Mekhfond corporate system: achieved results, medium-term and long-term perspectives

UDK: 681.518:622.276.53
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2018-11-70-73
Key words: Mekhfond information system (IS), management of the mechanized stock, operational monitoring, monitoring of measurements, equipment design, RosPump, equipment selection, package calculation of the mechanized well stock, intellectualization of the production, the smart field, complicated stock
Authors: D.A. Kosilov (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow), D.V. Mironov (RN-CEPiTR LLC, RF, Tyumen), I.V. Naumov (RN-CEPiTR LLC, RF, Tyumen)

In 2018, the Mekhfond corporate information system was put into commercial operation in 17 companies of the Rosneft Oil Company group. The goal of the project of the Mekhfond information system is to increase the efficiency of management of the mechanized stock due to standardization, automation and increase in the efficiency of monitoring processes, analysis and adoption of technological solutions on the operation of a mechanized well stock. IS includes tools for automation of the calculation and selection of equipment for the extraction of hydrocarbons (electrical submersible pump unit, sucker-rod pumping units, sucker-rod screw pumps, electric progressive cavity pumps), taking into account energy consumption parameters and complicating factors. IS provides the specialists of the technological service of oil and gas companies, R&D institutes, the Central Office of Rosneft Oil Company with the possibility to operate on a single information field when solving business tasks related to the management of equipment operation, management of the well stock and technical modes.

The article outlines the composition of the Mekhfond information system, describes the purpose of such subsystems as Management of the mechanized stock, Equipment design and the modules included in these subsystems. Following the results of the implementation of the basic functionality, the working time of workflow personnel in the in Rosneft Oil Company is optimized and the quality of monitoring of the mechanized stock operation is improved due to the automation of the analysis, calculations of submersible equipment, determination of complicating factors and identification of wells with deviations from the technological modes of operation.

As part of the development of the Mekhfond IS, over 35 functional changes and additions to the information system are planned to be implemented within next 5 years, including those aimed at developing artificial intelligence of decision-making when working with the mechanized stock.


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