Connection of lineaments and nodes of their intersections with the oil and gas content of the Caspian syneclise and its framing

UDK: 553.98
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2021-6-22-26
Key words: Caspian syneclise, geological decoding, lineaments, oil and gas content, disjunctive dislocations
Authors: L.V. Miloserdova (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), K.I. Dаntsova (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), S.F. Khafizov (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), K.O. Iskaziev (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow), A.V. Osipov (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow)

The Caspian region is one of the first oil and gas-bearing regions where aerospace studies were conducted to study its structure and forecast oil and gas content. The paper describes the relationship between the oil and gas content of the Caspian syneclise and the lithospheric permeability nodes caused by disjunctive tectonics, revealed from satellite images of various levels of generalization. As a rule, disjunctives are reflected in space images in the form of lineaments. The images of different scales clearly show that the earth's crust has a hierarchically block structure. Blocks are limited, as a rule, by lineaments that form regular systems, primarily radial-concentric and planetary. Traditional decryption methods and the LESSA software package (Lineament extraction and statistical analysis) were used.

It is noted that the largest oil and gas fields are statistically confined to lineaments and their intersections, reflecting the nodes of increased permeability of the lithosphere. The hydrocarbon deposits are confined to the intersection points of the lineaments, which also have their own microblock structure. The space image of the Caspian syneclise is a complex radial-concentric system of lineaments, centered in the Tentexor tract. In this paper, the authors propose a geodynamic model of the formation of a radial-concentric system of faults reflected in the lineaments, as a result of the action of a giant "funnel" under the modern Caspian Sea. The relationship between the "nodes" of the intersection of the maxima of planetary fracturing and the inflows and oil in the carbonate reservoirs is considered. The regular frequency of the size and orientation of the blocks allows remote methods to predict the location of hydrocarbon deposits.


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