Structural uncertainties assessment of the geological model based on operational drilling data (on the example of the VK1 reservoir of the Kamennoe license area)

UDK: 550.8.053
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2025-1-6-11
Key words: geological model, uncertainty, horizontal well drilling, VK1 reservoir, Kamennoe license area
Authors: D.I. Abdrazakova (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen); M.V. Lebedev (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen); P.V. Ermakov (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen); R.L. Khazipov (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen); K.E. Zakrevsky (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow)

The article presents the results of the structural uncertainties assessment of sector geological models of the VK1 reservoir of the Kamennoe license area (Krasnoleninsky field, Krasnoleninsky arch, Western Siberia) according to production drilling data. The depth uncertainty of the reservoir top is the critical uncertainty of geological modeling. It is determined that it is described by a normal distribution with estimated parameters. The obtained distribution is of significant practical importance, since it enables to estimate the probability of the reservoir top to be above a certain depth in the oil-water zone. The uncertainty of the reservoir top angle significantly affects the selection of angles for horizontal wells drilling. To solve this problem, the authors formulated the concept of the critical zenith angle (CZA), which defines the corridor of the drilling angles. As a result, it was found that outside the fault zones, the CZA can be assumed to be equal to 1,1 degrees, and in the fault zones – 3,3 degrees. Erroneous definitions of the fault amplitudes lead to a decrease of a horizontal well drilling through the reservoir. Non-confirmation of the amplitude even at 2 m is critical. The probability of getting such an error is 33 %. Thus, comparing the results of geological modeling based on prospecting and exploration wells with the results of production drilling is a reliable source of information about the structural uncertainties of the initial geological model. The results obtained are recommended to be taken into account when setting up production drilling in neighboring areas.


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