Geological-and-hydrological substantiation brine pumping into absorbing beds (geological horizon) in Samara Region

Authors: A.V. Grishagin, L.A. Akifieva, G.I. Dolganova, V.A. Kolesnikov, G.B. Semenova (SamaraNIPIneft LLC)

The article describes a conceptual scheme of the integrated system for «oil dehydration – reservoir pressure maintenance – waste water disposal». A series of oilfields belonging to Samaraneftgaz were studied with regard to the structure of deep intake horizons, their reservoir and intake properties, regional seals, and compatibility of injected water, intake horizon water and reservoir rocks. The presented examples demonstrate the ranking of examined intake horizons based on their stratigraphical, geological, physical, hydrodynamic and chemical properties collection, which helps to select proper reservoir zones for the waste water disposal.

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