Computer modeling software for applied engineering analysis in the field of assessing the hydrochemical processes of oil and gas production

UDK: 622.276.438:628.3(470.4/5)
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2021-8-81-83
Key words: carbonates, sulphates, stability and compatibility of reservoir waters, hydrogen sulphide, ionic iron, iron sulphide, reservoir flooding, waterflooding agent quality standards
Authors: V.N. Kozhin (SamaraNIPIneft LLC, RF, Samara), A.V. Grishagin (SamaraNIPIneft LLC, RF, Samara), O.S. Fedotkina (SamaraNIPIneft LLC, RF, Samara), D.V. Kashaev (SamaraNIPIneft LLC, RF, Samara), O.V. Gladunov (Samaraneftegas JSC, RF, Samara)

The article presents a brief description of the Samaraneftegas’s software for determining the precipitation of calcium carbonate and sulphate, the formation of iron sulphide when mixing different types of water with each other and predictive rationing of the quality of wastewater when injected into reservoirs. The article highlights the features of computer programs for engineering calculation methods and the scope of their application in problems for various technological processes of oil and gas production. The calculation program for the assessment of salt deposition in the determination of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) takes into account the dependence of all constants on mineralization, in the determination of calcium sulphate (CaSO4) uses three methods: with strict conditions, averaged and taking into account elevated temperature and magnesium ions. The Iron Sulphide Precipitation Assessment (FeS) program takes into account the excess of one component over another (H2S and Fe2+). The program for rationing water quality for flooding takes into account a unique base of a reference sample of values of indirect search signs for recognizing the type of reservoir of an oil deposit. The choice of the reservoir type with engineering calculations of the stability and compatibility of reservoir waters using computational programs that take into account the unique properties and high mineralization of the waters of the deposits of the Volga-Ural region allows choosing the optimal strategy for organizing the system of oil collection, oil treatment, reservoir pressure maintenance and waste water disposal at all stages of the design and operation of oilfield facilities. The programs are also suitable for use in the selection of well silencing fluid and the prevention of salt deposits in the process of oil production.


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