Formation of requirements to reliability and security of the exploited sections of the linear part of trunk pipelines transportation of oil and oil products

UDK: 622.692.4
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2019-6-106-112
Key words: formation, requirement, reliability, safety, operation, section, linear part, main pipeline, transport, oil, oil products
Authors: D.A. Neganov (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow), N.A. Makhutov (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow), N.E. Zorin (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow)

The modern stage of development of regulation of safety of potentially dangerous objects at the international and national level requires justification, maintenance, control and maintenance of the optimal total socio-economic costs of quantitative safety indicators. To ensure the reliability of transportation of the pumped product and the safety of operation of the existing main pipeline system, a set of measures is being implemented that allows to effectively affect areas where there was a loss of bearing capacity, thereby reducing the accident rate by timely elimination of dangerous defects. However, it is difficult to quantify the technical condition of pipeline sections and to quantify the adequacy, efficiency and economic optimality of the developed measures. As a result, there are no necessary regulatory requirements for the reliability and safety of the pipeline system and its components.

The article considers possible approaches to the quantitative assessment and analysis of reliability, safety and risk parameters of oil trunk pipelines and shows that taking into account the available information on the actual technical condition of objects, loading parameters, operating conditions, the current system of diagnostics and software and information support of the operation process, the most promising is the combination of deterministic and probabilistic methods of analysis.

On the basis of the developed calculation schemes, the possible basic probability criteria for assessing reliability and safety are determined. Two main approaches to the formation of requirements for reliability and safety are formulated: the establishment of permissible levels (frequency, probability) of emergency situations, comparison with the actual level and its consistent reduction due to the relevant organizational and technical measures and ensuring the optimal combination of costs for ensuring and improving safety and possible damage from accidents and incidents during the operation of the sections of the linear part of the main pipelines. In the future, the procedure for assessing the functional and strength reliability, risk and safety of pipeline systems should cover all stages of the life cycle of objects.


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