The analysis of geological and geophysical characteristics of terrigenous reservoirs at the forecast injectability of wells of Solikamskaya depression

Authors: E.V. Soboleva, A.A. Efimov ( Perm National Research Polytechnic University, RF, Perm), S.V. Galkin (PrognozRNM MIP OOO, RF, Perm)

Key words: terrigenous reservoir, rock wettabillity, unit resistance, hydrophobic system, injectability, input well, pressure maintenance system.

The problems of water injection engineering for terrigenous operational facilities of Solikamskaya depression fields are considered. Collectors’ hydrophobicity influence on the electrical resistance is substantiated for the study area. The analysis of influence of the specific electric resistance on the injectability of input wells and the cumulative compensation by injection sites is carried out. An approach to identification of zones with reservoir of hydrophobic type, for which methods of rock wettability change are proposed, is substantiated.
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