Thermophysical modeling of processes in the soil foundations of oil pipelines in the Arctic and on the shelf

UDK: 622.692.4.07(211)
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2021-6-102-107
Key words: oil pipeline, concreted oil pipelines, multilayer shells, thermal field, modeling, permafrost, finite element modeling
Authors: V.V. Golik (Industrial University of Tyumen, RF, Tyumen), M.Yu. Zemenkova (Industrial University of Tyumen, RF, Tyumen), Yu.D. Zemenkov (Industrial University of Tyumen, RF, Tyumen), T.G. Ponomareva (Industrial University of Tyumen, RF, Tyumen)

Modern rates of hydrocarbons extraction, as well as the development of new northern territories for increasing production volumes, dictate the need to take into account a large number of variables that change over time when designing new transport networks in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. Special attention is paid to the thawing of permafrost soils. Long-term forecasting of the behavior of permafrost soils around an underground oil pipeline makes it possible to prevent accidents and environmental disasters, which have become more frequent in recent years due to the deterioration of the used technological equipment. The article presents the author's mathematical model and approbation of the method of heat engineering calculations for multilayer oil pipelines. A section of an oil pipeline running in difficult geocryological conditions is modeled, a methodology for calculating thermal processes occurring in the ‘pipe – soil’ system and the main results achieved are described. The simulation was carried out using several options of insulating material with the same internal diameter of the pipeline and the pumping mode. Verification of the mathematical model was carried out using a universal software system for finite element modeling ANSYS and a module developed by the authors for conducting thermal calculations TPS. The article also presents the main algorithms for constructing a model, predicting the materials necessary for calculating, taking into account their properties, building, correcting and refining the model mesh and setting up the solver. Simulation results are presented in graphical form with the distribution of halos depending on the season and the insulation materials used.

The developed method for modeling the thermal state of a pipeline in permafrost soil can be recommended for use in the development of design documentation for various purposes.


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