Main principles of reserves estimation and reservoir engineering in low-permeable Turonian gas reservoirs at Rosneft assets

UDK: УДК 622.324:553.98.04
DOI: DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2021-11-32-38
Key words: Turonian deposits, Kuznetsovskaya suite, Gazsalinskaya unit, volumetric parameters, gas targets, low-permeability reservoir, geological model, petrophysical model, geomechanical model, integrated model, hydraulic fracturing
Authors: O.A. Loznyuk1, K.B. Kuziv2, A.N. Kiselev2, T.E. Topalova2, Yu.D. Kholkina2, A.P. Kovalenko2 1Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow 2Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen

The article describes the main principles of estimating volumetric parameters of gas onshore deposits in low-permeable reservoirs of the Turonian stage that were formed as a result of long-term study of "over-Cenomanian" deposits at the fields of Rosneft Oil Company, in particular, at the largest Kharampurskoye oil and gas condensate field. Based on a detailed analysis of the section, the authors formulated recommendations for optimal logging suite, well testing and analysis of core taken from highly swellable clay rocks of the Kuznetsovskaya suite, as well as for complex interpretation of geological and geophysical data for estimating gas reserves in unconventional reservoirs that were previously considered as substandard. The authors substantiated an optimal development strategy and technology for low-permeable gas reservoirs of the Turonian age based on the cycle of conceptual design of infrastructure, geomechanical and dynamic modeling of the reservoir, taking into account the economic efficiency at each stage of the work. Recommendations for drilling and research work have also been substantiated. Based on the results of the study of the Kharampurskoye field, a special methodology for the development design and assessment of volumetric parameters of dry gas in the Turonian deposits makes it possible to increase the reliability of the obtained geological and petrophysical information, and to calculate initial gas in-place with a higher degree of accuracy. This, in turn, will make it possible to correctly substantiate an economically efficient strategy for the development of low-permeable Turonian gas deposits, as well as reduce technological and economic risks. And the proposed approaches to the development of a specific target will involve prospective areas of the Turonian gas deposits in Western Siberia into development.


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