Features of planning and execution of a 3D seismic survey project in the conditions of extreme shallow water of the Pechora Sea shelf

UDK: 550.834(26)
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2021-6-44-49
Key words: 3D seismic survey, work planning, work organization, risk analysis, lessons learned, quality control, health, safety and environment (HSE) management system
Authors: S.V. Gorbachev (RN-Shelf-Arctic LLC, RF, Moscow), A.B. Titov (RN-Shelf-Arctic LLC, RF, Moscow), V.V. Obmetko (Rosneft Oil Company PJSC, RF, Moscow), U.V. Reidik (Rosneft Oil Company PJSC, RF, Moscow)

Offshore exploration on the shelf is a complex and expensive task, where the success depends on a comprehensive study of technical, technological, administrative, environmental, industrial safety issues and other aspects of the work. This paper presents an example of the successful implementation of 3D seismic survey by Rosneft in the extreme shallow water of the Pechora Sea, based on the use and application of an integrated project planning and control system, taking into account risk analysis, aimed at minimizing negative factors and increasing work efficiency, and also ensuring compliance with and fulfillment of industrial safety, labor and environmental protection requirements in the implementation of offshore projects. The main elements of an integrated system from the planning stage to the full completion of the work are considered. Stages of planning and execution of 3D seismic surveys in the extreme shallow water of the Pechora Sea shelf are discussed. With the help of seismic modeling, the substantiation of the method of field work was carried out from the point of view of solving specific geological problems. Based on the analysis of the market, the features of the choice of vessels and equipment for performing seismic operations are presented, taking into account the limited market of contractors and vessels in the Russian Federation, as well as their capabilities to perform work at minimum depths. Early elaboration of the issue of the scheme and the shooting priority, taking into account the existing obstacles, difficulties and limitations, allowed to increase the optimization of productivity and minimize the downtime of the vessel. An effective approach to obtaining high-quality field materials and results of fast-track processing in a short time is shown. The implemented HSE management system, including a complex of epidemiological measures, made it possible to ensure the implementation of seismic exploration without incidents.


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