Application of multidimensional models for the evaluation of oil displacement efficiency in the Visean productive sediments of the Solikamsk depression

UDK: УДК 622.276.21
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2018-04-58-61
Key words: oil displacement efficiency, porosity, permeability, residual-water saturation, rock density, regression and discriminant analysis, multidimensional equation
Authors: E.A. Gladkikh (Perm National Research Polytechnic University, RF, Perm)

The main reserves of large oil fields discovered in the last century have already been worked out. Much smaller deposits are involved in development to maintain oil production. The calculation of the recoverable reserves of such deposits and the compilation of development documents requires conducting, among other things, studies to determine the oil displacement efficiency that is normally performed in laboratory on the formation models. These works are labor-intensive and time-consuming, require the attraction of significant technical and material resources, and their results are relevant only for specific geological and physical conditions. Moreover, this method of determining the displacement efficiency is impossible, for example, in the absence of a sufficient core, which is relevant for new and relatively small deposits.

Estimation of the displacement efficiency by analogy with other deposits or with use analytical dependencies is alternative method. The author's work is devoted to obtaining these dependencies.

The article presents the main results of studies on the problem of estimating the oil displacement efficiency using the example of the Visean terrigenous deposits of the Solikamsk depression of the Perm Region. Correlation, regression and discriminant analyzes were used to process laboratory data on the oil displacement efficiency. Dependences are obtained that allow us to estimate the displacement efficiency, using, along with the viscosity of oil, the parameters of porosity, permeability, residual water saturation and bulk density of the rock, determined by standard core analysis.

Multidimensional equations are applicated to estimate the oil displacement efficiency in the Visean productive sediments of a number of Solikamsk depression deposits, for which the coefficient value is determined in laboratory conditions. The results showed a high convergence of the model values of the displacement efficiency with the results of special flow studies.


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