On adaptation of geological and hydrodynamic models and using the results of simulation for control of fields development in Belarus

Authors: V.G. Zhoglo, N.A. Demyanenko, A.V. Khaletskiy, S.I. Grimus, N.M. Vinitskaya, N.I. Budnik (BelNIPIneft, RUE Production Association Belorusneft, the Republic of Belarus, Gomel)

Key words: hydrodynamic modeling of the development of oil fields, reverse geofiltrational problem, carbonate reservoir, Ostashkovichskoye oil field.

Individual aspects of the problem of adaptation of geological and hydrodynamic models of developed oil fields with no proper covering in Russian scientific publications are stated. In particular, an attention is accented on the achievements of the Russian hydrogeological school at solving inverse problems of geofiltration. The results of the performed works are generalized. The basic criteria of the reliability of geological and hydrodynamic model are picked out.



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