Sedimentological grading of Upper Devonian carbonate bodies of different scales is a condition for reaching a new level of exploration in the Volga-Ural petroleum province

UDK: УДК 553.98(470.4/.5)
DOI: DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2021-11-76-81
Key words: Volga-Ural petroleum province, Upper Devonian, sedimentary carbonate bodies, cluster reef, patch reef, isolated reefs, isolated carbonate platform, rimmed carbonate platform
Authors: A.P. Vilesov (Gazpromneft NTC LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg)

The geology paradigm plays a very important role in geological exploration of a petroleum sedimentary basin or sedimentary complex. Paradigm changing or adjusting leads to a new level of exploration and discovery of new hydrocarbon deposits. The Upper Devonian sedimentary complex has important structure-forming significance for overlying deposits of Carboniferous and Permian in the Volga-Ural petroleum province. It contains numerous open oil deposits and has significant resource potential. Main attention was paid for a long time to the barrier arch-shaped rises framed the Kama-Kinel depressions, since the largest oil traps and oil deposits are confined to them. At the same time, the internal structure of the Upper Devonian deposits has a much more complex structure than is generally believed. The Famenian rimmed carbonate platforms are the resulting morphological forms of Late Devonian sedimentation in Volga-Ural paleobasin. Sedimentary carbonate bodies of a smaller scale stand out inside them. The traditional bed approach leads to underestimation and loss of potential oil reservoirs and significantly narrows the field of the geology exploration. Understanding of morphology features of multi-scale carbonate bodies of Frasnian and Famenian has important practical value as directly influences the strategy of exploration works within license areas and geological interpretation of the 3D seismic.


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