Analytical approaches to reserves recovery evaluation and long-term planning of investment in development

UDK: 622.276.1/.4
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2017-12-108-113
Key words: reserves typing, ranking, building production profiles
Authors: A.V. Sergeichev (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow), V.V. Vasilyev, P.V. Zimin, A.V. Stepanov, A.A. Kuzovkov (TNNC LLC, RF, Tyumen)

To date, one of the most important tasks for any oil and gas producing company is the effective planning of field development and operation. According to the authors, the solution to this problem would be a unified Company’s approach to the estimation of recoverable reserves, typing, and ranking thereof according to investment potential. The approach proposed by the authors to reserves typing allows to estimate the depleted areas, the zones that will be depleted by the operating well stock, and the remaining reserves. The reserves of each category can be effective / ineffective, contact, and low-permeable (subject to the Federal Laws defining preferential taxation). The authors proposed two algorithms for estimating recoverable reserves - for an existing operating well stock and for planned wells. Analytical approaches to building production profiles of vertical, directional, and horizontal wells, incl. hydraulically fractured wells, have been considered and programmed. The material balance equation and the Darcy law serve as a physical basis for the model runs. The prediction runs performed for wells sum up the reserves category results. The value of the developed algorithms for building production profiles, defining reserves categories, and making an integrated economic assessment is the uniformity of approaches to the assessment of heterogeneous deposits that allows to compare the results of model runs and to perform target-based ranking. The authors see the potential of this technology as an additional tool for the effective management of the Company's reserves portfolio and justification of setting up pilot projects for hard-to-recover reserves.


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