Geological and geochemical assessment of oil and gas in the upper proterozoic possibility sediments of in the Perm Region

Authors: I.A. Kozlova, S.N. Krivoschekov, L.Yu. Zykova (Реrm National Research Polytechnic University, RF, Perm), M.A. Shadrina (PermNIPIneft Branch of LUKOIL-Engineering LLC in Perm, RF, Perm), S.E. Bashkova (KamNIIKIGS JSC, RF, Perm)

Key words: Upper Proterozoic sediments, Kaltasinsky entourage, oil generating potential, chemical and pyrolytic bituminous figures promising zones, zoning intensity of petroleum.

In the geological section of Perm Region Upper Proterozoic sediments lying below the industrial development of the oil industry depths are considered as potentially oil generating and oil productive column. As part of these deposits two sets of rocks were allocated: Riphean and Vendian, degree of scrutiny that is uneven. This study was conducted on the results of the processing sections 700 wells penetrated these deposits in the Perm region. According to a survey set spatial boundaries spread stratigraphic subdivisions of the Riphean and Vendian complexes, changing the thickness and lithology. Analyzed geological and geochemical information allowed to identify in these deposits Kaltasinsky retinue Lower Riphean complex having the most optimal and favorable conditions during sedimentation in terms of forming generation potential. To assess the possibility of generation of petroleum hydrocarbons in sediments authors analyzed Kaltasinsky Formation geological, chemical and pyrolytic bituminous indicators (from 200 - to 400 determinations). Using statistical analysis methods parameter distributions studied by area spread Kaltasinsky suites and the section in the Perm region. Zoning development of Kaltasinsky Formation was carried out by the degree of intensity of oil and gas generation.

Thus, the analysis made it possible to differentiate the study area on the prospects of a possible oil and gas potential on the basis of the study of geological and geochemical characteristics of the organic matter of rocks and highlight priority areas for more detailed studies of the structural, tectonic and other features that characterize the conditions of migration and accumulation of hydrocarbons in the Upper ancient sediments.
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