Selection of acid compositions for the bottomhole zone treatment according to the data of the nuclear-physical methods

Authors: T.V. Khismetov, A.M. Bernshtein (STC GeotehnoKIN ZAO, RF, Moscow), L.A. Magadova, Z.R. Davletov (Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, RF, Moscow), A.N. Nikitin (SPC Tvergeofizika OAO, RF, Tver)

Key words: acid treatment, the nuclear-physical methods of wells survey, terrigenous reservoir, the material constitution of reservoir rocks, the acid composition.

Carrying out of complex of wells research with nuclear-physical methods allows (even in the absence of original geophysical documenting of the section) to execute the lithological partitioning of the section, to determine the capacitive characteristics and material constitution of reservoir rocks to sel ect acid compositions. The information about the solving ability of different acid systems for terrigenous reservoirs samples with chlorite-micaceous and carbonate cement is obtained with the help of gravimetric method and the X-ray quantitative analysis. The algorithm of acid compositions choice for the treatments of terrigenous reservoirs of different mineralogical composition in a wide range of change their geological and physical properties is developed.


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