Development of methods for the assessment of occupational risk tank farm workers

Authors: A.V. Korobov, E.E. Fomina, E.V. Glebova, A.B. Aleksandrov (Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, RF, Moscow), I.V. Voronin (PPON Novoe OJSC, RF, Dmitrov)

Key words: professional risk, technique, safety, a special assessment of working conditions, production control.

The problem of the current legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of risk management is the lack of computational techniques occupational risk assessment adapted to hazardous production facilities of oil and gas complex. Therefore, in this paper we propose a universal technique for occupational risk assessment of workers, which can be used in oil and gas companies, in particular at the tank farms.
1. Trudovoy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii (Labor Code of the Russian Federation) no. 197-FZ from 30.12.01.
2. RF Government Resolution no. 263 ot 10.03.99 g. (red. ot 21.06.13 g.) “Ob organizatsii i osushchestvlenii proizvodstvennogo kontrolya za soblyudeniem
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5. The order of MHSD Russia no. 970n from 09.12.09 “Ob utverzhdenii tipovykh
norm besplatnoy vydachi spetsial'noy odezhdy, spetsial'noy obuvi i drugikh
sredstv individual'noy zashchity rabotnikam neftyanoy promyshlennosti, zanyatym
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s zagryazneniem” (On approval of model rules of free issue of special
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of the oil industry, engaged in work with harmful and (or) hazardous working
conditions and well work carried out in special temperature conditions or pollution).
6. The order of MHSD Russia no. 1122n from 17.12.10 “Tipovye normy besplatnoy vydachi rabotnikam smyvayushchikh i (ili) obezvrezhivayushchikh sredstv” (Model rules of free issue to workers the sweep and (or) detoxifying equipment).
7. Korobov A.V., Fomina E.E., Upravlenie kachestvom v neftegazovom komplekse, 2013, no. 1, pp. 57–58.

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