The concept of monitoring and optimization of oil reservoirs waterflooding under the conditions of displacement front instability

UDK: УДК 622.276.43
DOI: DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2021-11-104-109
Key words: filtration of multiphase fluids, flooding system, regulation of well operation modes, growth models, discriminant analysis
Authors: A.Kh. Shakhverdiev1, S.V. Arefiev2 1Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State Geological Prospecting University, RF, Moscow 2LUKOIL-Western Siberia LLC, RF, Kogalym

Technologies of non-stationary reservoir flooding are a settled oil recovery method of oil production and reservoir pressure maintenance under the development of most hydrocarbon deposits in the Russian Federation. First of all, this is due to the feasibility, accessibility and low price of water sources for waterflooding. However, the water injection of creates a deferred problem – the inevitable, often water breakthrough, provoked by a sudden and irreversible change in water saturation. The problem of optimization and effective management of the process of non-stationary flooding remains an urgent task. The two-phase flowtheory of Buckley and Leverett does not take into account the loss of stability of the displacement front, provoking a step change and the triplicity of the water saturation value. Therefore, at one time, a mathematically simplified approach was proposed - a repeatedly differentiable approximation to exclude a "jump" in water saturation. Such a simplified solution results in negative consequences well-known from the practice of flooding, recognized by experts as "viscous instability of the displacement front", "finger-shaped displacement front", "dagger flooding of well products", "premature water breakthrough in producing wells", "fractal geometry of displacement front movement". The core of the problem is an attempt to predict the beginning of the loss of stability of the oil displacement front and to prevent its negative consequences on the water flooding in difficult conditions of interaction of hydrothermodynamic, capillary, molecular, inertial and gravitational forces.

In this study, the methods of catastrophe theory are used as a new approach for the analysis of nonlinear polynomial dynamical systems. For this purpose, a mathematical model of growth is selected and by solving the inverse problem, the initial coefficients of the system of differential equations of a two-phase flow are defines. A unified control parameter has been identified, which is used as a discriminant criterion of oil and water growth models for monitoring, control and optimizing the process of water flooding.


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