Numerical simulation of turbulent submerged jets hitting a dead end when processing bottom-hole zones

UDK: 622.276.6
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2020-5-72-76
Key words: wave action, colmatant, perforating channel, jet, dead end, hydraulic shock, vibrator
Authors: M.V. Omelyanyuk (Kuban State Technological University, RF, Armavir), A.I. Ukolov (Kerch State Marine Technological University, RF, Kerch), I.A. Pakhlyan (Kuban State Technological University, RF, Armavir)

The quality of cleaning of perforation channels and bottom-hole zone from colmatant directly affects the productivity of wells and reservoirs. One of the methods of production intensification is wave action on reservoir structures with fluid. A number of researchers have proposed devices and technologies for vibration-wave effects implemented directly at the well faces, often without substantiating them either theoretically or experimentally To improve the quality of controlling the parameters of the vibrating microwave effect in order to clean the perforation channels and the bottomhole zone of the formation, numerical simulation of turbulent flooded jets beating to a standstill was performed using the ANSYS Workbench 19.1 software package. The overpressure arising in the perforation channels at different distances of the nozzles orifices from the inlet openings of the perforation channels and under other variable conditions is quantified. The authors obtained calculated dependences of the impulse pressure occurring at the dead end of the perforation channel when the jet of a high-pressure jet of fluid and the perforation channel coincide, on the nozzle moving speed, geometrical parameters of the downhole device, production string diameter, fluid properties, nozzle profile and other factors. A comparison of simulation results and experimental data indicates their satisfactory convergence.


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