Use of the risk-based approach and the Bow Tie Diagram method to improve safety of tripping operations in the course of well servicing and workover

UDK: 658.382.3:622.276.5
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2023-2-101-104
Key words: tripping operations, tubing, elevator, well servicing and workover operations, risk factor, barrier, triggering event, hazardous event, barrier deterioration
Authors: I.F. Gilyazov (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow), S.Yu. Ryazantsev (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow), I.S. Sivokon (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow; Gubkin University, RF, Moscow)

Tripping operations (TO) constitute a significant share of labor efforts while performing well servicing and workover. TO is one of the most labor-consuming and non-automated operations in the course of well servicing and workover; currently it is not possible to free a man from his direct participation in these operation.

The article discusses the ways of possible prevention of a safety event associated with tubing falling out of the elevator ETA type during tripping operations. Tubing falling out of an elevator causes accidents (e.g., tubing string collapse) or personnel related safety events. When investigating oft-recurring safety events in TO, one of the root causes of tubing falling out of an elevator is erroneous decision making by those directly involved in the operation, i.e., human factor. Application of the risk-based approach and the Bow Tie Diagram method to map cause-and-effect relationships in oft-recurring safety events associated with tubing falling out of an elevator during TO allows to identify negative actions related to human factors and helps to create preventive mechanisms to control preventive and reactive safety barriers. The article presents the results of analysis of the causes and methods to prevent tubing fallout from elevators and shows a variant of effective measures to prevent similar safety events. In order to create a long-term positive effect for preventive and reactive safety barriers aimed at reducing the risk of injury and reducing consequences of tubing falling out of an elevator, a new approach is proposed. Proposed method for influencing the personnel of oilfield service companies, providing well servicing and workover services, through practice-oriented trainings based on the use of thematic shock training simulators.


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