Tracer tests of productive intervals of J of the field Kalamkas

Authors: Sun Hsing Yun, M.D. Dosmukhambetov (Mangistaumunaygaz JSC, Kazakhstan, Aktau), A.V. Ignatenko (Altair Ltd, RF, Tomsk), A. Nesterkin (Alstron-Telecom LLP, Kazakhstan, Almaty)

Key words: tracer tests, flooding, oil reservoir, channel, tracer, hydrodynamic relations, well, rhodamine C, ammonium thiocyanate, carbamide, disodium phosphate, strength (consentration).

Only reliable information about hydrodynamic processes occurring in the developed reservoir can provide the effective control for the flooding process. One of the most informative direct methods to determine inter-well parameters is indicator tracer methods. This article presents the results obtained from the complex tracer test conducted in the year of 2011 at the field Kalamkas and extended conclusions as well.


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