Examples of reconstruction of productive strata depositional environment in Azerbaijan on the base of well logging data

UDK: 622.323
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2019-5-62-66
Key words: facies, South Caspian basin, productive strata, basin, log, terrigenous formation
Authors: V.M. Seidov (Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry, Azerbaijan, Baku), L.N. Khalilova (Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry, Azerbaijan, Baku)

In the first half of the Pliocene epoch, the productive stratum sedimentation proceeded at the expense of feeding areas rich with quartz component. These areas were located to the north of the Khachmaz relic. They represented both lowlands, and plateaus and uplands, formed as a result of tectonic movements that took place until the end of Pontic time. It should be noted that the development of the basin was due not only to deflection of the bottom, but also to the confluence of large rivers, whose regime was mainly controlled by climatic factors. The latter influenced the change in the amount of water in the rivers and the rate of their flow. The main drainage arteries at this time were: Paleo-Kura, Paleo-Volga, Paleo-Uzboi, as well as Paleo-Araz, Paleo-Pirsagat, Paleo-Ural, Paleo-Emba, Paleo-Sulik, Paleo-Terek and others. According to the principle of the upper asymmetry, seven large rhythms were singled out in the section of the PS of the productive stratum of the Apsheron peninsula. The boundaries between these rhythms correspond to the interruptions in the sedimentation, and in the sole of each rhythm traces of erosion of the regressive part of the previous rhythm. Facies interpretation of well logging data allows to establish the peculiarities of sedimentation conditions on local sites of separate regions that differ from each other in the genesis of precipitation. It is known that the basin in the Pliocene age of the productive stratum throughout the entire time of existence was distinguished by a complex coastal relief influenced by delta systems (including underwater parts) of rivers. All this makes it difficult to reconstruct the sedimentation environments in some areas, despite the fact that the general regularities of the sedimentation of the Pliocene sediments have been identified and studied for the basin of the South Caspian basin.


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