The study of rheological parameters of oil-water emulsions of highly paraffinic oils depending on the water content

UDK: 665.622.43
Key words: crude oil, water-oil emulsions, viscosity
Authors: N.A. Nebogina, I.V. Prozorova, N.V. Yudina (Institute of Petroleum Chemistry, Siberian Branch of RAS, RF, Tomsk)
Long-term exploitation of oil and water flooding of oil-bearing layers leads to the formation of stable oil-water emulsions. The properties of the formed emulsions depend on a number of factors, namely: the composition of oil and water, from the density and viscosity of oil and other. We have investigated the structural and rheological properties of oil-water emulsions of petroleum oils. Due to the fact that the viscosity of the highly paraffinic crude oils and their emulsions has high values already at positive temperatures, this creates additional problems in the process. It is shown that the increase of water content in the emulsions leads to a significant increase in viscosity compared with the original oil. Resin-asphaltene components and paraffin hydrocarbons also have a significant impact on the rheological properties of crude oils and their emulsions. The studied group composition of the interfacial layer of water-oil emulsions of highly paraffinic oils. It is found that with increase of water content in oil is an increase in the proportion of n-alkanes and asphaltenes in the interfacial layers of oil-water emulsions of highly paraffinic oil.


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