Integrated modeling of the oil rims development of the Pestsovoye field

UDK: 622.276.1/.4.001.57
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2019-2-49-51
Key words: oil rim, multilateral wells, integrated model
Authors: I.V. Kovalenko (Gazpromneft NTC LLC, RF, Saint-Peterburg), A.G. Vydrin (Gazpromneft NTC LLC, RF, Saint-Peterburg), A.Yu. Semenov (Gazpromneft NTC LLC, RF, Saint-Peterburg), A.N. Sukhanov (Gazpromneft NTC LLC, RF, Saint-Peterburg), M.V. Fedorov (Gazpromneft-Razvitie LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg)

This article is devoted to the formation of a conceptual approach to the development of oil fringe of the Valanginian deposits of the Pestsovoye field through the usage of horizontal, multilateral wells and horizontal wells with multistage fracturing. A feature of the geological structure of the main productive layer of the Pestsovoe field, BU92, is a cyclical reservoir formation without hydrodynamic connection between geological cycles. Existing of incise shaled stream channels further complicates geology, which splits productive volume of reservoir into several zones and leads to different height of water-oil-contact and gas-oil-contact.

The adopted design solution for the development of this oil fringe is the drilling of horizontal wells according to the lined system. Development of the reservoir is planned with depletion mode with a fountain method of wells operation.

PVT study made at the stage of pilot works led to decrease in hydrocarbon reserves, therefore resulted in correction of drilling and development strategy. Oil saturated reservoir interval of the oil rim divided into five hydrodynamically isolated geological cycles. For the purpose of maximization of oil recovery factor it is proposed to use multi-hole wells and multistage fracturing in horizontal wells. Both technologies would increase the oil production and reduce the working depression on the reservoir comparing to basic horizontal wells. Which technology is optimal will be determined based on geological conditions in the area of drilling.

Development of the reservoir on depletion mode leads to huge decrease in reservoir pressure which leads to additional analysis of reservoir development with water flooding and gas cycling methods.

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