Methodology for analyzing the actual ratio of horizontal and directional wells performance indicators

UDK: УДК 622.276.66.02
DOI: DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2021-11-42-47
Key words: ratio of wells performance indicators, horizontal wells, multistage hydraulic fracturing, methodological recommendations, typical methodological errors
Authors: A.V. Miroshnichenko1, V.A. Korotovskikh1, T.R. Musabirov1, A.E. Fedorov2 1Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow 2RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa

In conditions of deterioration of the reservoir properties of potential oil and gas bearing areas on mature and green fields, engineers are continuously searching and developing effective well completion technologies to maintain and increase oil production levels. Based on successful international experience, Russian oil and gas companies use horizontal wells (HW) with multi-stage hydraulic fracturing (MSHF) for the cost-effective development of low-permeable reservoirs. In searching for the best technologies and engineering solutions, the companies tested different lengths of horizontal section of HW, the number of hydraulic fracturing (HF) stages and distances between hydraulic fracturing ports, as well as different specific mass of the proppant per frac port. At the same time, publications practically do not describe systemic approaches to assessing the actual technological efficiency of HW with MSHF and the viability of increasing the technological complexity of horizontal well completion technologies.

The aim of this work was to develop the methodical recommendations for analyzing the actual ratio of performance indicators of HW with MSHF of various designs (different lengths of horizontal section of HW and the number of HF stages) compared with directional wells (DW) with single HF. Developing the methodical recommendations for analyzing we discovered the typical methodological errors and developed the methodology for analysis of the actual ratio of indicators of wells of various designs, in particular, HW with MSHF relative to DW with HF. The discussed methodological recommendations and automated forms of the actual multiplicity of performance indicators analysis of HW with MSHF and DW with HF have been tested at key fields of Rosneft Oil Company.


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