innovation and service clusters. The article reflects the experience of their creation in such leading countries as the United States, Norway and the United Kingdom. It is determined that domestic oil and gas and oilfield service companies are following this path. The need to create ecosystems is reflected in the development strategies developed by companies for the future. The authors pointed out that the deteriorating quality of mineral resources, increase the number of fields with hard to recover hydrocarbon reserves located in offshore zone of seas increasing demands on oilfield service companies. They must use new technologies and high-tech equipment for hydrocarbon production, and meet the demand for comprehensive and integrated services. The article concludes that the effective solution of oilfield service problems is possible within the framework of new organizational forms of interaction between oil and gas and oilfield service companies. In the short term, the process of creating technological partnerships and innovation and service clusters should accelerate in the oil and gas sector, and in the medium term, companies ' business ecosystems may be actively developing. References 1. Sevost'yanov N.A., Laptev V.V., On the state policy of Russia in the sphere of oil and gas service (In Russ.), Geologiya nefti i gaza, 2007, no. 2, pp. 25–33. 2. 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