Planning and construction of the exploration extended-reach well on Rostovitskoye oil field

UDK: 622.241.6
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2017-3-76-79
Key words: exploration extended-reach well; commercial speed increasing; planning
Authors: K.A. Meshcheriakov Konstantin, N.A. Liadova, S.E. Iliasov, S.V. Suntsev, G.P. Molodilo (PermNIPIneft Branch of LUKOIL-Engineering LLC in Perm, RF, Perm), V.A. Iatsenko (LUKOIL-PERM LLC, RF, Perm)
Thick sequence of potassium salt occurrence with commercial value on a global scale is a feature of the geological structure of the north of the Perm region. Construction of the wells within Verkhnekamskoye potash-magnesium field (VPMF) requires compliance of the restrictions relating to the profile of the well, the drilling and cementing slurries in the range of their occurrence. Due to the fact that the Rostovitskoye oil field is located under the VPMF, a course of holes has a vertical section of almost 1000 meters, followed by a set of a zenith angle and then well goes under the protected zone of potash (a departure fr om the mouth well of more than 3000 m). The potential risks considering the peculiarities of the geological structure and the large distances during the well construction have been considered before the start of the design for the formation of the technological measures. As a result of the successful implementation of design solutions during the construction of exploration well No. 102 the high commercial speed (1449 m/months per 1 oil-rig) was achieved. The potential shortening of the well construction was identified according to the results of the drilling: choosing insulation technology of the full acquisitions areas, range of the bits for the silicified rocks drilling and boring heads, providing high mechanical speeds of the drilling and tunneling.


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