Technical and economic assessment in energy efficiency benchmarking of oil pipelines

UDK: 622.692.4:536.243
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2021-5-118-121
Key words: energy efficiency benchmarking, non-isothermal pipeline, anti-turbulent additive, oil transportation, energy consumption, efficiency criterion
Authors: S.E. Kutukov (Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow), O.V. Chetvertkova (Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow), A.I. Golyanov (Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow)

The approbation of an economic and technological approach to assessing the effectiveness of pipeline operation is proposed to promote the development of benchmarking methods for trunk oil pipelines energy efficiency. Besides specific energy consumption, the approach also considers several parameters of operating costs which arise with the implementation of special oil transportation technologies. Methodologically, all the characteristic operating costs depending on the technological parameters of transportation are brought to their energy equivalent using relevant price indicators. This allows for a major expansion of the benchmarking methodology application area with regard to comparing operating efficiency of oil pipelines based on the efficiency factor of trunk oil pipelines process sections. As an example, this paper includes the results of an economic and technological efficiency analysis of a non-isothermal pipeline process section where an anti-turbulent additive is applied to improve the transportation capacity. Notably, the calculation of the pipeline thermal conditions takes into account the phenomenon of the transported oil being heated by friction when oil pipelines are operated under forced conditions and the fact that the presence of an anti-turbulent additive in the oil flow reduces the intensity of heat transfer to the pipeline’s internal wall. It is demonstrated that application of anti-turbulent additives to increase the transportation capacity becomes an economically viable measure only because of additional transportation volumes. Substantial factors limiting the application of the DR technology are the anti-turbulent additive cost and hot oil losses during the transshipment process at the final destination terminal. A range of anti-turbulent additive concentrations has been determined which allows to operate the oil pipeline at a high level of cost-effectiveness.


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