A comparative analysis of results of laboratory experiments for determination of rock absolute permeability

Authors: A.A. Volf, A.V Kulyavtsev (Tyumen Branch of SurgutNIPIneft)
Results of laboratory experiments run to determine the rock absolute permeability using various agents are presented. At defining the rock absolute permeability for liquid it is necessary to take into account not only Klinkenberg’s effect but also intermolecular interaction of liquid with the rock matrix. In the field of low permeabilities (down to 10 mD) a high difference in the values of gas and water permeability is observed which is explained by the strong interaction between aqueous solutions and rock. With a decrease of salts content in the water the absolute permeability reduces which results from the increase in the thickness of the dual electrical layer. The ultimate value of the permeability for li - quid is achieved at filtration of the distilled water.

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