Description of operating procedure of submersible hydro cyclones

Authors: N.A. Antipina (Novomet-Perm CJSC, RF, Perm), S.N. Peshcherenko (Perm National Research Polytechnic University, RF, Perm)

Key words: oil industry, submersible hydro cyclones, separation ratio, computational fluid dynamics

A simulation model of workflow for submersible hydro cyclones was developed. It is established that increasing of the separation ratio k with the growth of the flow rate Q is explained by the growth of centrifugal forces acting on the mechanical particles. Growth ends when large-scale vortices form in the area of the stream turning to 180 degrees as flow rate Q continues to increase. Therefore, the dependence k(Q) is non-monotonic in general. It is shown that separation ratio can be improved by changing the length of the vortex chamber through decreasing vortex formation in the area of flow turn. The criterion of hydrodynamic similarity for the submersible hydro cyclones is suggested.

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