Investigation of the joint work of a jet and plunger pump with a balancing crank-rod drive

UDK: 622.24+621.694.2
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2020-2-58-61
Key words: : jet metering pump, sucker rod pump, ejection pump system, operating point, operating modes, characteristics modeling
Authors: D.O. Panevnyk (Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ukraine, Ivano-Frankivsk), O.V.Panevnyk (Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ukraine, Ivano-Frankivsk)

The fundamental possibility of the joint operation of a ground-based jet pump under the conditions of a sinusoidal change in the working flow created by a sucker rod pump is considered. A mathematical model of the workflow of a ground-based jet metering pump with a power drive in the form of a borehole plunger pump is proposed based on the classical method of determining the operating point of a plant by jointly solving the equations of the characteristics of the pump and its hydraulic system. The methodology for determining the characteristics of the hydraulic system of a jet pump provides for the determination of pressures in characteristic sections of the ejection system with their subsequent presentation in relative form. Modeling the hydraulic connections of the ejection system made it possible to confirm the operability of the layout of the jet and plunger pumps and to establish the presence of special operating modes of the installation: boundary pressure mode corresponding to zero values of the ejection coefficient and the maximum value of the working flow of the jet pump; mode of maximum efficiency of the jet pump; cavitation mode of operation of the jet pump. The regularities of the relationship between the special points of the pressure characteristics of the jet pump and the characteristic angles of rotation of the crank of the ground rod pump drive are established. The diagrams of changes in the flow of the jet metering pump were obtained, the integration of which allows to determine the necessary concentration of the process fluid in the oil flow coming from the well.

The obtained results can be used in predicting the operation parameters of jet pumps in the surface and borehole design with a drive in the form of a sucker rod pump. The conducted studies are the theoretical justification for the use in a single layout of the positive qualities of hydro-jet and sucker-rod operation of oil wells.


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