Implementation of automated system for monitoring of ice coating of power distribution networks in Tatneft PJSC

UDK: 622.276.012:621.311
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2020-7-53-55
Key words: power distribution networks, glaze-ice and rime deposition, monitoring, diagnostics, reliability
Authors: М.F. Sadykov (Kazan State Energy University, RF, Kazan), D.А. Yaroslavsky (Kazan State Energy University, RF, Kazan), D.А. Ivanov (Kazan State Energy University, RF, Kazan), М.P. Goryachev (Kazan State Energy University, RF, Kazan), О.G. Savelyev (Tatneft PJSC, RF, Almetyevsk), Yu.S. Chugunov (Tatneft PJSC, RF, Almetyevsk), Yu.V. Toropchin (Tatneft PJSC, RF, Almetyevsk)
The problem of timely detection of ice deposition on overhead power transmission lines is of current concern. To handle this problem an automated transition line icing monitoring system has been developed to enable remote, real-time detection of ice deposition on power transmission lines at early stages and allow for ice buildup control. Control device is attached to power line at a given distance from suspension point, which allows determination of cable tension force for various overhead spans with minimum adjustments in determination algorithms. Power supply of control devices is provided through magnetic component of electromagnetic field. Acquired data are collected at data collection center, then transmitted to cloud-based server and further to computer for processing in a specialized software. If the readings exceed the acceptable values, the operator will receive a priority-response alarm specifying the lines exhibiting maximum tension due to ice deposition. The icing monitoring system has been designed within the scope of research and development project aimed at the development of a comprehensive icing control system for 110-, 35-, and 6(10)-kV high-voltage lines. Currently underway is pilot testing of the system in Oil and gas Production Department Leninogorskneft on F115-05 6-kV overhead line of PS-115 substation and 35-kV overhead line No.115-301. The results suggest acceptable performance of the system. The system of monitoring and quantitative control of ice deposition on power transmission lines based on wireless control devices has additional functional capabilities such as real-time detection of breakpoint location and short-circuit failure of high-voltage lines within each overhead span through measurements of electric current intensity in the line hosting this device. References 1. Ivanov D.A., Savel'ev O.G., Sadykov M.F., Datchik sistemy monitoringa gololedno-vetrovoy nagruzki (Sensor of monitoring system of ice-wind load), Collected papers “Intellektual'nye energosistemy” (Intelligent power systems), Proceedings of IV International Youth Forum, Tomsk, 10–14 October 2016, Tomsk: Publ. of TPU, 2016, Part 1, pp. 138–140. 2. Yaroslavskiy D.A., Sadykov M.F., Konov A.B. et al., Methodology of monitoring ice on wires with considering misalignment of power line armature (In Russ.), Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Problemy energetiki, 2017, V. 19, no. 5–6, pp. 89–97. 3. Ivanov D.A., Savel'ev O.G., Misbakhov R.Sh., Sistema monitoringa i kolichestvennogo kontrolya gololedoobrazovaniya na provodakh vozdushnykh liniy elektroperedachi (The system of monitoring and quantitative control of icing on the wires of overhead power lines), Collected papers “Energetika, elektromekhanika i energoeffektivnye tekhnologii glazami molodezhi” (Energy, electromechanics and energy-efficient technologies through the eyes of youth), Proceedings of IV Russian youth scientific school-conference, Tomsk, 1–3 November 2016, Tomsk: Publ. of TPU, Part 2, pp. 334–336. 4. Certificate of registration of a computer program no. 2017661562 RF “Programma otobrazheniya dannykh o sostoyanii linii elektroperedach dlya sistemy monitoringa gololedoobrazovaniya” (Power line status data display program for icing monitoring system), Authors: Ivanov D.A., Sadykov M.F., Goryachev M.P., Yaroslavskiy D.A., Chugunov Yu.S., Savel'ev O.G.

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