Hydrogen sulfide converter selection for objects of Udmurtneft JSC within preparation for introduction of TR EEU 045/2017

UDK: 622.692
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2020-2-68-73
Key words: hydrogen sulfide, mercaptans, hydrogen sulfide converter, Technical regulations of EEU 045/2017
Authors: K.S. Fot (Izhevsk Petroleum Research Center CJSC, RF, Izhevsk), N.V. Novikova (Udmurtneft JSC, RF, Izhevsk), N.S. Buldakova (Udmurtneft JSC, RF, Izhevsk), A.Yu. Zhukov (Izhevsk Petroleum Research Center CJSC, RF, Izhevsk), N.A. Baryshev (Izhevsk Petroleum Research Center CJSC, RF, Izhevsk)

Within preparation for introduction of Technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union of TR EEU 045/2017 on providing a mass fraction of hydrogen sulfide, marked - and ethylmercaptans in commodity oil no more than 20 and 40 mln-1 respectively assessment work and to admission to industrial use of converter of hydrogen sulfide for oil treatment facilities "Kiyengop", "Mishkino", “Gremikha” and "Elnikovskaya" is carried out to Udmurtneft JSC. It is described admitted to Rosneft Oil Company the step-by-step procedure of testing of oil-field chemical reagents — laboratory and experienced and trade tests. To achieve the maximum effect the dosing was carried out at a maximum temperature of a subject to preparation and time of processing of oil to a commercial node of delivery in the trunk pipeline. At laboratory tests time and temperature were selected according to real values of subjects to preparation. Address approach to the choice of optimum points for supply of hydrogen sulphide converter and control points for determination of content of hydrogen sulphid, ethyl-, and methylmercaptans in oil taking into account features of each object is shown. Tests results of confirmed a possibility to decrease a content of hydrogen sulphide and mercaptans in commodity oil lower than 20 mln for facilities of Udmurtneft JSC by means of use of converter of hydrogen sulphide; account coefficients of reagent are set. The direct dependence of a dosage of converter on hydrogen sulphide content is revealed; substantially the value of a dosage and account coefficient is influenced by contents methyl — and ethylmercaptans; so it is necessary to predict high dosages of reagents for nefty with their high content. The lack of a negative impact of the examinee of reagent on process of preparation of oil and directly on figures of merit of commodity oil is set. It is noted that, despite the aminoformaldehyde nature, the converter of hydrogen sulphide does not lead to increase ‘perceived’ chloride salts.


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