Conditions of formation and geophysical methods of forecasting factors complicating the development of natural bitumen deposits

UDK: 553.98
Key words: form factors, field, natural bitumen, geophysical methods, field development
Authors: B.V. Uspensky, R.F. Vafin, S.E. Valeeva (Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, RF, Kazan), M.Ya. Borovsky (Geofizservis OOO, RF, Kazan)

Effective development of hydrocarbon deposits depends on the features of the geological structure, the terms of which are caused by the formation of traps and processes of the minerals genesis. Genetic, geodynamic, structural and hydrogeological factors are significant for the formation of traps and deposits of heavy oil and natural bitumen in the Permian deposits Melekess depression. Analysis of the conditions of heavy oil and bitumen deposits formation shows that this process occurred in various facies and paleogeographic environments. The initial stage of the relief formation of Permian sediments in some areas associated with nuclear draping of reef coal formations; many structural shapes formed due to sedimentation processes. The traps in Ufimian - Lower Kazanian bitumen deposits are ateсtonic. Coincidence of structural plans of sandstone packs roofing and overburden is the result of non-uniform densification processes lithology inhomogeneous rocks. Deposits of sandstone packs form linear body in the form of strips, which are located within the channel, delta and delta front, where the reservoir rock is characterized by unevenness. Complicating factors are the development of zones of increased tectonic fracturing the sedimentary sequence; Neogene incisions and others.

The leading geophysical methods in the development of heavy oil and bitumen deposits is a gravimetric, which is of great importance as an effective method for the diagnosis of tectonic zones in the sediment decompression during the operation methods of the secondary stimulation. The authors recommended range of geophysical methods of control over the development of heavy oil and bitumen deposits by secondary stimulation methods, including high-precision magnetic survey, termometric and electromagnetics in various modifications.
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