MARS: scenarios monitoring and analysis system

UDK: 681.518:622.279
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2022-11-42-46
Key words: gas fields, gas-condensate fields, digital model, flow simulation model, integrated model, field digital twin, automation, permanent integrated models (PIM), gas gathering system, RN-Alfa, information system MARS, product life management (PLM), building information modeling (BIM)
Authors: О.А. Loznyuk (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow), А.V. Martynov (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen), V.D. Usachev (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow)

Correctly predicted production profiles and technological indicators for gas and gas condensate fields may require the use of integrated models that take into account mutual influence of a reservoir and surface infrastructure. In the last decade, their more complex versions - PIM (permanent integrated models) have been used. Widespread application of PIM is constrained by various challenges, including both technical and informational ones. To solve the latter, it was proposed and decided to create a corporate information system MARS (scenarios monitoring and analysis). The first version of the system is considered mainly as a tool of business analytics in the development and operation of oil and gas condensate fields. Thus, the introduction of MARS in the short term will save time and funds when optimizing the development system using PIM, and increase the reliability of decisions made. The long-term goal of implementing MARS system is to create and support full-fledged digital twins of oil and gas assets. The main advantages of digital twins versus PIM will be: 1) real-time access to telemetry data and prompt accounting and use of these data in the models; 2) implementation of tools for storage and analysis of big data, optimization algorithms based on the up-to-date digital technologies (Machine Learning, AI, neural networks); 3) model type in a digital twin. Models of objects (gas treatment units, booster compressor station, etc.) supplement conventional permanent integrated models of processes (fluid flow in a reservoir, pipeline flow, finished product processing). At the same time, models in a twin are interdependent, a change in the elements of one of them leads to a change in the associated models. Transition to a digital twin with the introduction of object models will allow to implement such approaches as Product Life Management (PLM) aimed at reducing well downtime, likelihood of accidents and increasing the efficiency of logistics; and Building Information Modeling (BIM) to reduce costs and errors in field infrastructure designing. According to the economic assessment, a positive effect from the system implementation will exceed expenditures (for its creation and operation) by more than 2 times.


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