Development and implementation of RN-Lab information system for core and reservoir fluid laboratory study

UDK: 681.518 : 550.822.3
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2018-3-98-101
Key words: core analysis, PVT analysis, automated laboratory management system
Authors: V.Z. Kuzenkov (TNNC LLC, RF, Tyumen), D.V. Kashirskikh (TNNC LLC, RF, Tyumen), Yu.A. Ramazanov (TNNC LLC, RF, Tyumen), S.V. Paromov (TNNC LLC, RF, Tyumen), M.F. Serkin (TNNC LLC, RF, Tyumen)

The process of core and formation fluid research involves a significant scope of work which requires a definite sequence of operations, use of general and auxiliary equipment, and involvement of specialists and experts of a different qualification level. Therefore, the question arises of improving the efficiency and of keeping the performance and quality control at high level, developing new technologies and approaches to the analysis of cores from complex reservoirs. An automated system that allows prompt operation with a large array of current and historical information should be available.

To achieve this goal, the authors conducted the analysis of current status of research data set controls; developed algorithms of managing laboratories activity based on application of the process-oriented approach and planning methods; formalized the procedure of automated laboratory’s activity control system; develop a mathematical software for implementing engineering documents management system, with account of specifics of work flows that supports the necessary monitoring of research processes. Implementation of the transfer of centralized control and project’s engineering data to the new corporate portal technology provides uniformity in data structuring and systematization by separate laboratories.

The deliverable of the authors’ work will be RN-LAN System which will allow plan the workload of laboratories, specialists, and equipment; promptly evaluate work volumes both in the whole, and for an individual section of the workflow; control the current status of core studies and work results. Integration of the lab equipment software in RN-LAB for automatic downloading of laboratory research will result into the system’s information field after measurements. It will simplify the system of preparing report materials in accordance with requirements of State Standard ISO/IEC 17025 and State Standard R ISO 9001), help to increase the effectiveness and performance of the Laboratory Center work in general and ensure the transparency of all the processes.


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