Structure of voids in Devonian and Carbonic carbonate reservoirs of oil fields in the Republic of Bashkortostan

Authors: R.Kh. Masagutov (Bashneft JSOC, RF, Ufa), O.D. Ilemenova, E.N. Savelieva, O.B. Dyakonova (BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa)

The peculiarities of voids in productive Devonian and Carbonic carbonate deposits of oil fields in Bashkortostan are discussed as identified by petrographic studies of core material and large thin sections. The key role of primary and secondary pores and vugs is revealed, fracture microporosity contributes to fluid flowing through voids. Secondary processes significantly influence the porosity and permeability of the investigated reservoir rocks. Fractures play a major role in the geology of Famennian and Baskirian reservoirs.

Key words: carbonate reservoirs,petrography, porosity, permeability, voids.


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