Rapid assessment of discrepancy and acceleration of history matching in hydrodynamic model

UDK: 622.276.1/.4001.57
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2018-11-100-101
Key words: hydrodynamic model, statistical analysis, automatization, history matching, acceleration
Authors: V.V. Denisov (BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa), M.V. Zhivchuk (BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa)

Development of a hydrodynamic model suitable for project decisions analysis is an iterative process. Usually during history matching current flows, total production and injection, residuals between history and calculated parameters are being estimated. Analysis includes wells ranking according to the total parameters, and detecting the target group of wells for correction. The main criterion for selecting wells for fine tuning is cumulative production of tuning parameter. Wells with the highest current production rates of tuning parameter are being selected for more precise adjustment of the hydrodynamic model. The problem of the standard method consists in the lack of metering for wells that have spent a small time with high rates of tuning parameter, and also absence of an automated search for a time period where the selected well needs additional tuning. We suggested additional ranking on the cumulative tuning parameters and determining the target group of wells within each actual period of time separately. Thus, a specialist obtains a list of wells that require additional tuning, not only based on the entire history development period, but for each specific actual period separately. Analysis of the effect of individual wells on operation in a certain time period is quite laborious, but this work has been automated by the authors. Automatic analysis of residuals with a given time interval has been implemented, and this allows identifying problem wells in each given period of oil formation production.  History matching of hydrodynamic models using statistical analysis for time intervals separately, and not just throughout the all production period, has been tested on a series of works. As a result, authors have successfully accelerated the history matching due to the targeted correction of the wells in specific actual time intervals.


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